How to distinguish the signs of teething fever in children with normal fever?

Young children have immature immune systems, so they get sick very easily. Besides, during the period of teething, the baby will often have a fever. Many parents still confuse teething fever with fever caused by other medical conditions. So how to distinguish the signs of teething fever from normal fever?

Fever in children is a common phenomenon among parents, especially young children. However, fever in young children can have many causes, one of which is teething fever. So what are the signs of teething fever in babies? To better understand the phenomenon of teething fever in young children, please read the following article of SignsSymptomsList!

When do babies start teething?

Before learning about the signs of teething fever , you also need to know when your baby starts teething. Usually, between 6-7 months old, babies will start teething. Parents should know this timeline so that if their baby has a teething fever, they will not be too alarmed. Besides, some babies can start teething earlier than 3 months old. Usually, the first teeth to come in will be the 2 lower incisors, then the 2 upper incisors, then the 2 upper front teeth, then the 2 lower bottom incisors. 

After the eruption of the incisors, the first molars appear. Finally, the lower and upper canines grow. Most children will have all 20 baby teeth by the time they are 3 years old. Therefore, if your child is over 3 years old but has not had enough 20 teeth, you should take him to a medical facility to check his oral health. In addition, parents should also take their children to regular oral health check-ups so that dentists can promptly detect oral problems such as decayed teeth, misaligned teeth or misaligned bite...

In very few cases, when a baby is born, they already have 1 or 2 teeth, known as neonatal teeth, or teeth that erupt just a few weeks after birth. In these cases, the baby's teeth can interfere with the feeding process or move, putting the baby at risk of choking. With these cases, parents should take the baby to the doctor soon to handle it early and properly. If the dentist concludes that your baby's newborn teeth are not dangerous to your baby's health, you do not need to worry too much.

Babies usually start teething at 6 months

What are the signs of teething fever in children?

So how do parents know their child has a fever due to teething? Here are the signs of teething fever that parents should grasp. Common symptoms of teething fever in children include:

  • The child has a low fever.
  • Children with runny nose.
  • Children who are irritable, irritable, or fussy are also common symptoms of teething fever.
  • Babies drool a lot around their mouth and neck, which can cause a rash in this area .
  • Children love to chew, or bite toys or anything they hold in their hands.
  • Children often put their hands in their mouths to bite.
  • Observe that the baby's gums are swollen and red.
  • In addition, children may have anorexia , stop feeding, skip eating with babies who have eaten solids, which are also common signs of teething fever.
  • Children rub their cheeks, pull their ears, and have trouble sleeping.
  • In addition, children may have a fever and diarrhea when teething, also known as teething.

Above are some symptoms of teething fever in children. In general, when children enter the teething stage, the swollen gums can cause the child's body temperature to rise a bit higher than normal, but usually not so high. So, what is the normal temperature of a baby with teething fever? Usually, when a child is teething, they usually only have a mild fever of about 38 degrees Celsius or there are children who do not have a fever.

Excessive drooling is a common sign of teething fever in children

How to distinguish the signs of teething fever in children with normal fever?

Children's bodies are very sensitive, so they are prone to fever and minor illnesses. Therefore, if parents do not pay close attention, they can confuse the child's fever due to teething with the phenomenon of fever due to other diseases. This confusion confuses many parents and leads to improper child care. 

The common point between these two phenomena is that the child has a higher body temperature than normal, the child is tired and often cries. However, these two phenomena also have different characteristics that parents should understand to distinguish clearly and help take care of children properly. Here's how to distinguish teething fever from normal fever .

Signs your child has a fever due to teething

Babies entering the teething stage will have very typical symptoms of teething fever, including: Children drool a lot, observe the gums to see swelling, redness, children feel pain, discomfort, and discomfort. cry a lot. Therefore, in the period of teething, parents will find the baby often irritable, fussy a lot and sometimes lethargic. Parents, take note of these!

In addition, teething children often have habits such as biting or gnawing on objects around, because they are feeling itchy teeth, discomfort in the gums. In addition, teething will make babies often lose sleep, this is a very normal thing parents should know to avoid panic.

In particular, when the child has a fever when teething, the temperature will not rise too high, so it will not be too difficult for parents to take care of the child. Other signs such as runny nose, cough are almost not seen in children with teething fever. Therefore, parents need to know the signs of teething fever in children so that they can distinguish it from a medical fever and take the child to a doctor promptly.

Children with teething fever usually have a body temperature not exceeding 38 degrees Celsius

Common signs of fever in children

When children have a common fever, their body temperature is usually higher than when they have a fever due to teething. When a fever is common, the baby's body temperature can rise from 38 degrees Celsius or more, along with some phenomena such as fever with chills, sweating. In these cases, a high fever can make your baby dehydrated and very tired. 

Unlike the signs of teething fever, in cases where the fever is often caused by a medical condition, the child may have other symptoms such as a sore throat, runny nose, and stuffy nose. Children become anorexic than usual due to dehydration , fatigue, bitter taste and decreased appetite when eating.

In fact, there are many causes of fever in young children, and children can have a low fever or a high fever depending on the cause. Among the causes, the common cause of fever in children is a bacterial and viral infection that causes fever.

Besides, a number of other causes such as the baby's heat-regulating center disorder, immune system disorders, side effects of vaccinations, etc. are also causes of fever. In different cases, parents should take their children to a doctor to find out the cause and have appropriate treatment methods.

How to distinguish the signs of teething fever in children with normal fever?

Children with fever can often have a high body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius 

Hopefully, the above article has helped you understand the signs of teething fever as well as know how to distinguish children with teething fever from normal fever. If you are unsure of the cause of your child's fever, you should take your child to a medical facility to be examined by a doctor, diagnose the cause, and have an appropriate treatment plan. Wish you and your children good health and don't forget to follow the next articles of SignsSymptomsList!

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