Mother & baby

Tips on how to effectively remove phlegm in infants and children that mothers should know

Tips on how to effectively remove phlegm in infants and children that mothers should know

Sputum is a factor that helps protect the respiratory tract. But sometimes for various reasons, the sputum is produced more than usual, causing the baby to have difficulty breathing, stuffy nose, irritability and fussiness. At this time, mothers can apply some effective ways to relieve phlegm in babies and children to reduce discomfort for children!

Time of umbilical cord loss in newborns and things mothers need to pay attention to

Time of umbilical cord loss in newborns and things mothers need to pay attention to

After birth, how long does it take for a baby to shed the umbilical cord? What are the signs of umbilical cord loss and what should mothers pay attention to? The following article will help you find the answers to these problems!

What to do if a baby is constipated?

What to do if a baby is constipated?

Constipation is a common condition that babies face during infancy. Many first-time mothers feel extremely worried when their baby is constipated. So what is constipation, what to do when a baby is constipated? Let's find out together through this article.

Blepharitis in children: Causes and treatment

Blepharitis in children: Causes and treatment

Signs of blepharitis in children are often not obvious. Therefore, parents are often subjective, leading to prolonged treatment time and unwanted complications. So what causes and how to treat blepharitis in children?

Facial skin care during pregnancy and things to avoid

Facial skin care during pregnancy and things to avoid

Facial care during pregnancy is essential to help pregnant women maintain beauty and confidence, but not all methods are suitable and effective.

How to cook dashi for weight gain

How to cook dashi for weight gain

Dashi is a famous broth from Japan. This kind of broth can be used to cook flour, porridge and other baby foods, so it is very popular with mothers. Let's learn how to cook dashi water for babies to gain weight through the following article!

Signs of a smart child

Signs of a smart child

Any parent wants their child to have a lot of health, beauty and intelligence. Because being smart will be a springboard, a launch pad, helping children quickly get closer to their dreams and ambitions in the future. By identifying the signs of smart children, parents will have a plan to raise their children, so that they can maximize their available potential. Let's learn about the signs of smart children through this article!

What should I do if my child has a fever and does not take medicine to reduce the fever?

What should I do if my child has a fever and does not take medicine to reduce the fever?

Fever is a common clinical symptom in young children, when the baby has a fever, the mother often gives the child fever-reducing medicine. However, what should you do if your baby has a fever?

Telling mom how to properly increase the size of the babys nipple

Telling mom how to properly increase the size of the babys nipple

How to increase the size of a baby's nipple is one of the topics that makes breastfeeding mothers ponder. If the nipple size is not suitable for each stage of the child's development, it will significantly affect the amount of nutrition that the baby's body can absorb through milk. So when to increase and how to increase the size of the knob is the right way?

Can women after giving birth eat mussel noodles? Note for mothers after giving birth

Can women after giving birth eat mussel noodles? Note for mothers after giving birth

Mussels have long been considered a dish containing extremely high nutritional content, dishes made from mussels are very good for people with anemia, heart disease... But can mothers after giving birth eat mussel noodles? ? Is it safe to eat mussel noodles?

Can children who are taking antibiotics get vaccinated?

Can children who are taking antibiotics get vaccinated?

Vaccination is the most effective method in creating a sustainable immune system for children against some dangerous infections. But quite a lot of parents worry that children who are taking antibiotics can be vaccinated?

Is it normal for babies to have foamy stools and how to prevent it?

Is it normal for babies to have foamy stools and how to prevent it?

Newborn babies with foamy stools are common in children from 0 to 36 months, causing many parents to worry. Is it dangerous for newborn babies to have foam and mucus in their stools?

Instructions on how to burp when your baby sleeps effectively without waking him up

Instructions on how to burp when your baby sleeps effectively without waking him up

How to burp a baby while sleeping? Let's find out how to burp when your baby sleeps effectively without waking him up in the article below!

Can the flu be transmitted through breast milk and if so, how?

Can the flu be transmitted through breast milk and if so, how?

Many nursing mothers wonder if the flu can be transmitted through breast milk and if so, what should mothers do to ensure the health of their babies.

