When to drink orange juice? Benefits of drinking orange juice

Orange juice is known as a beverage with very good effects on health. However, not everyone knows how to drink properly. So when should you drink orange juice? 

Many people often wonder when it is best to drink orange juice. Orange juice needs to be drunk properly and in the right amount. Because the abuse of drinking too much orange juice can cause many health consequences. 

Health benefits of orange juice?

Orange juice is considered a great drink when it is not only very low in calories but also helps the body increase energy immediately. Thanks to its abundant amount of minerals and vitamins, drinking orange juice regularly every day can bring you many health benefits. 

When to drink orange juice?  Benefits of drinking orange juice Orange juice has many health benefits

Improve immune system

With abundant vitamin C content , the addition of orange juice will help you reduce the risk of colds, enhance immune system function. In addition, drinking orange juice also supports fighting free radicals, reducing signs of aging, repairing aging cells, promoting the growth of new tissues. 

Improve digestive system function

The maintenance of drinking orange juice in moderation will be very beneficial for the stomach and digestive system. Active ingredients in orange juice will help reduce stomach ulcers, reduce excess gastric juice in the stomach. 

People suffering from diarrhea or constipation can also drink orange juice to enhance intestinal function. Besides, orange juice also helps fight inflammation, prevent and repel flatulence. 

Helps the body detox

Drinking orange juice every day can improve kidney function, reduce the effects of kidney stones . Besides, the nitrate and citric acid content in orange juice also reduces the risk of developing and forming kidney stones. 

Enhance blood circulation

Orange juice contains a large amount of folate that helps fight free radicals and prevent cell damage. Maintaining drinking 1 glass of orange juice a day will help blood in muscles and other organs work more smoothly. 

When to drink orange juice?

According to the recommendations of experts, you should drink orange juice at the following times:

1 to 2 hours after breakfast

You should avoid drinking orange juice right before or after breakfast because the body can tolerate large amounts of sugar. This will cause the sugar to ferment and cause gas and bloating. Accordingly, the most suitable time to drink orange juice is from 1 to 2 hours after a meal, when the body is not too hungry or not too full. Besides, drinking orange juice after 1 to 2 hours after breakfast will support body purification, anti-aging and skin beautification.

When to drink orange juice?  Benefits of drinking orange juice When to drink orange juice? You should choose the right time to drink orange juice

After physical exercise

After intense physical activity sessions, your body needs to rehydrate and replenish the energy lost during exercise. Then orange juice is the right choice for you. In particular, those who regularly do cardio or do heavy weight training can drink more orange juice to supplement essential energy sources. 

Drink orange juice within 2 hours of squeezing or juicing

The process of squeezing or squeezing orange juice often causes orange juice to lose some essential nutrients and minerals. Not only that, long exposure to the air will make the nutrient content in orange juice lose. Therefore, experts recommend drinking orange juice within 2 hours after squeezing or squeezing so that the body is fully supplied with nutrients. 

When should orange juice be avoided?

In addition to avoiding orange juice consumption late at night before going to bed, you should also minimize the use of orange juice at the following times:

  • Do not drink orange juice on an empty stomach because the amount of acid in orange juice can harm the lining of the stomach. This will make stomach problems worse.
  • Do not drink orange juice when brushing your teeth because the amount of acid in the drink can stick to the surface of the teeth. Experiencing the process of contact with the brush can cause severe damage to tooth enamel.
  • Orange juice should be avoided after drinking milk because the protein content in milk can cause interactions with tartaric acid and vitamin C in orange juice. This reaction can adversely affect the digestive process and cause symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating , and abdominal pain.

Do not drink orange juice after drinking milk because it can cause bloating

The above article has helped you understand the benefits of orange juice as well as answer the question " when to drink orange juice ?". To ensure your health, you should drink orange juice in the right way and at the right time for the best effect. 

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