Signs and Symptoms of Disease

All information about Pikolin Ocavill . tablets

All information about Pikolin Ocavill . tablets

Impaired blood circulation disrupts the entire blood circulation system in our body. From there, it will lead to many dangerous complications that reduce the functioning of the body.

Can cabbage be eaten raw? Who should not eat cabbage?

Can cabbage be eaten raw? Who should not eat cabbage?

Cabbage contains very few calories, but is an excellent source of nutrients for health. But many people still wonder if cabbage can be eaten raw? Let's find out together!

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes have many good effects for the body such as clearing heat, cleaning the blood, eliminating toxins in the body, so it is widely used in the daily meals of every family. Sweet potatoes are recommended for postpartum women, but can women after cesarean eat sweet potatoes, let's find out.

Can pregnant women drink saffron pistil?

Can pregnant women drink saffron pistil?

Drinking saffron is not a concern of many pregnant women. So what is the correct answer, let's find out with SignsSymptomsList in this article.

The most common types of goiter - Signs and treatment

The most common types of goiter - Signs and treatment

Types of goiter are manifestations of thyroid disease, have different causes and nature. Depending on the type of goiter the patient has, there are different treatments, or even no treatment at all.

Can pregnant women eat crabs? The benefits pregnant women need to know about this seafood

Can pregnant women eat crabs? The benefits pregnant women need to know about this seafood

Sea crab is a type of seafood that is loved by many people because of its characteristic freshness. Besides, this food provides a large amount of omega-3 and does not contain saturated fat, so it is a dish that brings many good health benefits. So can pregnant women eat crabs? What are the benefits of this food?

Nivea vs Vaseline Body Lotion Comparison: Which is Better?

Nivea vs Vaseline Body Lotion Comparison: Which is Better?

Vaseline and Nivea have long been a solid wall in the beauty market in Vietnam. Today's article will compare Nivea and Vaseline body lotion with you to see which is better!

What to do when playing golf with pain in the right flank?

What to do when playing golf with pain in the right flank?

Golf is a sport that is loved by many people. However, if you are not careful, golfing will cause injuries to the body, typically the right rib pain when playing golf.

Uses of Yumangel F, is it effective?

Uses of Yumangel F, is it effective?

The use of Yumangel F, also known as Y-shaped stomach medicine, is not well understood by everyone, if you do not know how to use it, there may be many unwanted side effects.

Can gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Can gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Avocado is known as a "superfood" good for the digestive system and heart. But can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Drinking beer during menstruation, good or bad? Misconceptions to avoid

Drinking beer during menstruation, good or bad? Misconceptions to avoid

Many women tell each other that drinking beer during menstruation helps to stop menstruation quickly. So drinking beer on a red light day is good or bad. See more details now.

What are the benefits of playing volleyball? Basic techniques for newbies

What are the benefits of playing volleyball? Basic techniques for newbies

Volleyball is an interesting and engaging sport. This sport not only improves the player's spirit but also has a lot of benefits for the body. Let's take a look at the benefits of playing volleyball to encourage practice.

Top 5 health gifts for the elderly to show love

Top 5 health gifts for the elderly to show love

Giving gifts to grandparents and parents is an act of showing the care and love of their children and grandchildren. However, when your loved one is old, you should consider choosing the right gifts. Here are 5 suggestions for health gifts for the elderly that are both practical and meaningful!

Review of Vichy and La Roche Posay mineral sprays – Which one should I choose?

Review of Vichy and La Roche Posay mineral sprays – Which one should I choose?

Vichy and La Roche Posay mineral spray are popular mineral spray brands that are chosen by many women. However, many women wonder whether to choose Vichy or La Roche Posay mineral spray?

Is drinking a lot of black bean water good?

Is drinking a lot of black bean water good?

Black bean water is a refreshing and cooling water with many health benefits. But is drinking a lot of black bean juice good? Is everyone suitable to drink black bean juice?

What is non-small cell lung cancer and its early manifestations?

What is non-small cell lung cancer and its early manifestations?

