The answer to whether bladder cancer is curable?

Bladder cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in the world. Is bladder cancer curable is one of the most frequently asked questions by anyone who has a loved one or is at risk for the disease. All your questions will be answered by SignsSymptomsList right here!


Signs of bladder cancer

To answer the question of whether bladder cancer is curable , first you need to know the signs that a person has bladder cancer!

Signs of bladder cancer: blood in the urine

The answer to whether bladder cancer is curable?

Blood in the urine is the most common symptom

Blood in the urine (visible to the naked eye or on a urinalysis) is an abnormal sign. Urine may be darker than usual, brownish, or sometimes bright red. However, this finding is not specific for bladder cancer. Some other possible causes of blood in the urine include: exercise, injury, infection, blood clotting disorder, abnormal kidney function, anticoagulants, etc.

Signs of bladder cancer: change in urination habits

  • Feeling of needing to urinate but little or no urine output.
  • Urgent urination
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinating more often than usual
  • Painful, sharp, painful urination
  • Difficulty urinating, straining to urinate

However, urinary tract infections or bladder stones can also cause similar symptoms

Signs of bladder cancer: other signs

Lower back pain and lower abdominal pain are also common symptoms.

Fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and bone pain are warning signs that the disease has progressed to a severe stage.

Diagnosing bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is diagnosed by what methods to draw the conclusion " is bladder cancer curable "?

Your doctor may diagnose a bladder tumor using one or more of the following methods:


The answer to whether bladder cancer is curable?

Urinalysis is indicated for cancer cells

Test biochemical indicators, look for red blood cells, white blood cells, look for cancer cells in the urine.

Live test

Your doctor will insert a gloved finger into your vagina or rectum to look for a tumor. At the same time determine the extent of tumor invasion at the time of examination.

Bladder endoscopy

Doctors insert a narrow tube with a small camera through the urethra. You will then look inside the bladder, possibly biopsy a small piece of tissue for histopathological analysis and cancer diagnosis.

CT scan abdomen - pelvis

Computed tomography scan to see the condition of the bladder wall and surrounding tissues.


Contrast is injected into the patient's vein. Then wait a while for the drug to be eliminated through the kidneys and into the bladder. Then take an X-ray to record the exact abnormality in the bladder.

Is bladder cancer curable?

Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy are the 4 main treatments used to treat bladder cancer. Depending on the cancer stage, age, and condition of the patient, the choice of method will be different, and the prognosis and the possibility of cure are not the same.

So, is bladder cancer curable ? The answer depends on the stage of the disease, age, and condition of the patient!

Treatment for stage 0 and stage 1

Treatments for these stages may include surgical removal of the tumor. Or chemotherapy and immunotherapy (using drugs that stimulate the immune system to attack and kill cancer cells).

Treatment for stage 2 and stage 3

Treatments may include:

Total cystectomy:

This is the method of radical resection of the tumor. A cystoplasty is then performed (usually using a piece of bowel as a new bladder) or opening the kidney to the skin. This establishes a new pathway for urine to leave the body.

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or immunotherapy: 

  • Performed to shrink a tumor before surgery.
  • As the main method to treat cancer when patients cannot afford to survive major surgery.
  • Used to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery.
  • Prevent cancer recurrence.

Treatment of bladder cancer stage 4

Treatment for stage 4 bladder tumors may include:

Chemotherapy without surgery:

Aim to relieve symptoms and prolong the life of the patient.

Excision of the tumor at the root and removal of nearby lymph nodes:

Removal of the entire bladder and nearby lymph nodes. Then surgically create a new urinary tract that carries urine out of the body.

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy after surgery:

Aim to destroy any remaining cancer cells. It also relieves symptoms and prolongs life.

Survival prognosis of bladder cancer patients

A patient's outlook depends on the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis. According to the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rates by stage are as follows:

Five-year survival rate for patients with stage 0 bladder cancer: 98%

5-year survival rate of patients with stage 1 cancer: 88%

5-year survival rate for patients with  stage 2 cancer: 63%

Five-year survival rate for patients with stage 3 cancer: 46%

Five-year survival rate of patients with stage 4: 15% cancer

The above survival rates are just averages, relative numbers. That ratio does not accurately predict the likelihood of successful treatment and patient survival. Talk to your doctor to get the most appropriate treatment.

Is bladder cancer curable is a very common question. Depending on the stage of the disease, age, and physical condition of the patient, the prognosis will vary. Maintaining healthy living habits, staying away from tobacco smoke, drinking enough water, and increasing physical activity are simple but useful measures to help prevent any disease. Always pay attention to your health and contact your doctor when you have questions!