Nutrition during pregnancy for healthy mother and baby

A reasonable, balanced nutrition plan is the best gift you can give your baby. Nutrition during pregnancy will affect the health of the mother and the development of the baby. A healthy diet is not only necessary during pregnancy, but should be adopted throughout life. It is important to have a balance between the ingredients to stay healthy during pregnancy. Here are some tips for healthy pregnancy nutrition.


1. Is it necessary to “eat for 2”?

During pregnancy nutritional needs increase. You may be more hungry than usual. But that doesn't mean you have to eat enough food for two people. Except if you are pregnant with 2 or 3 babies. It is important to provide adequate micro and macronutrients for both you and your baby.

Try to have a healthy breakfast every day. This will help you avoid getting hungry and "crushing" snacks during the day. Snacks are often foods high in sugar and fat. They are not good for health.

Eating healthy means you have to vary the amount of different foods.

So the diet also varies, rather than cutting out all the foods you love. For a properly balanced diet, you can refer to a number of guidelines. They will help you figure out what foods to eat to stay healthy. Balanced nutrition does not have to be in every meal. You should try to balance the foods used during the week.

>> See more articles: Nutrition during pregnancy how to be reasonable?

2. Nutritional needs during pregnancy

Micronutrients are ingredients contained in foods such as vitamins and minerals, which we usually only need in small amounts. The macronutrients are the ingredients that provide us with energy to function every day. Includes: Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Daily nutritional requirements for pregnant women during pregnancy include:

  • Calories: Need to add about 300 kcal/day, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Calcium: About 1200 mg.
  • Folate: 600 – 800 micrograms.
  • Iron: 27 mg.

Most pregnant women can meet these increased nutritional needs by: choosing a diet that includes a variety of healthy foods. Refer to the article: Things to note during pregnancy .

A simple way to get all the nutrients you need is: Eat different foods from each food group each day . In fact, all meals should include at least three different food groups. Each type will play a different supply role for the body. Eg:

  • Grains: provide a good source of energy.
  • Fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants, fiber, and fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Meat and nuts or beans: provide the body with protein, folic acid and iron.
  • Dairy products are good sources of calcium and vitamin D.

3. Food groups in daily nutrition

3.1 Fruits and vegetables

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will help provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These substances support the digestive process, prevent constipation. Eat 5 different servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Can be fresh, chilled, dried or juiced. Note that it must be washed before use.

Fruits and vegetables are important components of pregnancy nutrition. Because they provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber to aid digestion and prevent constipation. Vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables, helps you absorb iron. Vegetables contain vitamin A, iron and folate – other important nutrients during pregnancy. Eat at least 5 different servings of vegetables each day. Fresh, dried or juiced foods can be used. Remember to always keep vegetables fresh and wash them well before use.

There are many different processing methods we can apply. You can add cereal with a few slices of fresh fruit. Make a vegetarian pizza. Or add vegetables to casseroles. If you're tired, try dried fruit or juice. But keep in mind that drinking too much juice can lead to unwanted weight gain.

3.2 Starchy foods (carbohydrates)

Starchy foods are an important source of energy, vitamins, and fiber. This heading includes bread, potatoes, cereals, rice, noodles, noodles, corn, oats, yams and cornmeal. Breads and cereals also help you get enough folic acid. Carbohydrates make you feel full without too many calories. These foods make up just over a third of the food you eat. Instead of using refined (white) starches, you should choose whole grain or higher fiber varieties like oats, brown rice or simply go for unpeeled potatoes.

Nutrition during pregnancy for healthy mother and baby

To avoid weight gain and be healthy, make sure to keep half of your carbs for the day as whole grains. Try to replace white starches with whole grains, brown rice, and whole grain breads.

3.3 Protein (Protein)

Some protein-rich foods we should eat every day:

  • Bean.
  • Fish.
  • Egg.
  • Meat (avoid using liver organs).
  • Seeds.

You should choose lean meat, remove the skin of poultry and try not to add fat when cooking. Thoroughly cook meats until the color is checked or pressed is no longer pink. Should incorporate fish dishes 2 times / week. Choose oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel. There are several types of fish you should avoid when pregnant or planning to become pregnant, including shark, swordfish, and marlin. However, you should not eat more than once a week: salmon, mackerel, herring, etc. because it can contain many toxins.

You should avoid eating raw or partially cooked eggs, because of the risk of salmonella contamination, including in mousse, mayonnaise and soufflé. Eggs should be cooked until the whites and yolks harden.

Nutrition during pregnancy for healthy mother and baby

3.4 Dairy products

Dairy foods such as: milk, yogurt, cheese, whey are very important during pregnancy. Because they contain calcium and other nutrients (vitamin D, protein) necessary for both mother and baby. Choose products that are as low in fat as possible, such as skim milk, 1% fat or skim milk, low fat and low sugar yogurt, reduced fat hard cheese. If you prefer other dairy alternatives, such as soy milk and yogurt, choose the unsweetened, calcium-fortified varieties. There are a few cheeses you should avoid during pregnancy that are unpasteurized.

Every day, pregnant women should drink 2-3 cups of milk. Mothers can eat yogurt for afternoon snacks; Drink milk mixed with cereal, drink 1 glass of skim milk with dinner. Or add low-fat cottage cheese to a salad.

