Newborn has sputum in the neck but no cough, how to handle it?

Currently, it is quite common for babies to have phlegm in their neck but not cough, especially for children with poor resistance. Although not necessarily a specific disease, but this situation will make the child uncomfortable even causing difficulty breathing for the baby.

So, what cause does the newborn have phlegm in the neck but no cough? How should parents handle it appropriately? Follow the article below to find the answer right away!

What causes a newborn to have phlegm in the neck but not cough?

The condition of having phlegm in the baby's throat can come from many causes, but it is mainly related to respiratory problems such as pharyngitis , tonsillitis, rhinitis... These diseases often affect the lungs. mucosal layer of the respiratory system, causing irritation and production of sputum in the child's throat.

Some other reasons why babies have phlegm in their neck but not cough can be mentioned as: 

The body's natural reflex

When there is an invasion from foreign agents into the cells of the respiratory system, the mucus in the sputum is secreted to play an important role in clearing the respiratory tract, and at the same time expelling foreign substances from the lungs. 

In addition, sputum also contains a number of important immune cells, which are responsible for destroying bacteria, preventing them from entering the lungs and causing the risk of infection.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease 

Gastroesophageal reflux is another cause of phlegm in infants. Especially after breastfeeding, babies often vomit, causing gastric juice to reflux and increase the amount of sputum in the throat.

Newborn has sputum in the neck but no cough, how to handle it?

Acid reflux causes children to increase the amount of phlegm in the throat


Tonsillitis can also be the main cause of non-cough but phlegm in children. When suffering from this disease, children will be accompanied by a number of symptoms such as fever, swelling and burning pain in the throat, discomfort when swallowing ...

Respiratory tract infection

Acute respiratory infections such as bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, pneumonia also cause children to increase mucus secretion in the nose and drain into the throat cavity, causing sputum stasis, lower respiratory tract inflammation. In addition, the child may be accompanied by the phenomena of shortness of breath, rapid breathing, discomfort in the neck due to a lot of phlegm but no cough ...

Common signs when children have sputum but no cough

To recognize whether a child has phlegm in the throat or not, parents can pay attention to the following signs:

  • Babies are often fussy and have fever when sucking or swallowing food.
  • Children present with pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing food, especially for older children.
  • There is the presence of lymph nodes in the neck area near the ear. When this area is pressed, the baby may cry because of the pain.
  • The nasopharynx is inflamed, red, the child has anorexia, often fusses and has trouble sleeping.
  • If the phlegm is caused by a virus, your baby may also have other symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, body aches, fatigue, and fussiness.

Frequent crying at night is a sign that the infant has phlegm in the neck but does not cough

How to treat phlegm in the throat for children

In order to effectively handle the condition of babies with sputum in the neck but not coughing, parents can immediately apply the methods from the materials available at home below.

Combine onion and rock sugar

Onions contain phytoncides such as allicin - a highly antibacterial active ingredient that can kill bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella. 


  • Onions: 200g;
  • Rock sugar: 50g.


  • Peel and wash the onion, then finely chop it.
  • Mix onion with rock sugar in a small glass bowl.
  • Place the bowl in the steamer for about 30 - 45 minutes.
  • After steaming, drain the water and let it cool down gradually.

Use about 1 teaspoon each time and give it to your baby to drink directly. Can be used 2-3 times a day and used continuously for about 3 days to see the effect.

Combine white radish and pear

White radish and pear are two natural ingredients that are great for improving cough symptoms caused by respiratory infections. In white radish contains the active ingredient Raphanin, which has the effect of preventing the invasion of bacteria. Therefore, this combination will help improve the condition of infants who have phlegm in the neck but do not cough quickly.


  • Pear: 500g;
  • White radish: 500g;
  • Fresh ginger: 150g;
  • Honey 2 teaspoons.


  • Wash and peel the ingredients then squeeze the juice.
  • Put the above juice mixture in a pot and bring to a boil.
  • When the mixture boils, continue to cook for about 2 minutes.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the pot and cook until the mixture thickens, you can turn off the heat.

For each use, please mix 1 teaspoon of the mixture with about 100ml of warm water and give it to your baby to drink about 30 minutes after eating. Note that only children over 1 year old can use honey.

Newborn has sputum in the neck but no cough, how to handle it?

Raphanin in white radish helps prevent the invasion of bacteria

Combine honey and fresh lemon

Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C , which effectively strengthens the immune system of children. In particular, the amount of essential oil in lemon peel is also able to reduce cough and expectorant effectively. Therefore, the combination of honey and lemon will be a safe natural therapy to help strengthen resistance and improve phlegm in babies quickly. 


  • ¼ fresh lemon;
  • 100ml warm water;
  • Honey 2 teaspoons.


  • Stir 2 honey with 100ml of warm water then add lemon to the mixture.
  • Let the child drink this mixture every morning right after waking up, maintain regularly every day until the child is completely cured. Children should only drink honey when they are over 1 year old.

How should parents take care when the child has phlegm but does not cough?

Parents often tend to focus on taking medicine to treat their baby quickly, but in fact, the way parents take care of them really plays an important role in the baby's health. Therefore, in order to strengthen the resistance and help the baby improve the condition of phlegm coming out of the throat, parents need to pay attention to adjust their care regimen in the most scientific way. 

Daily diet

Diet is very important in taking care of children, parents need to pay attention to some of the following information:

  • Avoid giving your child foods that increase phlegm such as yogurt, butter, cheese, etc.
  • For children under 6 months, continue to breastfeed and add more water if the child is over 6 months to help clear phlegm faster.
  • Limit the use of bean products to avoid stagnation of mucus and phlegm.
  • Regularly give children fresh fruit juice (children over 6 months) to keep their throat clear and strengthen their resistance.

Newborn has sputum in the neck but no cough, how to handle it?

Adding fruit juice to help children strengthen their resistance

Clean up the surrounding environment 

To ensure that the baby always has a stable health, parents need to pay attention to the hygiene of the child's play and rest space. A clean, cool environment, unaffected by dust pollution, will help children quickly recover and stay away from respiratory diseases. 

  • Remember to clean your baby's toys after playing to avoid contact with bacteria.
  • Create an airy play environment where your baby can breathe fresh air, help strengthen the immune system and avoid harmful agents to health.
  • In particular, make sure the humidity in the room is moderate, not too dry so that your baby always feels comfortable.

Hopefully the article brought today by SignsSymptomsList will help readers better understand the condition of newborns with phlegm in the neck but no cough , so that they can know more knowledge and apply the right measures to take care of them. Take care of your children at home!

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