11 causes of heel pain that you need to know

Heel pain usually affects the underside or back of the heel. This condition causes discomfort and interferes with the person's daily activities. The cause of heel pain may be more dangerous than you think, so you need to find out carefully so that you can promptly treat it when there are signs.

When your heel hurts, you not only feel uncomfortable but also have many limitations in movement. The heel is the part of the body that supports the whole body, so it can hurt when standing for too long or running too much. However, the cause of heel pain is not always so simple.

The two most common causes of heel pain are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. However, there are many other causes of heel pain that you do not know.

Here are 11 causes of heel pain that you should pay attention to so that you can promptly go to the doctor and get the right treatment.

1. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is irritation and inflammation of the band of tissue that forms the arch of the foot and connects the heel bone to the base of the toe. This disease causes severe pain or sharp pain in the heel. The pain usually occurs when you start walking after a period of rest. For example, you may experience heel pain when you take your first steps in the morning or when you get up after a long period of sitting.

Prolonged plantar fasciitis can lead to heel spurs. In rare cases, the plantar muscle can tear and cause sudden heel pain. You may also experience swelling and bruising in addition to the heel pain.

2. Achilles tendonitis is the cause of heel pain

Achilles tendinitis or Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of a large tendon at the back of the heel bone. This disease causes tight or burning pain located above the heel bone. Some other common symptoms of Achilles tendinitis are mild swelling around the tendon as well as stiffness in the heel and calf every morning.

The most common cause of Achilles tendonitis is overdoing it with activities such as jogging or not warming up your calves before exercising. Osteoarthritis from wearing ill-fitting shoes or from arthritis can also lead to Achilles tendonitis. In rare situations, you can rupture your Achilles tendon while participating in vigorous physical activities such as playing basketball or tennis.

3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which a large nerve in the back of the foot is compressed. This syndrome can be the cause of heel pain. The pain or burning from tarsal tunnel syndrome is usually felt in the heel but sometimes spreads to the soles of the feet and near the toes. You may also experience symptoms similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, such as numbness, stinging, or pain that gets worse at night.

4. Fatigue fracture

11 causes of heel pain you need to know • SignsSymptomsList.com

Fatigue fractures of the foot and heel are common in athletes or those who run a lot. The constant pressure exerted on the heel bone over time can cause the bone to break and cause heel pain. Factors that can also increase the risk of a fatigue fracture are:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Low bone mass (osteoporosis)
  • Have an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia

When experiencing a fatigue fracture, heel pain will gradually increase with exercise and improve with rest. In addition to heel bone pain, you may also experience swelling or sensitivity in the affected area.

5. Heel is bruised

Heel bruises are another cause of heel pain that you may experience. A bruised heel will cause a sharp pain in this area. Heel bruises are often caused by trauma after a fall or by doing strenuous exercises.

6. Atrophy of the foot pad

In older people, the fat that cushions the heel can atrophy or tear. This padding also thins out due to injury. If you have atrophy of the foot pad, you may feel a sharp pain in the middle of your heel, and the pain is often worse when you do weight-bearing activities. This condition can potentially affect both legs, causing pain in the right and left heel.

Unlike plantar fasciitis, heel pain in this case usually doesn't appear in the morning but gets worse as you're active during the day.

7. Haglund disease is the cause of heel pain

Haglund's disease occurs when a swollen part of the bone at the back of the heel rubs against shoes that are too stiff. The reason this bump appears is still unclear. However, experts believe that the cause may be due to a strained Achilles tendon, high arches, genetics, wearing tight or ill-fitting shoes.

The pain from this disease usually occurs behind the heel and can cause a limp as well as signs of inflammation such as swelling, warmth, and redness. When the soft tissues around the bump at the back of the heel become irritated, you can develop bursitis.

8. Subtalar synovitis

11 causes of heel pain you need to know • SignsSymptomsList.com

Subtalar synovitis is also known as sinus tarsi syndrome. Sinus tarsi is the name for the space between the ankle and the heel bone. This space, though small, contains some ligaments as well as fatty tissue, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. Frequent rotation of the ankle outwards causes this syndrome.

When you have subtalar bursitis, you may experience pain during strenuous activity, a feeling of looseness in your ankle, and difficulty walking on uneven surfaces.

9. Causes of Heel Pain: Papules

Papules are painful, yellow or skin-colored bumps on the heels. This condition is caused by fat deep within the skin pushing up the heel capsule. The papules are usually benign and cause pain in less than 10% of cases.

10. Heel osteomyelitis

Sometimes heel spurs, also known as bone infections, can cause heel pain. However, the pain in this case is usually not as severe or lessened as pain from other causes. In addition to heel pain, you may also develop a fever with osteomyelitis.

11. Heel bone tumor is the cause of heel pain

You may experience pain when you have a lump in your heel bone. This pain is often deep, persistent, and becomes worse at night. You need to see a doctor if you are not sure what is causing your heel pain symptoms or do not know how to improve the pain.

You should see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • The pain lasts more than a few days
  • The back of the leg is swollen or discolored
  • You have pain in your right or left heel and can't walk comfortably on the affected heel
  • Have signs of infection fever, red or warm skin
  • Heel pain that occurs at night or while resting

In addition to the above causes of heel pain, you may also experience this uncomfortable pain for other reasons:

• Nerve diseases: Radiculopathy is a condition in which a nerve in the lower back becomes irritated and can cause pain in the calf muscles. The pain travels to the heel and causes pain here. In addition, peripheral neuritis caused by diabetes, alcohol abuse, or vitamin deficiency can also cause foot and heel pain.

• Skin problems : Skin problems such as back or ankle infections, plantar warts, diabetic ulcers, or fungal infections of the feet can cause discomfort on the heels or soles of the feet.

• Systemic disease : Systemic inflammatory diseases such as granulomatosis (sarcoidosis), rheumatoid arthritis or reactive arthritis can cause heel pain. Usually, you may experience additional symptoms such as fever, rash, joint pain, and inflammation.

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