How to determine the time of ovulation easily and accurately

Predicting the exact day of ovulation helps you to assess the probability of conception is high or low when having sex. So what day is ovulation in a person's menstrual cycle? Depending on the menstrual cycle, the time of ovulation is different for each person and can also fluctuate in different cycles. 


Ovulation when?

Ovulation is an inevitable part of a menstrual cycle, when your body releases large amounts of the hormone LH that stimulates ovulation. If the egg is fertilized, it will travel to the uterus and implant to develop into a pregnancy. Otherwise, the egg will be excreted with the blood and other components of the endometrium.

Normally, what day is ovulation on a person's menstrual cycle? The answer is that ovulation usually occurs around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. However, depending on the number of days of your menstrual cycle, the time of ovulation can vary.

How to determine the time of ovulation easily and accurately

Ways to help determine ovulation

Predict ovulation based on menstrual cycle

Normally, about 14 days after ovulation, menstruation will appear. Therefore, if your menstrual cycle is 30 days, the answer to the question of what day you ovulate in your menstrual cycle is the 16th day, similarly if your menstrual cycle is 45 days, the day Ovulation is day 31. However, this is not an absolute exact number but fluctuates 4 days before or after the above time. You can use pre-programmed apps to easily track your menstrual cycle.

Predict ovulation by other methods

In addition to the calculation based on the number of days of the menstrual cycle, there are some other indicators that also help you to know the day of ovulation as listed below.

Vaginal discharge changes

Right before ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, becomes transparent and mucoid. After ovulation the uterine mucus decreases and becomes thicker, cloudy in color.

Change in body temperature

Progesterone is released from the corpus luteum after ovulation, it has a strong effect on the hypothalamus, one of which is to increase body temperature (about 0.5oC). Therefore, daily temperature monitoring can be used to predict ovulation. Use the thermometer to take your temperature every day before getting out of bed in the morning. It is recommended to use a mercury thermometer because it is more accurate than an electronic thermometer. You are most fertile in the two to three days before the temperature rises.

Ovulation test strips

Detecting the time of ovulation is based on an increase in the hormone LH that stimulates ovulation. When done properly, ovulation tests are about 99% accurate in detecting LH surges. However, these tests cannot confirm ovulation one to two days later. Some women may have an increase in the hormone LH without releasing an egg. This condition is called Unruptured Follicular Syndrome (LUFS).

Progesterone blood test

This is a test done in laboratories. The amount of progesterone in your blood can help your doctor see if you're ovulating and evaluate for any irregularities in your menstrual cycle.

In addition, some women experience tightness, chest tightness, drowsiness, bloating, and mild abdominal pain. However, these symptoms are atypical and the exact date of ovulation cannot be determined.

Pelvic ultrasound

Ultrasound that identifies peri-ovarian cysts is another important tool for assessing the menstrual cycle and timing of ovulation. However, this method is not used often to determine the time of intercourse because the cost of each ultrasound is quite expensive. Ultrasound can identify a large cyst as a round cystic structure 16 to 30 mm in diameter before rupture and release of the ovum.

Saliva fermentation

Collect saliva and allow it to dry, then observe under a microscope. If you're ovulating, you'll find on the slide you'll find fern-like shapes. The accuracy of salivary fermentation is lower than that of other methods.

How to determine the time of ovulation easily and accurately

Can you have more than one ovulation in a cycle?

It is true that you can have more than one ovulation. According to a 2003 study in Canada, women can ovulate two to three times in a cycle. If all the eggs are fertilized, twins and triplets will be created. That's why hormonal contraception sometimes fails and why we see twins with different conception dates.

Factors that prevent ovulation

Some women of reproductive age do not ovulate. Conditions that cause this condition can be polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) or an overactive thyroid gland. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance, preventing ovulation or disrupting the menstrual cycle. Too much anxiety and stress can also lead to the same condition.

Keep in mind that even though you're not ovulating, your period can still happen as the lining of your uterus thickens and prepares for the arrival of an egg regardless of whether you're ovulating. But your period will be lighter and shorter than usual. You can see your doctor if your period is irregular.

How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

Can you get pregnant only if you have sex on the day of ovulation? The answer is no. Although an egg can only be fertilized between 12 and 24 hours after being released, sperm can survive in the fallopian tube for up to 5 days. So a total of 6 days (plus one day of ovulation) is the ideal time for conception. Having sex during this time greatly increases your chances of getting pregnant. In case if you do not want to get pregnant, it is necessary to use birth control methods such as oral contraceptives or use condoms.

Above is a collection of ways to help you determine when you ovulate . Depending on your ability and situation, you can choose for yourself the most suitable way. Determining the time of ovulation can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant when having sex on these days.