Answer the question: How much is enough for babies?

It can be said that the amount of milk and the time when a baby sucks milk often depends on many factors. However, in order for the baby's body to develop stably, mothers need to know how much breast milk is enough?

To better understand the issue of how much babies breastfeed and how long they should breastfeed, you should follow the content below the following article.

How many ml of milk is enough for a newborn baby?

In fact, doctors have come up with a formula to calculate the amount of milk for babies according to the weight index as follows:

  • Total ml of milk that the baby needs to drink in 24 hours = weight x 150ml.
  • Stomach volume in children = weight x 30ml.
  • Number of milliliters the baby needs to feed in 1 feeding = stomach volume x ⅔.

However, what experts always recommend is that the formula is calculated in theory. Based on the fact that the amount of milk that the mother gives the baby needs to depend on the level of "craving" in the child. Therefore, mothers should not force their babies to empty the bottle.

How much milk is enough for babies?

How many ml of milk is enough for a newborn baby? Depending on the age of the baby, the amount of milk for the baby will be different.

  • For newborn babies: When they are just born, their stomachs are relatively small, so mothers should only give them about 30ml and then gradually increase to about 60ml. If you notice that the baby has finished the above amount of milk but the baby is still crying, the mother can give the baby more.
  • For infants from 1 to 2 months old: At this stage, mothers should divide breastfeeding. Every day, the baby should feed from 4 to 5 times and the amount of milk is about 90 to 120ml / time. If the baby has had enough milk at night and has slept well, the mother does not need to wake the baby up to feed.
  • For babies from 2 to 6 months old: When entering this stage, mothers should feed their babies 5 times a day, about 4 hours apart, and the amount of milk needed for each feeding is from 120 to 180ml.
  • For children from 6 to 9 months old: The number of feedings should be from 4 to 5 times, each time the amount of milk needed ranges from 200 to 250ml. Entering this stage, mothers should start feeding their babies with solid and liquid foods.
  • For children from 9 to 12 months old: The amount of milk for babies should be reduced to 2 to 3 meals per day, about 250ml each. In addition, mothers should give their babies 2 extra meals.

How much milk is enough for babies?

How many minutes should you breastfeed your baby? Newborns should feed at least every 2 to 3 hours and should feed on each side for 10 to 15 minutes. Each feeding should last between 20 and 30 minutes and it is important to ensure that the baby is getting enough breast milk. This period is long enough to stimulate the body to accumulate milk supply. Some signs that an infant has suckled long enough at each feed are:

  • After 5 days of age, the baby has had at least 6 bowel movements.
  • Children gain weight well.
  • Your breasts are less tight and feel softer after each feeding.
  • Your baby feels satisfied after each feed and sleeps well between feeds.

Accordingly, experts also recommend that you follow the instructions when the baby is feeding time and should not worry about the feeding time. When the breast is properly latched and the baby is actively suckling, you can let the baby suck for as long as you like.

Once the baby has stopped nursing or has fallen asleep, you can remove the baby from the breast, change the baby's diaper, and feed the baby on the other side.

Signs that your baby is getting enough milk

At certain times, you will likely experience changes in the length of time your baby is breastfed. You can adjust your daily routine to accommodate the changing needs of your child. 

Tips for mothers when breastfeeding and formula milk

Depending on the type of milk the mother is breastfeeding, there should be important notes.

  • For babies who are exclusively breastfed : In the opinion of nutritionists, during the first 3 months, the baby's body usually grows quite quickly, so it requires a lot of energy. In the next 3 months, children often grow more slowly, so the nutritional source will be the same as in the first 3 months.
  • For formula- fed babies : According to WHO recommendations, mothers should give their babies milk according to the dosage suggestion that the manufacturer states on the package. Children under 6 months of age should not drink more than 150ml of milk per drink. 

Signs to tell if your baby is hungry or full

To know if a child is hungry or full, mothers should follow the typical signs as follows:

  • For babies who are still hungry: If the mother has just finished feeding the baby, but still sees the baby showing signs of licking lips, sucking, snuggling, putting both hands and feet in the mouth... then mothers should feed the baby more. In the case of babies using formula, mothers can add a small amount to avoid excess milk.
  • For babies who are full: If the baby finishes feeding without fussing and plays well, it means that the baby has had enough milk. Not only that, the weight of the children is also increased steadily. 

A baby that doesn't cry is a sign that the baby is getting enough milk

How much milk is enough for babies ? The above article has helped you to solve this problem. If you have any further questions, please contact us for a detailed explanation.

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