Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases in today's life. This disease can cause many complicated, even life-threatening complications. Therefore, the planning of care for hypertensive patients is a very necessary action. The goal is to maintain stable blood pressure, limiting possible complications. Through the following article, Dr. Nguyen Lam Giang will present this issue in more detail.


Why should a hypertensive patient care plan?

First, let's explore the importance of caring for hypertensive patients. Besides health education for hypertensive patients. Caring for patients with high blood pressure is equally important.

High blood pressure is a dangerous disease

The prevalence of hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious medical condition. This pathology greatly increases the risk of diseases of the heart, brain, kidneys and many other organs. Therefore, the care of hypertensive patients should be paid special attention.

An estimated 1.13 billion people worldwide have high blood pressure. Nearly 67% of people with high blood pressure live in developing countries. Also known as low- and middle-income countries.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Hypertension is very common in the world

In 2015, according to WHO estimates, 1 in 4 men and 20% of women had high blood pressure. Less than 20% of people with high blood pressure have problems under control. Besides, high blood pressure is the main cause of premature death worldwide.

One of the world goals for NCDs is to: Reduce the prevalence of high blood pressure by a quarter between 2010 and 2025. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the quality of patient care planning. hypertension.

Dangers of high blood pressure

Knowing the dangers of hypertension, we will learn how important a hypertensive care plan is. High blood pressure, or hypertension, rarely causes obvious symptoms. However, if left untreated, it increases the risk of serious complications. Such as heart attack and stroke , can cause death at any time.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Complications of stroke due to high blood pressure

Without a proper care plan for hypertensive patients, the disease will develop more and more seriously. According to medical experts, high blood pressure can destroy the patient's body silently for many years. This condition can occur before symptoms are detected, or the patient is diagnosed.

High blood pressure can lead to disability, severely reducing quality of life. Or even cause heart attack, brain stroke, life-threatening.

Principles of care planning for hypertensive patients

Objectives of care planning for hypertensive patients

The principles of developing a hypertensive care plan aim at the following goals:

  • Well control blood pressure, maintain blood pressure within normal limits in a sustainable way.
  • Limit the possible complications of high blood pressure.
  • Timely treatment of complications occurs to protect the patient's health.
  • Prevention of hypertensive crisis, emergency, difficult to control.
  • Minimize drug-resistant hypertension.
  • Find the lowest dose that is most effective for maintaining stable blood pressure.
  • Instruct the patient to maintain a strong and scientific lifestyle. The goal is to stabilize blood pressure and limit possible complications.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Need to plan care for patients with hypertension

Principles of hypertension care planning

High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition that usually progresses over time. This disease can cause unforeseen complications, always silently threatening the patient's life. Therefore, when making a care plan for a hypertensive patient, family members need to work closely with the doctor to know the condition of the disease.

On that basis, close care for people with high blood pressure will help control the disease well. It also prolongs the duration of complications. More importantly, in specific hypertensive care planning :

  • The patient needs to live in a comfortable environment.
  • Minimizing major changes in both psychological and physical.
  • Patients should stay optimistic, live happily, love life.

Steps in planning hypertension care

The process of caring for a hypertensive patient includes the basic steps outlined below. It is preferable to include in the hypertensive care log:

Check blood pressure at home, follow up periodically

In caring for hypertensive patients at home, the simplest and most important thing is to check blood pressure. Patients can self-measure their blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer at least twice a day. Or measure more times if you feel abnormal signs. For example: Headache, lightheadedness, heaviness in the head, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Check your blood pressure at home regularly

Along with checking blood pressure at home, patients should have regular check-ups. The purpose of re-examination is to detect complications of hypertension for timely treatment. Such as thickening of the heart chambers, arrhythmia, heart failure , kidney failure, etc.

Building a suitable menu for people with high blood pressure

Dietary issues are also very important for people with high blood pressure. Eating a scientific and reasonable diet contributes to stabilizing blood pressure and enhancing the health of the cardiovascular system. A suitable menu for people with high blood pressure should:

  • Less salt in food preparation. Ideally, no more than 6 grams of salt per day.
  • Should not be too much starch.
  • Limit saturated fat.
  • Cut down on alcohol, alcoholic or stimulant drinks.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Building a suitable menu for people with high blood pressure

Weight control – an important content in health education for hypertensive patients

Overweight and obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure. Good weight control will help stabilize blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Patients should maintain a weight so that their BMI is between 18.5 and 23.

BMI is calculated by the formula: Weight (Kg)/ (Height (m))2.

Patients can control their weight through the following methods:

  • Low-carbohydrate diet.
  • Do not eat too much fat, especially animal fat.
  • Limit eating at night, eat late in the evening after 19:00.
  • Maintain a daily exercise routine.
  • Apply some natural weight loss methods. For example: Drink lemon tea, honey tea, green tea, bitter melon tea, etc.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

Have a suitable weight loss regimen

Maintain a consistent exercise routine

This is an integral part of the hypertensive care plan. Experts encourage people with high blood pressure to maintain an appropriate exercise routine. Exercise moderately, not too much. Exercise should be at least 30 minutes a day and at least 5 days a week.

Limit stimulants, tobacco

This issue is quite important in the care of hypertensive patients. To stabilize blood pressure, the hypertensive patient care plan also reminds patients to give up smoking. Also limit stimulants. Includes alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Or drinks containing caffeine, cocaine. The reason is because stimulants will increase the body's sympathetic system activity. This leads to increased heart rate, increased cardiac output, and increased blood pressure.

Control the amount of salt in the diet

Things to keep in mind in the care of hypertensive patients at home. People with high blood pressure should eat light, should not eat too much salt. Because salt stimulates the body to retain water, thereby raising blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure should eat no more than 5-6 grams of table salt per day.

Guidelines for proper care planning for hypertensive patients

People with high blood pressure should eat less salt

Keep your mind at ease

This is a problem in the care of patients with high blood pressure that is easy to overlook. It is necessary to develop a rest regimen for hypertensive patients. The patient should not work too much. At the same time, keep your mind relaxed and get enough sleep. Because regular psychological stress will increase blood pressure. Sometimes stress makes people more susceptible to mental complications due to high blood pressure, such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc.

We hope this article will help you better understand hypertensive care planning . From there, patients with high blood pressure should adhere to the care plan set forth by their medical professional. The main purpose is to stabilize blood pressure and limit possible complications.