9 foods to help prevent cramps

A cramp, also known as a cramp, is a continuous, involuntary muscle contraction. Usually, cramps often occur when playing sports, doing manual labor. Although cramps are usually harmless, some prolonged cramps can affect the muscles. You can completely prevent cramps from occurring. For example, stretching to warm up the body before work, a reasonable diet, adequate water replenishment...

Certain foods also help prevent cramps from occurring. So, let's find out with SignsSymptomsList which foods help prevent cramps in the following article!

9 foods to help prevent cramps


1. Why do some foods help prevent cramps?

In the article “What are the causes of cramps? How to deal with cramps”, SignsSymptomsList has provided readers with the most basic information about cramps. It can be said that cramps are a condition that almost everyone has experienced. This is a sudden, involuntary muscle spasm that causes muscle pain, usually lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes.

The exact cause of cramps is still unclear. But some of the following factors are thought to contribute to cramps:

  • High intensity workout
  • Neuromuscular abnormalities
  • Certain health conditions: alcoholism, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, pregnancy
  • Electrolyte imbalance: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium
  • Some drugs
  • Dehydration

Some studies have shown that certain foods containing potassium, sodium, and magnesium can help fight cramps. In addition, deficiencies in nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin D, and some B vitamins can increase the risk of cramps.

For these reasons, a diet rich in these vitamins and minerals can reduce cramping. It also helps prevent cramps from occurring.

Here are some foods that help reduce the likelihood of cramps.

2. Supportive foods to reduce the possibility of cramps

1. Butter

Avocado is a fruit that is loved by many people. Not only that, avocado is also a popular fruit in Vietnam.

Avocados have a delicious, creamy taste and are packed with nutrients that can help prevent cramps. They are especially rich in potassium and magnesium. One avocado has about 975 mg of potassium, twice as much as a sweet potato or banana.

Potassium and magnesium are two minerals that play an important role in muscle function. An imbalance of these minerals can make cramps more likely, for example, after intense exercise.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

Do not forget to add avocado to the menu of foods that help prevent cramps!

So, if you have frequent cramps, getting enough electrolyte-rich foods like avocados can help. However, you also need to remember that avocados are high in fat and energy!

2. Watermelon

One possible cause of cramps is dehydration. Muscles need to be adequately hydrated to function properly. A lack of water can interfere with muscle contractions. This can lead to cramps or make them worse.

Watermelon is a tropical fruit, very popular in hot summer. Because watermelon is a fruit with a very high water content. In fact, 92% of watermelons are water. Furthermore, watermelon is a rich source of potassium and magnesium. With that said, these are two minerals that are important for muscle function.

Exercise or physical labor makes you more susceptible to dehydration and electrolytes, which can lead to cramps. Eating watermelon after a workout or labor can help you.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

The fruit helps to cool down the body, and also replenishes water and electrolytes.

3. Coconut water

Coconut water is a perfect choice for athletes who want to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes naturally.

In particular, coconut water provides an excellent source of electrolytes for the body. Because, coconut water contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus... All of these substances can help reduce the occurrence of cramps. And luckily, coconut is one of the most popular fruits in Vietnam.

A study performed on 10 male athletes who were trained at high intensity. After an intense workout, they were rehydrated with a beverage similar to coconut water. The results showed that they experienced fewer cramps when they were compensated with regular drinking water.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

Adding coconut water after physical activity is a smart choice

This may suggest that compensating with electrolyte-rich coconut water may help reduce the likelihood of post-workout cramps. The future needs more research on this issue.

4. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest foods. Because, sweet potatoes are a perfect combination of rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium – electrolytes that are essential for the functioning of your muscles.

In fact, 1 cup of mashed sweet potatoes (about 200 grams) provides more than 20% of the recommended amounts of potassium and 13% of magnesium.

