Q&A about systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Systolic blood pressure is the maximum blood pressure that can be measured during contractions. Systolic blood pressure is often more concerned because this index indirectly assesses the blood supply and contractility of the heart. 

Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure  are two important cardiovascular indicators that help us understand our health status. It helps the patient and the doctor both monitor and adjust to normal.

Many people do not know the difference between the concepts of blood pressure, what is systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as how to read, and the medical significance of each of these numbers. So what is blood pressure? What is systolic blood pressure? What is diastolic blood pressure ? Let's follow the article below to understand more about these indicators with SignsSymptomsList. 

Blood pressure - What is systolic blood pressure?

Blood pressure is one of the important indicators that each of us must periodically monitor to know if our body is healthy or not, at risk of cardiovascular diseases or not. For the elderly, they often pay more attention to the systolic blood pressure in their blood pressure measurement results.

What is blood pressure?

For healthy people, blood pressure during the day will be higher than at night. In particular, when we exercise too much, are under mental pressure or have vasoconstriction (due to being cold, taking drugs that affect the contraction of the heart, eating too much salt) can cause high blood pressure. suddenly.

When the body is relaxed and comfortable, blood pressure can drop. In addition, in a hot and warm environment, the body sweats a lot, diarrhea, dehydration or vasodilator use... can also lower blood pressure.

Q&A about systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels

What is systolic blood pressure? How important?

Systolic blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts on the artery walls when the heart contracts. Systolic blood pressure is often more concerned because this index indirectly assesses the blood supply and contractility of the heart. 

This is the larger number (or upper number) of the blood pressure reading, which is the maximum blood pressure when the heart contracts. According to the World Health Organization, normal systolic blood pressure ranges from 90 to 140 mmHg when measured correctly, if it is above 140 mmHg, it is called systolic hypertension.

What is isolated systolic hypertension?

In Vietnam, high blood pressure is identified as the leading cause of cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, heart failure, ... and occurs most commonly in the elderly. Therefore, if not treated in time, the patient can die or have serious illnesses. Isolated systolic hypertension when  systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure <>

Q&A about systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Isolated systolic hypertension is one of the abnormal forms of blood pressure

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

In blood pressure readings, diastolic pressure is conventionally the smaller number after systolic blood pressure. This is the lowest level of blood pressure in the blood vessels, occurring between the contractions of the heart and when the heart muscle is relaxed. Diastolic blood pressure is often overlooked because this index only evaluates the elasticity of the vessel wall.

When measuring blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, the diastolic blood pressure reading is marked at the time when the last heart beat is heard before it can no longer be heard. Normal diastolic blood pressure ranges from 60 - 90 mmHg, if the systolic blood pressure is < 90mmhg="" or="" blood="" pressure="" heart="" diastolic="">< 60= "" mmhg="" then="" is="" see="" is=""> low blood pressure .

Effects of abnormal systolic blood pressure

Abnormally high or low systolic blood pressure is not good for the body and sometimes leads to dangerous diseases.

Sudden increase in systolic blood pressure causes patients to feel severe headache, neck and shoulder fatigue, heart palpitations, chest tightness , shortness of breath, blurred vision... Blood pressure measurement shows a rapid increase in systolic blood pressure. may rise to 200 mmHg or more. If not timely intervention can cause brain stroke, heart stroke such as cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial ischemia, ... 

When the systolic blood pressure drops suddenly, the brain and other organs in the body are reduced to the amount of blood supply oxygen, this makes the patient feel dizzy, lightheaded, dizzy, palpitations, heart palpitations, More serious can be confusion, fainting, loss of consciousness, cerebral ischemia and brain death, which is life-threatening.

When high blood pressure is not controlled regularly, it can gradually affect the function of important organs such as the heart, brain, eyes, kidneys, ... 

Effective method of controlling systolic blood pressure

Patients  with high blood pressure need to follow the doctor's treatment, take the medication fully and have regular check-ups as scheduled. Build a healthy lifestyle with a diet rich in fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, green vegetables, ripe fruits. Limit fat, animal organs, processed foods and high in salt.

Quit smoking and limit alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine. Exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid stress to keep your blood pressure stable, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

Particularly people with low blood pressure should drink more water and eat more salty foods than normal people. Live in moderation, get enough sleep, avoid overwork or sudden change of position.

Control systolic blood pressure at a stable level

Hopefully, through the above article, we have learned the importance and how to distinguish the two systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings to monitor the health status of blood pressure and heart disease of ourselves and our families. From there, there is a way to intervene in time to avoid unfortunate consequences that may occur.

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