What causes baby sweaty head?

Newborns sweat their heads often at night and during sleep. This is normal in children. However, if your baby experiences excessive sweating in his or her head while sleeping, it could be a warning sign of a health problem. Head sweating is a very common phenomenon in 2-3% of the world's population. Therefore, babies are no exception. So is the infant's head sweat really worrisome? In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of sweating in the head in children. Also share remedies, and in which cases need to take the child to the doctor. 


What causes infant sweaty head?

The nervous system of a child is not yet fully developed

The nervous system is responsible for controlling body temperature. In infants, however, the nervous system does not perform its role in a stable manner. Because they are not fully developed. Not only the nervous system but also the organs and systems are not fully developed in the newborn body.

Therefore, infants are not yet able to regulate their body temperature as well as adults. Some babies sweat more than others. Even the amount of sweat can be as much as in adults.

Newborns sweat their heads from crying

When babies cry, they expend a lot of energy. So when babies cry loudly, or cry for a long time, it can make them tired, sweaty and red in the face. In this case, the sweating can be resolved when the mother soothes the baby.

Wearing, wrapping too many layers of clothes and towels makes the body hot

Many parents always fear that babies get cold easily and need lots of layers. This is not a bad thought. However, if a child's body is covered with too many layers, he can become hot, sweaty, and his skin can't "breathe". When wrapped in too many layers, babies sweat not only from the head, but also from the whole body.

What causes baby sweaty head?

The child's body is covered with too many layers, the child may get hot and sweat

Children enter deep sleep

When a baby is born, he or she will spend most of the day and night sleeping. However, often babies sleep only for a short period of time, usually 3-4 hours at a time. During the sleep cycle, there will be 2 stages, light sleep and deep sleep. Newborn babies sweat their head often during deep sleep. This symptom is quite common. So this is not an issue for the mother to worry about.

Babies sweat during deep sleep because they can't change positions on their own like adults. With a lying position, when the body temperature rises, it will cause sweating.

Due to sweat glands

Sweat glands are located in different places on the body. But most concentrated in the head area. In newborns, it is possible that the other sweat glands are not active yet, but only the sweat glands at the tip are active. You can notice this when your baby is not sweating in other areas of the body, but only in the head. Therefore, the location of the sweat glands may be responsible for the infant's sweaty head .

Have a cold, fever, or infection

When suddenly babies sweat a lot but never before. This could be a sign that the child has a cold or is inflamed in an organ.

Fever is an important sign that your child has an infection. To be sure, you should take your baby's body temperature. In case the child has a fever and is under 3 months old, the child should be taken to a medical center to reduce the fever to prevent convulsions and check for the cause.

What causes baby sweaty head?

Colds and flu can cause babies to sweat their heads

Sleep apnea syndrome in infants

Sleep apnea is when a child stops breathing for more than 20 seconds between breaths during sleep. This condition is very rare in babies, especially babies who are only a few months old.

If you think your child has sleep apnea, you need to take the child to the doctor as soon as possible. Signs that suggest this condition, include:

  • Children snore while sleeping.
  • Sudden panting while sleeping.
  • Open your mouth while sleeping.

In fact, sleep apnea is not a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, if the mother is still worried and insecure, she can take the baby to see a doctor for detailed advice.

Congenital heart disease

In children with congenital heart disease, it is common to sweat at any time. This is because the heart and lungs have to circulate and work harder to pump enough blood to the organs. As a result, children lose more energy and sweat more easily. According to statistics, it is estimated that about 1% of babies are born with congenital heart disease and babies sweat their head .

Babies with congenital heart disease often sweat while breastfeeding. Other signs of heart failure include blue-green blood in the baby's skin, and rapid shallow breathing.

Newborns sweat while feeding

When breastfeeding, most mothers prefer to put their babies in the cradle position. This requires the mother to keep the baby's head in the same position constantly. The mother's palm warms the baby's immature head. This can cause the baby's head to sweat while feeding. If you still feel that your baby's head is sweating profusely continuously, you should see your doctor to find out the exact cause.

What causes baby sweaty head?