If you have trouble digesting dairy products, try calcium-fortified drinks like orange juice or fish oil. Try lactose-reduced or lactose-free products. Use a product containing the enzyme lactase when you eat or drink dairy products.

>> See more articles: Zinc supplements for pregnant women: What are the benefits and when to supplement?

3.5 Foods rich in fat and sugar

Sugary foods and drinks can lead to weight gain and the risk of tooth decay. Regular consumption of high-fat foods is also likely to cause weight gain. Consuming too much saturated fat increases the risk of cholesterol in the blood, causing cardiovascular diseases.

Foods high in fat and sugar include:

  • Oil.
  • Butter.
  • Cream.
  • Chocolate.
  • French fries.
  • Cakes, cookies.
  • Carbonated soft drinks…

If you are in the habit of using products rich in fat and sugar, you should reduce the frequency and volume of consumption. Instead, use foods that are low in sugar or contain saturated fat (vegetable oils).

3.6 Healthy snacks for pregnancy

If you feel hungry between meals, try not to eat junk food that is high in fat or sugar. Such as candy, cookies, crisps, or chocolate. Instead, choose something healthier, such as:

  • Salad vegetables such as carrots, celery or cucumbers.
  • Low-sugar yogurt, fruit yogurt, or plain yogurt.
  • Vegetable and bean soup.
  • A small bowl of unsweetened breakfast cereal, or porridge with milk.
  • Milk drinks.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • Baked beans, toast or small baked potatoes.
  • A small slice of malt bread, fruit tea cake or a slice of toasted fruit bread.

When choosing snacks, you can read food labels carefully to help choose the right and healthy variety for you.

3.7 Vitamins and Minerals

Most doctors will prescribe supplements before pregnancy, before and after giving birth to cover all of your nutritional needs. However, prenatal supplements will not replace a healthy diet.

  • Folic acid

Recommendations suggest that all women of childbearing age need 0.6 to 0.8 mg of folic acid per day. Folic acid is a nutrient found in some green leafy vegetables, most berries, nuts, beans, fruits and breakfast cereals and vitamin supplements.

Folic acid may help reduce the risk of neural tube defects, birth defects of the brain and spinal cord. Neural tube defects can lead to varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence, and sometimes intellectual disability.

Nutrition during pregnancy for healthy mother and baby

Folic acid is most useful during the first 28 days after conception, when most neural tube defects occur. However, you may not realize you are pregnant during those first 28 days. Therefore, folic acid should be provided from before conception and continued throughout pregnancy. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate amount of folic acid to meet your individual needs. For example, women taking anti-seizure medications may need to take higher doses of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects.

  • Calcium

Calcium plays an important role in the development of bones in children. Pregnant women need at least three servings of calcium per day. In pregnant teenagers, the recommendation is five servings. Good sources of calcium include the following foods:

  • Milk.
  • Yogurt.
  • Cheese.
  • Cabbage.
  • Tofu.
  • Egg.
  • Pudding.
  • Iron.

Iron works together with sodium, potassium and water to help increase blood flow. This helps ensure an adequate supply of oxygen for both you and your baby. You need 27 milligrams of iron per day. The best source of iron is from the following foods:

  • Dark green vegetables.
  • Citrus fruit.
  • Bread or cereal.
  • Lean beef and poultry.
  • Egg.
  • Drying fruits.

Besides eating well, it's also important to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and take a prenatal vitamin. It can be difficult to get the right amount of nutrients needed for pregnancy, including folate and iron, from food. Talk to your doctor about which prenatal vitamin you should take to make sure you and your baby stay healthy.

3.8 Water

Water carries nutrients from food to the fetus. Water can also help prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and urinary tract or bladder infections.

The Institute of Medicine recommends drinking about 10 cups (2.4 liters) of water per day during pregnancy. Water, juice, coffee, tea and soft drinks all contribute to your daily water needs. However, keep in mind that some drinks have too much sugar which can cause weight gain.

Because of the potential effects on your developing baby, many health care providers may recommend that you limit the amount of caffeine in your diet to less than 200 milligrams per day during pregnancy.

3.9 Alcohol-containing products

Alcohol-containing products are completely unsafe for both mother and baby. Whether you are planning a pregnancy, already pregnant or breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is the safest option because alcohol can harm your baby.

4. Prepare food to ensure safety and nutrition

  • Wash fruits and vegetables to clean the soil, because the soil may contain toxoplasma. This is a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis, which can harm your unborn baby.
  • Wash all surfaces, utensils, and your hands, after preparing raw food, to help you avoid food poisoning.
  • Make sure that raw food is stored separately from ready-to-eat food.
  • Use a separate knife and cutting board for raw meat.
  • Make sure that certain foods, such as eggs, poultry, burgers, hot dogs, and whole meats like lamb, beef, and pork, are cooked very thoroughly until all pink is gone. That will reduce the risk of  Salmonella infection causing dangerous complications for the fetus.

A mother before pregnancy or during pregnancy and after giving birth needs the best nutrition to ensure the health of both mother and baby. Besides eating right, mothers also need to maintain healthy living habits and gentle exercise. All will help mom experience a happy pregnancy. More importantly, our baby will be born safe and healthy.