Top 10 effective exercises to lose weight at home

In addition to a diet that helps cut calories, you can also consider weight loss exercises. These exercises help to increase the process of burning excess fat to help you lose weight effectively, quickly regain a slim figure. In particular, when you do not have much time to practice, weight loss exercises at home also have the same effect. Let's also Doctor Doan Minh Thai learn effective weight loss exercises at home through the article below!



Plank is considered one of the simple effective home weight loss exercises. Its greatest effect is to help reduce fat and tone abdominal and biceps muscles. The amount of calories consumed is proportional to the time you keep in one plank. So challenge yourself by gradually increasing the time each time you do this movement. In 30 days, gradually increase the Plank time 5-10s each time to quickly see the effect.

Execution: Lie on your stomach with your elbows perpendicular just below your shoulders. The points of contact with the floor are the forearms and the toes. Hold the pose so that your back, hips, and neck are in a straight line. Tighten your abs and hip muscles and maintain a steady breathing rate for at least 30 seconds.

You can also combine a regular plank and a push-up exercise by alternately lifting your body up and down with your hands.

Top 10 effective exercises to lose weight at home

Plank is considered one of the simple movements to help lose weight and reduce excess fat effectively


The squat is a popular movement that often appears in light weight exercises. This exercise requires the participation of the glutes, thighs, hamstrings and the entire leg area. Thanks to that, Squat helps to lose weight and tighten the 3rd round to improve physique.

Top 10 effective exercises to lose weight at home

Squats help to lose weight and tone the bust

It includes 3 steps as follows:

Step 1: Stand up straight, hands clasped together in front of chest, legs extended.

Step 2: Slowly overlap the legs so that the thighs are parallel to the ground, the upper body stays the same.

Step 3: Return to the original standing position.

Gradually increase the number of Squats in 30 days for effective weight loss.


Push-ups (push-ups) are simple but effective weight loss exercises at home . This exercise mainly works on shoulder muscles and muscles.

Do the following action:

Step 1: Straighten your hands on the floor, force on both hands. With your legs slightly closed, straighten them parallel and touch the floor with your toes.

Step 2: Bend your elbows, lower your body, and press your shoulder blades to almost touch the floor. Keep your body so that your back is straight, your face and stomach are not in contact with the floor. The whole body forms a straight line from fight to toe.

Step 3: Stop the hand force to push the body up back to the head position.


Crunch is a full-impact exercise on straight and diagonal muscle groups to help tone muscles and reduce fat.


Step 1: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor, hands behind your neck to support your head.

Step 2: Use your abs to curl up so that your neck, shoulders, and back are lifted off the floor.

Step 3: Lower your head slowly back to the starting position. Remember to combine with maintaining a steady breathing every time you raise or lower your body.


Lunges will work most of the lower body, helping to tone muscles and lose weight. To perform the action just:

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Step left foot forward 60-90cm from head position. The right leg should be bent but not touching the floor. The shins and thighs of both legs form 90 degrees together. Arms straight or on hips. Keep your shoulders and back straight.

Step 3: Jump and switch legs in the air.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is definitely not a strange exercise for you. This is also an indispensable exercise in your list of weight loss exercises at home . Because only owning a dedicated exercise rope, you can easily burn calories for the whole body.

This exercise also does not need too many techniques, so simple that anyone can do it. What you need to do is adjust the rope to suit your height. Grasp the rope with both hands while jumping and swinging the rope over your head so that your feet do not step on the rope.

Do it every day for about 30 minutes, you will see amazing results. Note that you need to choose a suitable pair of shoes to avoid injury and a rope suitable for your dance style will help you more excited.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are also known as mountain climbing exercises that simulate the posture of mountain climbers. This exercise is good for the heart, improves endurance and agility. They work on many different muscle groups at the same time and require the strength of the whole body. Although the steps are simple, to do enough exercises, you may have to expend a lot of energy.

Mountain climbers are performed as follows:

Step 1: Two hands straight on the floor like push-ups.

Step 2: Slowly bring the right leg so that the right knee almost touches the left elbow

Step 3: Repeat the above movement with the opposite side.

This exercise will work mainly on the abs, thighs and biceps.

Top 10 effective exercises to lose weight at home

Mountain Climber is good for the heart, improves endurance and agility

High Knee

This is a familiar knee-raising running exercise. It has a good whole-body weight loss effect and consumes a lot of calories.

The technique of the exercise is simple, you just need to jump and lift one leg, leaving one leg to support. The raised leg should be so that the thigh is perpendicular to the body. Repeat the exercise 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds. And doing other exercises with 30 minutes a day will help lose weight effectively.

High/low boat

High/low boat is a simple home exercise to help burn belly fat effectively. The pose consists of only 2 steps:

Step 1: Resting position, feet on the mat, hands on knees

Step 2: Lean back just so your butt is in contact with the mat. Lean back so that the spine is tilted 45 degrees and straighten the arms and legs in a V shape. Use the abs to keep the body balanced, the longer the hold the better. At this time, you will see your belly heat up and excess fat will be burned.

Heel tap

Heel tap is an exercise capable of burning fat on both sides of the waist very effectively. You can easily do it at home as follows:

Step 1: Lie on the mat, slightly raise your upper body, stretch your arms along your body. Bend your legs so that your feet are still flat on the floor.

Step 2: Hold the lower body and tilt the upper body to the left so that the left hand touches the ankle.

Step 3: Return to the original position and repeat the movement but change sides.

Weight loss exercises at home need to be maintained for 30 minutes a day to be effective. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the diet so as not to exceed the amount of calories consumed. Hopefully with the above 10 exercises will help you have more flexible change options in the training sessions.