Safe sex with HIV: Can people with HIV kiss?

If you've just tested positive for HIV, you don't seem to want to think about having sex. Some people with HIV feel guilty or ashamed. They are afraid of infecting their partners and think that having sex with HIV is too risky. This reaction is very common, especially if you get HIV through sex. But there's no reason why you can't. People living with HIV have the same right to sex and love as other people. And there are ways to have satisfying and safe sex.

The article aims to help people living with HIV and their friends (not infected) have a more open view of safe sex while living with HIV.


1. Should people with HIV kiss each other?

For the most part, it 's completely safe to kiss someone with HIV . Because studies show that the HIV virus is not present in saliva. There is a risk that if one of you has a wound (with bleeding, fluid) in your mouth, the French deep kiss can transmit HIV but according to experts, the chance of transmission is extremely small. So don't be too shy to give each other a kiss. And of course cuddling and hugging and even masturbation is completely safe.

Safe sex with HIV: Can people with HIV kiss?

Kissing is completely safe. Just be a little cautious when one of you has a sore in your mouth.

2. Safe sex with HIV

For one thing, HIV is not sexually transmitted. But that doesn't mean that people with HIV can't have a healthy sex life.

Male and female condoms significantly reduce the chances of transmitting HIV to a sexual partner. If you both have HIV, you still need to use protection. Because HIV has overlapping strains. You can get another strain of HIV from a sexual partner. This could make your illness worse or even require you to change your medication.

Oral sex should be minimized , or if available, condoms should be used. What about other things? HIV is found only in certain body fluids: blood, semen, vaginal and anal secretions. To infect another person, those fluids must enter the person's body, usually through a mucous membrane or cut.

So you can safely satisfy each other sexually, with your hands or your body. As long as you're careful about where those liquids go. You are more likely to transmit HIV when you have multiple sex partners, have other STIs, or use injection drugs.

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3. Treatment as prevention

One of the most important ways you can protect yourself and your partner is by taking HIV medicine. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) can make it harder for the virus to multiply and spread in your body. It can reduce the HIV viral load to levels undetectable by testing.

If your viral load drops to levels undetectable by testing, some studies show you have little or no risk of transmitting HIV to others. However, do not rely on just one method of protection. Even if your viral load is low, you should still use extra protection (eg condoms). Although no form of protection is 100% effective. But combining them can strengthen your defenses.

>> You can learn more: What to do after HIV exposure

4. ARV drugs protect your sexual partner (who is not infected)

Several studies have shown that antiretroviral therapy for the remaining (uninfected) people has a preventive effect on them.

4.1 Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

If you think you have been exposed to HIV (e.g. a condom broke). Go see your doctor right away. You can take antiretroviral medication for 28 days to stop the virus. Generally effective, but must be started within 72 hours as soon as possible.

>> You can learn more: If you suspect you have HIV, should you get tested right away?

4.2 Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV-negative people can take anti-HIV drugs every day to prevent HIV infection. And definitely under the supervision of a doctor. This is called pre-exposure prophylaxis . Usually these are people who are at relatively high risk of HIV infection (for example, because they have a partner with HIV, they are at risk of sexual exposure or they share injecting drug equipment). This method seems to be extremely effective if used regularly every day.

Today, thanks to the advancement of science, getting HIV is no longer a death sentence. Instead, the stigma around, the guilt of the patient itself is what causes difficulties. Be ready to discuss your worries and concerns about safe sex with HIV.

Consult your doctor, look for support groups in your area. Don't let HIV put your life on hold. People with HIV still have the right to love and have a healthy sex life just like everyone else.