Seven bad behaviors of children parents need to correct

Seven bad behaviors of children parents need to correct

Being a parent is one of the best experiences in life. However, those of us who have children like us all know for a fact that parenting is not

Parents need to know: What medicine should children take with teething fever?

Parents need to know: What medicine should children take with teething fever?

Most children often experience a fever when their first teeth come in. So, what medicine do children with teething fever take?

Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexic

Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexic

Children with teething anorexia make parents worry about their children's health being affected. Many parents wonder how long a baby's teething will take and if there is a way to handle the child's anorexia during the teething period.

Digestive disorders in children: What parents need to pay special attention to

Digestive disorders in children: What parents need to pay special attention to

Digestive disorders in children can cause concern for parents. Knowing these things, parents can calmly handle when their baby has digestive disorders.

Things you need to know when cutting babys nails

Things you need to know when cutting babys nails

Nail clipping for babies seems simple, but not every mother knows how to do it right. See now how to cut nails for babies and take note.

Instructions on how to store breast milk when there is no refrigerator

Instructions on how to store breast milk when there is no refrigerator

Milk after being expressed must be used up or stored in the refrigerator to keep longer. But when there is no refrigerator, what should the mother do? Let's see how to store breast milk when there is no refrigerator to still ensure the quality of milk.

22 weeks fetal development? What tests do you need to do?

22 weeks fetal development? What tests do you need to do?

At 22 weeks pregnant, you will find your body becoming more rounded than ever with a rapid rate of weight gain. This is completely normal to provide nutrition to help the fetus grow healthy. How does the baby at this stage develop, how will the mother's body change?

Postpartum women eat more calcium? Methods of calcium supplementation for mothers

Postpartum women eat more calcium? Methods of calcium supplementation for mothers

Considering what to eat after giving birth with a lot of calcium is of great interest to many women. Because calcium-rich foods help to nourish the mother's health after giving birth, supporting strong bones. Besides, this is also an essential nutrient for the development of the child's skeletal system.

Top 7 best feminine hygiene solutions to treat itchy fungus

Top 7 best feminine hygiene solutions to treat itchy fungus

This vaginal itching can be dealt with by using a gynecological wash. The top 7 most effective antifungal cleaning solutions below will be your savior.

Top 5 topical creams to reduce itching and inflammation for babies with insect bites

Top 5 topical creams to reduce itching and inflammation for babies with insect bites

Are you looking for a topical insect bite or mosquito bite cream for your baby? Please refer to the information about the 5 products we mentioned in this article.

Childhood cancer rates are on the rise

Childhood cancer rates are on the rise

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), around 300,000 children worldwide are suffering from cancer. Of these, only one-fifth of the children diagnosed have a survival rate of 80%, while the rest have a 20% chance of survival.

Children taking antibiotics have diarrhea what to do?

Children taking antibiotics have diarrhea what to do?

Children taking antibiotics have diarrhea what to do? This is a question that many mothers ask when taking care of their children. Let's find answers to questions through the article below!

Is it good for pregnant women to eat dried squid? Some notes for pregnant women when eating dried squid

Is it good for pregnant women to eat dried squid? Some notes for pregnant women when eating dried squid

The nutrition of pregnant women is always a top concern. Pregnant women need to know which foods to eat and which foods to avoid to ensure adequate nutrition and safety for the mother's health as well as the development of the fetus. So is it good for pregnant women to eat dried squid? This is a question asked by many women.

Answer the question: How much is enough for babies?

Answer the question: How much is enough for babies?

It can be said that the amount of milk and the time when a baby sucks milk often depends on many factors. However, in order for the baby's body to develop stably, mothers need to know how much breast milk is enough?

How many hours a day do babies sleep?

How many hours a day do babies sleep?

At different ages, the sleep time in children will be different. Let's find out how many hours a day babies sleep through the following article!

What does breast milk taste like: Salty or sweet?

What does breast milk taste like: Salty or sweet?

Breast milk is not like formula milk, has a unique taste that no other processed milk has. So what does breast milk taste like and what factors are affected? Let's find the answer through this article!

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