Revealing yoga exercises that are good for the heart not everyone knows

Practicing yoga not only gives you a supple and soft body, but yoga is also considered a simple and effective health improvement therapy. In today's article, SignsSymptomsList will share with readers good yoga exercises for the heart. Do not skip the article below or you will regret it.

Currently, yoga has become a popular health support therapy. However, not everyone understands all about yoga. Before learning about yoga exercises that are good for the heart, let's take a look at a few points about yoga and the benefits that yoga brings to the heart.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is considered the key to helping us maintain our health and youthfulness every day. This practice method has been around for a long time and originated in India. People who are not knowledgeable about yoga think that practicing yoga is practicing strange postures and twists. But actually, yoga includes exercises that help improve all aspects including physical, emotional and even spiritual for the practitioner.

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to join, unite, add or attach. This discipline is built on the combination of mind and body but two but one. When practicing, you need to combine breathing techniques, meditation and yoga poses . To do this, you need discipline as well as focused practice to unify body, soul, and mind.

Yoga practitioners always have a strong belief that practicing this subject can change the worldview, reduce stress and calm down, thereby improving health effectively.

Yoga brings many great health benefits to practitioners

In fact, there are many different types of yoga such as Ashtanga , Sivananda, Hatha, etc. Some yoga styles are strong with flexible postures and require more control of the breath. With each yoga practice will focus on one aspect of health and have different levels. However, they all work towards a common goal, which is to improve both physical and mental health.

Yoga is suitable for anyone, at any age. 

Like any other exercise, yoga is simple, safe, and effective, but there are risks involved. Yoga practitioners may face some injuries when practicing such as overstretching, stretching too many times, falling due to slippery ... Therefore, before starting the exercises, you should gently stretch your muscles. and prepare the training area and equipment carefully. This can help limit injury during exercise.

Benefits of yoga for heart health

Cardiologists say that practicing yoga regularly and properly every day will bring many great benefits to cardiovascular health. Specifically:

Improve the endurance of the heart muscle

Studies show that practicing yoga improves cardiac endurance and improves the quality of life of people with cardiovascular problems. During exercise, blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow to the heart, thereby helping the heart work more easily. Not only that, yoga also gives the practitioner a flexible body, prevents myocarditis and improves quality of life.

Heart rate regulation

A fast and irregular heartbeat is a sign of atrial fibrillation. Episodes of atrial fibrillation can be accompanied by a number of symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness ... This can be the cause of many dangerous health complications, including stroke. Medical experts also show that regularly practicing yoga can improve atrial fibrillation, helping to maintain a stable heart rate and blood pressure.

Revealing yoga exercises that are good for the heart not everyone knows

Practicing yoga helps improve atrial fibrillation


In fact, practicing yoga can help you control blood pressure well, especially for those who are at risk of hypertension. A recent scientific study showed that people who practiced yoga regularly for 8 weeks had a slight decrease in blood pressure compared to those who did not practice regularly or did not practice at all. Therefore, practicing yoga is very good for people with high blood pressure.

Yoga exercises are good for the heart

With the benefits that yoga brings to health mentioned above, it can be seen that yoga is one of the effective methods of improving cardiovascular health. Here are some good yoga exercises for the heart, readers can refer to:

Deep breathing exercises with meditation posture

Deep breathing combined with meditation posture is one of the simple cardio yoga exercises that anyone can do.

One study showed that when the exhalation rate is twice the inhalation rate, it helps to control high blood pressure. Breathing in this way calms the nervous system, lowers heart rate, and lowers blood pressure. You can do deep breathing exercises with a meditative posture at the beginning or end of a yoga session.


  • Sit comfortably on a yoga mat. Place right foot on left thigh and left foot under right thigh. Keep your back and spine straight. Place your hands on your knees and palms facing up.
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. While inhaling, you count from 1 - 2, then exhale to push all the air out while counting from 1 - 4. Do this until you get used to it, then start focusing on the breath.
  • Perform this exercise for 20-30 minutes, maintain regular practice for good results.

Deep breathing combined with meditation posture is one of the best yoga exercises for the heart that many people apply

Mountain pose

Practicing yoga with mountain pose enhances blood circulation, trains concentration and enhances mental health. In case you are having some problems such as low blood pressure, insomnia… you should not do this exercise.

How to do it :

  • Stand up straight, feet parallel to each other and arms relaxed, down along the body.
  • Squeeze your thighs, adjust your knees, and straighten your legs to make sure your abs are not tight. Keep your balance and proceed to breathe evenly.
  • Inhale, raise your heels slightly while keeping your back straight, look straight, and relax your shoulders.
  • Breathe evenly for 3-5 minutes, then exhale and relax.
  • As you get used to this pose, you can enhance it by extending your arms and reaching overhead. Extend your arms straight out and hold your hands together.
  • If balance is difficult, you can stand close to the wall so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, and head are touching the wall.

Bridge yoga exercise

Bridge pose is one of the best cardio yoga exercises that many people apply. This exercise directly affects the ribcage, increasing pressure on the organs in the body, helping to increase blood circulation, thereby improving cardiovascular health.

Studies have shown that practicing yoga with the bridge pose helps people reduce the risk of high blood pressure and prevent stroke due to coronary complications.

How to do it :

  • Lie on the yoga mat, knees bent. The soles of the feet are fixed on the mat and focus on the soles of the feet.
  • Expiratory. Use the soles of your feet as support and slowly lift your hips up. Lift until your thighs are parallel to the floor and about the same distance from the floor as your calves.
  • Stay in that position for 30-45 seconds. In case of too much pain, you can use a pillow to support.

Bridge pose is a basic pose in yoga that is good for the heart

Above are the good yoga exercises for the heart that SignsSymptomsList has compiled to share with readers. To be effective, you need to perform the movements correctly and maintain regular exercise. Hopefully, through this article, readers can understand more about yoga and then choose the right exercise for themselves.

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