Non-small cell lung cancer is one of the most common types of lung cancer. If not treated promptly, it can lead to many life-threatening conditions. Learn about this disease, its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Causes of discomfort in the body and ways to limit it

Causes of discomfort in the body and ways to limit it

Discomfort in the body is a feeling of restlessness, tension, fatigue of the body without knowing the obvious cause. Learning about the causes, signs and ways to limit the occurrence of this condition will help us be more proactive in health care.

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning

Male papaya flowers are very popular in rural areas and are considered a valuable medicinal herb that our ancestors have believed in since ancient times to treat diseases. However, when using male papaya flowers in the wrong way, there is also the risk of causing unwanted toxins to the body. Let's learn about this together with us!

Exercises to tighten the ants waist: The secret to owning a standard double bust in a short time

Exercises to tighten the ants waist: The secret to owning a standard double bust in a short time

A sexy body with an ant waist and attractive curves is always the dream of women. However, to be able to own this beauty is not easy. Therefore, the exercise to tighten the ant waist was born and became a great solution to help you get back your dream waist soon.

Things you need to know when cutting babys nails

Things you need to know when cutting babys nails

Nail clipping for babies seems simple, but not every mother knows how to do it right. See now how to cut nails for babies and take note.

Glucosamine taken morning or night? When is it good to drink?

Glucosamine taken morning or night? When is it good to drink?

The body can synthesize glucosamine on its own, but with age, this function of the body declines. That's why so many people are interested and learn to use glucosamine foods. Revolving around the use of glucosamine, there are many people who wonder "Is Glucosamine taken in the morning or at night? When is it good to drink?"

Answer: Can I have sex after a stroke?

Answer: Can I have sex after a stroke?

After a stroke, how is your sex life affected, should you have sex? In order to have an unimpeded sex life, patients need to pay attention to the following issues.

Can acne go away on its own?

Can acne go away on its own?

Acne can go away on its own is something that many people wonder and wonder when having an acne condition that affects their quality of life. Dermatologists will help you answer these questions in the article below!

Low carb can drink milk? Which type of milk is good for low carb?

Low carb can drink milk? Which type of milk is good for low carb?

Losing weight with fresh milk without sugar is one of the ways many women apply when they want to have a slim body. So can low carb drink sugar-free milk or not? Do you know which milk is suitable for a low carb diet to lose weight?

Answer: Are pumpkin seeds good for pregnant women?

Answer: Are pumpkin seeds good for pregnant women?

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids needed for fetal growth and development. So, are pumpkin seeds good for pregnant women? Is it safe to use pumpkin seeds during pregnancy and does it cause any side effects? Let's find out through the following article.

What are the uses of perilla leaves? Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

What are the uses of perilla leaves? Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

When it comes to perilla, many people know it because it is a familiar spice commonly used in cooking, drinking water to beautify the skin or in medicine. Although perilla is very good for health, many people wonder if it is good to drink perilla leaves daily. Let's find out through the following article.

How to treat keloid scars on lips effectively

How to treat keloid scars on lips effectively

Keloid scars on the lips are very difficult to treat permanently, especially those that have existed for a long time, causing discomfort and embarrassment when communicating. Besides, keloid scars on the lips also make the lips unbalanced, making it difficult to eat and move the mouth.

Should I bathe with soap when I have ringworm?

Should I bathe with soap when I have ringworm?

Whether to bathe with soap when infected with ringworm is a question many patients ask. According to the concept, when suffering from ringworm, the patient should abstain from water, limit bathing with soap. The truth about this concept will be revealed in the article below.

How long does it take to walk after a broken tibia?

How long does it take to walk after a broken tibia?

The phenomenon of tibial fracture is not uncommon as it is one of the most common leg fractures, with many people suffering. Many patients wonder how long it takes to walk with a broken tibia, because the tibia has an important role in the main function of the leg.

The cause of waking up in the morning with a stuffy nose and effective ways to overcome it

The cause of waking up in the morning with a stuffy nose and effective ways to overcome it

Many people often wake up in the morning with a stuffy nose without knowing the cause. This condition can be caused by an allergen, or it can also be caused by a number of health problems. Depending on the cause, we will have different treatment methods.

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