Causes of cough in children at night and treatment

Cough at night – a fairly common disease in children. When a child has a cough at night, it will greatly affect the health of the child, as well as the psychology of the parents. So what do you know about this disease? Let's learn about this topic with the experts of SignsSymptomsList!


Causes of children coughing at night

Coughing at night can be upsetting for children and their parents or caregivers. However, coughing at night is nothing to worry about. Because this is most likely a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection and will go away on its own.

When a child has a cough , the sound it makes or the accompanying symptoms can help determine the cause.

They can be for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Common cold
  • Asthma
  • Stomach acid reflux
  • Sinus infection

Causes of cough in children at night and treatment

Coughing at night can be uncomfortable for children

Cough due to postnasal drip syndrome

In the body, the mucus that coats the airways helps trap and remove irritants and fight infections. But some conditions, like infections and allergies, can cause a child to feel mucus build up or run down the throat.

When excess mucus runs down a child's throat, it is called postnasal drip. This is a common cause of nighttime cough and sore throat. However, a cough caused by postnasal drip usually does not include a deep cough or wheezing.

Helping your child sleep in an elevated position can reduce coughs caused by postnasal drip. If children have a lot of nocturnal cough during certain times of the year or after playing with certain animals, they may have allergies. Consulting with a pediatrician or allergist can help determine what allergies your child has and determine the best treatment.


laryngotracheobronchitis is most common in children aged 6 months to 3 years. Symptoms include:

  • Characteristic dry cough, which tends to get worse at night;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Abnormal sounds when breathing;
  • Hoarseness of voice;
  • Fever.

Sometimes, cold-like symptoms can precede croup. This condition develops when the windpipe and vocal cords become swollen and inflamed. Boys are more likely to get croup than girls.

Although sleeping with a humidifier can be an effective treatment for some congestive coughs and colds. But experts say it's not helpful for children with croup. Doctors may prescribe aerosolized epinephrine when a child has moderate to severe croup.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is a condition that occurs when a child gasps for air after coughing. Today, many children are vaccinated against whooping cough at an early age, so symptoms tend to be mild.

However, in some cases, children do not have immunity to pertussis. Therefore, with an infection, a child's cough can become intense. Vomiting can also be common in children with this condition. Whooping cough is very dangerous, because if a baby gets it, it can lead to death if not treated promptly.

A bacterial infection is what causes whooping cough. So doctors can treat this disease with antibiotics. When treating whooping cough, parents should make sure to give the child the right dose and the right dose. At the same time, you should also give your child plenty of water and divide his meals to help prevent vomiting that is accompanied by a violent cough.

Cough accompanied by wheezing

Coughing and wheezing at night can be a sign of asthma in children. Symptoms of asthma in children include:

  • Coughing and wheezing;
  • Short of breath;
  • Chest tightness;
  • Breathing shallow and fast;
  • Symptoms may be worsened by direct exposure to smoke, pollen, or other cough triggers;
  • Frequent colds.

If a child has any of the above symptoms, talk to the pediatrician as soon as possible. Starting treatment early can avoid complications, such as an asthma attack. Treatment of asthma in children includes long-term preventive treatment and rapid relief of asthma attacks.

Cough accompanied by vomiting

Nocturnal cough accompanied by vomiting makes children and parents or caregivers very unsettled. Sometimes these symptoms are caused by a young child's inability to cough up mucus effectively. So vomiting is their body's way of pushing mucus out of the body and clearing the airways.

In other cases, vomiting and coughing may suggest a more serious condition such as asthma or pneumonia. If a child becomes dehydrated from vomiting, this can trigger asthma attacks. It is important for parents or caregivers to monitor children for nocturnal coughs and wheezing with vomiting.

When a child has pneumonia, a child may also cough, vomit and have other symptoms that affect the child's health. These symptoms include:

  • Rapid breathing rate;
  • Chills;
  • Chest pain, tightness,
  • Fever;
  • Tired.

If your child experiences some of these symptoms along with coughing and vomiting, take them to the emergency room right away. Your child will be treated for this condition with antibiotics when the doctor diagnoses pneumonia.

Cough with fever

If a parent or caregiver notices that a child has a cough and fever at night, you should not be alarmed. Instead, you can lower your child's fever and monitor the symptoms to see if they get worse. Children and infants with a cough may experience:

  • Fever;
  • Dry cough;
  • Vomiting;
  • Behavioral changes such as anorexia

When your child has a nighttime cough with a fever, it's important to bring your child's fever down and give him enough fluids to drink. In addition, parents and caregivers of children with coughs should talk to their doctor. If the condition worsens without treatment, your child can develop middle ear infections and other serious problems.

Causes of cough in children at night and treatment

When your child has a cough and fever at night, you should not worry.

It's also important to note that cough and fever are two of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. If a parent or caregiver believes your child has COVID-19, you should talk to your doctor, initiate isolation, and order testing. This is especially important if the child has recently met someone who has tested positive for the disease.

When treating fever in children, parents should not give aspirin to children. Because aspirin causes Reye's encephalopathy in children. Instead, you should take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower your fever.

Providing adequate nutrients will help children strengthen their immunity and fight against cough. Find out immediately what children with cough should eat and what to avoid through the doctor's article. 

Tips to help limit the risk of children having a cough at night at home

The following steps may help ease a cough in children at night:

  • Take a warm bath or shower before going to bed;
  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest;
  • Encourage children to drink plenty of water;
  • Always wear a mask for your child when leaving the house and in public places.

Honey is also an effective treatment for nighttime cough. This is because honey has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes sore throats. However, it should not be given to children under 12 months of age because of the risk of poisoning.

Causes of cough in children at night and treatment

Always wear a mask for your child when leaving the house and in public places.

When to see a doctor?

Cough is quite common in children. Although a nighttime cough usually goes away on its own, if symptoms are more severe, talk to your doctor, who can help with diagnosis and treatment.

In particular, you need to take your child to the doctor immediately if he or she:

  • Fever;
  • Hemoptisi;
  • Drooling and difficulty swallowing;
  • Cough for more than 2-3 weeks.

To ensure the health of your baby, book an appointment with reputable Pediatricians on the SignsSymptomsList App as soon as you need it. Experience the peace of mind, fast and convenience that SignsSymptomsList brings to you.

Causes of cough in children at night and treatment

SignsSymptomsList – Easy appointment booking app

Children have a cough at night for many reasons. Hearing the sound of a cough and other symptoms can help a parent or caregiver determine the underlying reason. If your child has severe symptoms, such as a fever or cough that last for more than 2 weeks, contact the doctor. Always take care and monitor your child's health before the worst happens.

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