Newborn baby sweats his head while breastfeeding

Newborn sweaty head, how to fix it?

When the mother notices that her child is suffering from a sweaty head. The first thing a mother needs to do is to see if the surrounding environment, the clothes the child is wearing, make the child uncomfortable or not? Some things you can do are:

Find the reason why babies cry

In case the baby cries loudly and for a long time, making the baby tired and red sweat. Do you need to find out the reason why the baby is crying? Some of the common reasons why babies cry are because they're hungry, need a new diaper, or sometimes they just want to be held.

Adjust room temperature and wear cool clothes

Make sure that the temperature in the room is not too high and makes the child sweat easily. Normally, a comfortable room temperature for babies is 26-27°C. At the same time, observing around the baby's crib, too many towels around also make the baby hot and uncomfortable.

The mother should dress the baby in comfortable clothes when sleeping. In warm weather, dress your baby in comfortable light pajamas or bras. Conversely, in cold weather, use a blanket to keep your baby warm. However, limit the use of thick blankets, blankets or comforters because they can cause the baby to get stuck.

What causes baby sweaty head?

Parents should let children wear light, airy clothes

Avoid letting your baby get too hot

If the temperature in the house is high, it is possible for a child to sweat. Keeping the temperature in your home comfortable enough is one way to overcome sweating in babies. Experts recommend that the room temperature from 20 to 22℃ is suitable.

In addition, extreme heat has been linked to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Because it can cause the child to fall into a deeper sleep stage that makes it difficult for the child to wake up.

Keep your baby from getting dehydrated

Because sometimes, even with measures to make the child more comfortable, the child still has the ability to sweat his head. This is due to a number of reasons that have not been changed, such as the location of the baby's sweat glands near the head, or the infant's inability to roll over while sleeping. Therefore, to prevent the child from losing water due to sweating a lot, the mother should feed the baby before lulling the baby to sleep. Milk will provide adequate water for the baby.

Be careful with fever and other symptoms

If the mother has taken steps such as adjusting the room temperature, and removing the excess layers of the baby's clothes, but still has a lot of sweat on her head. This could be a sign that your child has a fever. At this time, the mother should check the temperature of the baby. Your child will need to go to the health center when:

  • Less than 3 months old and rectal temperature above 38 degrees. If the case of an armpit thermometer, a fever is when the child's armpit temperature is above 37.5 degrees.
  • Over 3 months old and high temperature over 39 degrees, or even higher
  • Over 3 months old and fever for 2 days or more.

What causes baby sweaty head?

When the child has a high fever, especially under 3 months old or has other abnormal symptoms, it is necessary to take the child to a medical center for examination.

Vitamin D Supplement

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient in the process of forming a baby's "strong skeleton". It also helps children avoid rickets. The cheap and effective source of vitamin D is the sun. Parents should let children sunbathe in the morning before 10 am to supplement vitamin D. The time of sunbathing should be gradually increased from 10 to 30 minutes. Care should be taken not to expose children's eyes to direct sunlight when sunbathing.

Take your child to see a doctor

If an infant's head sweats too much, often, or accompanied by unusual signs, parents should take the child to see a specialist for timely treatment. Unusual signs such as:

  • Children are both sweaty and tired.
  • Thin hair, slow teething.
  • The tip of the head is slow.
  • Slow to crawl, slow to walk...
  • Children underweight, anorexia.

Conclusion about newborn sweaty head

Diarrhea in babies is quite common. In most cases, mothers will be able to overcome this with a few simple adjustments such as: Lower the temperature of the room when it is hot, put on a layer of cool clothes for the baby.

In addition, when the baby enters the crib to sleep, observe and remove unnecessary layers of towels. As babies get older, their ability to regulate their body temperature also gets better.

However, when the mother observed there were abnormalities other than just sweating the head. Trust your mother's instincts, because no one can understand and feel a child better than a mother. Take your child to the doctor when you see something wrong with your baby. Hopefully, through the above article, parents have better understand the condition of babies with sweaty heads . Most cases are normal. If the child is sweating with other abnormal signs, parents expect to take the child to a doctor as soon as possible for advice and treatment.