The glycemic index of foods: good tips to recognize

Did you know that different ways of preparing food will affect the absorption process. From there, the body will absorb the sugar. Have you ever wondered what blood sugar is? Do you understand the glycemic index of foods correctly? Let's join SignsSymptomsList to answer those questions in the following article. 


What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is an indicator of metabolism. Thereby we know the amount of sugar in the blood and circulating throughout the body.

The glycemic index of foods: good tips to recognize

The glycemic index is a number of blood sugar levels

Mechanism of blood sugar metabolism in the body

Blood sugar in the body is obtained from two main sources. Those are normal starches and sugars, all collectively known as carbohydrates. Once in the digestive system, they will be broken down into glucose. This is the form of sugar that cells can use.

The pancreas then secretes two hormones to regulate blood sugar levels. Those two substances are insulin and glucagon. Insulin helps transport glucose in the blood. Meanwhile, glucagon occurs when blood sugar is low. Glucagon releases glucose stored in the liver and enters the circulation. This close coordination ensures a stable source of energy to feed the body. Blood sugar is always maintained at a balanced level.

Low-medium-high glycemic index foods

Food glycemic index scale

A variety of foods will have different effects on the metabolic rate. There are many ways to classify the glycemic index of foods. The most common of which are based on how much blood sugar spikes compared to how pure sugar acts. This value is called the Glycemic Index, which consists of three GI levels calculated on a 100-point scale as:

  • Low GI: 1 to 55 points.
  • Average GI: 56 to 69.
  • High GI: 70 points or more.

From here, we can compare values ​​and choose healthy nutrition sources. For example, baked goods made with white flour have a GI of 77. Meanwhile, baked goods made with whole wheat have a GI of 45.

Classification of food glycemic index low-medium-high

The lower the GI of a food, the less likely it is to raise blood sugar. Most foods include:

  • Low glycemic index - low GI is usually: green tubers, some succulent fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, legumes and whole grains. Also includes meats and seafood due to the absence of carbohydrate ingredients.
  • The average GI-glycemic index is: corn, banana, pineapple, raisins, oats, rye bread.
  • The glycemic index - high GI is usually: rice, white bread, potatoes, baked and fried cakes, confectionery, carbonated drinks, etc.

Benefits of low glycemic index foods

Adhering to a low glycemic index diet of foods has many positive health effects:

Maintain stable blood sugar

There is a lot of evidence that a low GI diet lowers blood sugar. Not only that, this will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Reduce blood cholesterol

In addition to its beneficial effects on metabolic diseases, a low GI diet lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. These are the causative agents of cardiovascular disease. From there, the absorption of nutrients with a low glycemic index will improve cardiovascular disease.

The glycemic index of foods: good tips to recognize

Foods with a low glycemic index will contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis

Lose weight through nutrition with a low glycemic index of foods

Maintaining a healthy weight also avoids the risk of other chronic diseases. When using foods with low GI, it will help you lose weight scientifically and still be healthy. But you also need to switch in the right time so that your body can adapt.

Build a diet to help stabilize blood sugar

The key to weight maintenance or effective weight loss is burning as much energy as possible. The principle of weight loss is that you burn more calories (energy) than you consume. Therefore, reducing the amount of calories in the diet combined with increased exercise will bring the most optimal effect. SignsSymptomsList will suggest you the following ways to stabilize blood sugar:

Choose low glycemic index foods

The body will digest starchy and sugary foods faster. Therefore, they will have a high GI. In contrast, foods high in protein, fat, and fiber tend to have a low GI.

So to have a good glycemic index, you should convert foods with a high glycemic index to a low one. Foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat products, etc. are very good suggestions for you. At the same time, experts say you shouldn't just eat foods with a low glycemic index. You need to maintain other nutritional products such as fiber, vitamins, fats, etc. to achieve nutritional balance.

The glycemic index of foods: good tips to recognize

Whole grains are low glycemic foods

Process and maintain the glycemic index of foods properly

For many foods such as vegetables, beans, etc., the processing method is equally important. It directly affects the glycemic index of foods. For example, baked or roasted foods, will break down the starch structure - resistant to the digestive process. So they will increase GI. Also a mistake of the process of boiling food is boiling it for too long. Boiling on the stove for too long increases the GI. Therefore, you only need to boil the food until it is cooked. The primary level as well as the method of preparation will affect the final glycemic index of a food.

Exercise regularly

The steady energy burn of exercise will be very good. Because it helps to burn excess sugar in the body. In addition, exercise will reduce the risk of other diseases. You just need to do the exercises every day. It not only increases flexibility but also reduces other negative effects.

The glycemic index of food is an indicator to pay attention to in the diet. Proper understanding of this indicator will help a lot to maintain the energy of health. The benefits from a low GI diet are undeniable. However, you also need to adjust the appropriate diet to get the best results.