5. Papaya

Papaya is a very popular tropical fruit, not only for its freshness, deliciousness, but also for its nutritious fruit. The papaya fruit is particularly high in potassium and magnesium. In fact, about 300 grams of papaya provides about 15% and 19% of the recommended amounts of potassium and magnesium, respectively.

A study performed on 230 women. This study found that people who experienced cramps ate a lower potassium diet than those who did not have cramps. Papaya contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, which is a type of food that helps prevent cramps effectively.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

So, consuming foods rich in potassium like papaya can help reduce the risk of cramps. However, more research is needed in this area.

6. Bananas

Banana is a fruit that is no longer strange to us. Bananas are a great source of energy and nutrients. Perhaps readers also know that bananas are a natural, abundant source of potassium for the body. Furthermore, bananas also provide you with plenty of magnesium and calcium. These electrolytes are essential for alleviating muscle cramps.

It's no wonder that bananas are a popular, quick choice for cramps relief. Do not hesitate to add bananas to your diet menu!

7. Salmon

Salmon is a rich source of nutrients for our body. Because, halibut is a good source of protein, healthy anti-inflammatory fats, and other nutrients that can help prevent muscle cramps. These are electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus or vitamin B.

In addition, salmon is also rich in iron. A mineral that is essential for the production of healthy blood cells, oxygen supply to muscle tissue, and blood flow in the body. These are all important in preventing muscle cramps.

Moreover, salmon provides vitamin D to the body. The body is full of vitamin D to help ensure muscle performance. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to muscle symptoms, such as muscle pain, muscle spasms, and weakness.

Wild-caught salmon is a rich natural source of vitamin D. Scientists have found that every 100 grams of salmon contains 8 - 55 mcg of vitamin D. Salmon is a rich natural source of nutrients. It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, vitamin D… can help prevent cramps.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 15 mcg for adults. So a salmon supplement is a smart choice when you want to supplement this important vitamin intake.

8. Fermented foods

Fermented foods, like kimchi or pickles, are often high in sodium and other nutrients that can help relieve cramps. Interestingly, some studies have shown that consuming pickle juice can help inhibit electrical cramps in athletes.

A study was done in male athletes. Research shows that drinking a small amount of unsqueezed melon juice from a whole pickle reduces the duration of gas cramps by up to 49.1 seconds, compared to people who drink plain water or drink nothing at all.

Pickles, along with other fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, contain electrolytes like sodium. They can be a good choice for people who experience frequent muscle cramps. In particular, pickles often contain a lot of sodium and other nutrients, foods that help prevent cramps thoroughly.

9 foods to help prevent cramps

However, keep in mind, more research is needed before recommending fermented foods as a treatment for muscle cramps.

9. Bone broth

Bone broth is made by boiling animal bones for long periods of time, often more than 8 hours, to create a concentrated broth. Ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, herbs, and spices are often added to increase nutritional value and flavor.

In addition, it can help reduce cramps for a number of reasons. It is said that bone broth helps to hydrate the body. Not only that, it is also a rich source of magnesium, calcium, sodium… nutrients that can help prevent cramps.

Above are some foods that are said to help improve muscle cramps. If your symptoms do not improve or get worse, discuss them with your doctor.

The information in this article is for reference only. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your doctor immediately. Absolutely do not self-treat!

In short, cramps are a very common condition in life. Leg muscles are more prone to cramping. Cramps are usually harmless. You can prevent cramps from occurring on your own. A healthy diet can help. Hopefully the article provides useful information about foods that help improve muscle cramps. Do not hesitate to leave questions in the comments section, as well as share the article if you find it useful. Looking forward to receiving your feedback as well as accompanying you in the next articles. SignsSymptomsList is here to help!

>> Although cramps are usually harmless, there are some cases where long-lasting cramps affect the muscles. You can completely prevent cramps from occurring. Equipping with basic knowledge about cramps helps to relieve your questions and worries. So, together with SignsSymptomsList learn that information in the following article!

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