Can female infertility be cured? What preparation is needed to cure infertility?

Any woman wants to be a mother, to be raised and to watch her children grow up. However, nowadays there are many women who have reproductive health problems leading to infertility. So what is infertility? Can female infertility be cured?

Infertility is a disease that no one wants, but according to current statistics, the rate of infertility in women is on the rise. Therefore, many women are afraid and wonder: "Can female infertility be cured?". Let's follow the article below of SignsSymptomsList to answer the above question.

What is female infertility? Causes of female infertility

Infertility in women is a disease that causes women to reduce or even lose the ability to become mothers, even though they still have normal marital activities. Infertility often makes women feel self-conscious, anxious, insecure, and can even lead to depression. This disease is usually divided into 2 types with different characteristics, which are:

  • Primary Infertility : This is a condition in which a woman does not become pregnant despite having normal marital activities without using contraception within 12 months for women under 35 years old and more than 6 months for women over 35 years old. . 
  • Secondary Infertility: A condition in which a woman has been pregnant before but then cannot become pregnant again.

There are many causes of infertility in women, but the most common are diseases of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. 

  • Fallopian tube disease: Blocked fallopian tubes, inflammation of the fallopian tubes... are the direct causes of disruption in the movement of eggs to the cervix. Eggs are easily pushed out of the uterus. Because the egg cannot implant, it will also be more difficult for you to get pregnant.
  • Ovarian diseases: Ovarian inflammation, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries… are common causes of reproductive dysfunction. If not treated in time, the quality of eggs will be affected, many eggs have no ovum or abnormal ovulation outside the menstrual period, leading to infertility.
  • Cervical disease: The uterus is the nesting site for eggs and sperm. If the uterus has diseases such as uterine fibroids , uterine adhesions, the implantation will be limited or even impossible.
  • In addition, age problems, hormonal disorders or heavy use of alcohol, tobacco, and stimulants are also causes of female infertility. 

Can female infertility be cured?  What preparation is needed to cure infertility?

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes and fallopian tubes is the main cause of female infertility

Can female infertility be cured?

There are many causes of infertility in women. In particular, some causes can be solved if the patient is detected early. So whether female infertility can be cured or not depends on the condition of each person. Through the examination, the doctor will come up with a personalized treatment plan for appropriate treatment. 

Currently, there are many different methods used in infertility treatment such as:

Drug treatment

In many cases, your doctor may prescribe it to treat infertility. For example, in women with hormonal disorders that affect fertility, doctors only prescribe medication, not surgery. The use of such drugs will help balance the sex hormones, stabilize the menstrual cycle, stimulate the ovulation process ... 

  • Advantages: Simple, economical, helps to regulate and stimulate ovulation, solve the problem of infertility for women with hormonal disorders.
  • Cons: Risk of multiple pregnancy , ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovarian tumor...


In cases of diseases related to the uterus and ovaries such as endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, etc., surgical intervention should be used to make the fertilization process easier. However, the success rate of this method is different for each condition and it takes time to recover. 

Depending on the cause, some surgery may be indicated such as:

  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy: This surgery is often indicated to remove endometrial polyps and certain types of fibroids that damage the uterine cavity or adhere to the uterine cavity.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: Tubal catheterization in case of blocked fallopian tubes due to fluid retention, treatment of uterine fibroids or ovarian tumors...

Many women wonder if female infertility can be cured

Assisted reproductive techniques in female infertility

Assisted reproductive techniques in infertility in women have a fairly high success rate. Some of the methods commonly used today are:

  • IVF : With this technique , the embryos will be combined before being inserted into the uterus. This method is often applied to couples whose husbands have normal or weak sperm, and the wife's eggs are normal. However, this method requires a rather large number of sperm, so it will not be applicable to men with severe sperm deficiency. 
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection IVF/ICSI: The woman is stimulated with ovaries, then aspirated mature eggs, selecting the best quality eggs to fertilize with sperm. This technique uses only 1 sperm to inject into the ovum. After the embryogenesis stage, the embryos will be transferred always called fresh embryos or the embryos will be frozen and stored at the appropriate temperature for later use. A family with both husband and wife having fertility problems can still use this method.
  • Donating eggs: Donating eggs or asking for eggs is something that no woman wants. However, in cases that cannot be treated, this is still the optimal method to help women have a baby. 
  • Surrogacy: This method is often applied when a woman has cervical disease that makes the uterus lose its function, unable to function normally. Surrogacy also applies to cases where women are not healthy enough to carry their own children.

Can female infertility be cured?  What preparation is needed to cure infertility?

Doctor performing IVF

Things to prepare when treating female infertility

After knowing if female infertility can be cured, what do you need to prepare before starting treatment? The first step when trying to cure infertility is to visit a doctor to find the root cause of the problem. To assess the state of reproductive health, you should go to reputable medical centers to be examined by doctors and specialists. Having children or not is not the problem of the husband or the wife alone, but the problem of both. Therefore, to make the best conclusion and advice, both husband and wife should go to the doctor. 

To best prepare for your exam, you should:

  • Chart your menstrual cycle and watch for irregularities. It's best to remember the start, end, and number of days for each month. In addition, you need to pay attention to unusual changes in the color, number, and number of your period.
  • Remember how often you have sex each week. 
  • If you are taking supplements, take them with you and talk to your doctor about your conditions and how to use them.
  • Don't forget to bring your old medical records if you have them. The information about your health at the previous time is also the basis for the doctor to make the best diagnosis.
  • Think and prepare questions in advance. Actively ask and seek advice from your doctor.

Can female infertility be cured?  What preparation is needed to cure infertility?

Chart your menstrual cycle and track irregularities before you see your doctor

Through the above article, SignsSymptomsList has helped readers answer the question " Can female infertility be cured ?". Hopefully readers who are experiencing these cases will have a more objective view. Although this process will be arduous and difficult, but with modern medicine, we believe that the best can come to you. 

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