Can testicular atrophy be cured? Causes and treatments

The testicles are the sex organs, oval in shape and located in the male reproductive system. The testicles play an important role in the production and storage of sperm. However, due to some reasons such as congenital or unfavorable external influences, men are at risk of testicular atrophy. This seriously affects the reproductive quality of men. So can testicular atrophy be cured?

What is testicular atrophy? What causes testicular atrophy in men? Can testicular atrophy be cured? These are the questions that many people care about and learn when there is a problem with the genitals (related to fertility). For more information on this issue, please read with SignsSymptomsList in the article below!

What is testicular atrophy? 

The testicles are male reproductive glands, covered by the scrotum. The condition in which the testicles shrink is called testicular atrophy. The main function of the scrotum is to balance the temperature around the testicles. It contracts in response to cold temperatures and expands when exposed to warm temperatures. This makes the testicles feel smaller or bigger than usual.

However, the testicular atrophy referred to here is contraction of the testicles rather than the response of the scrotum to external temperature. This depends on many different causes, including: Congenital, external influences (possibly due to trauma) or exposure to certain chemicals that affect the genitals. The testicles shrink, causing reduced sperm count, lower or lost  testosterone levels.

Can testicular atrophy be cured?  Causes and treatments

Testicular atrophy is a condition in which the testicles shrink due to various causes

Causes of testicle shrinkage

Testicular atrophy can be caused by a variety of reasons. Mainly stemming from hormone imbalance, diseases related to the genital area or caused by external influences. Specifically like: 

Unbalanced hormones

Hormonal imbalance is sometimes the cause of testicle shrinkage. A hormone imbalance occurs when the body produces less or no testosterone at all. As a result, the testicles gradually shrink. 

Diseases of the genital area

Testicular atrophy due to the influence of some diseases of the genital area such as: 

Inflamed testicles

Inflammation is swelling and pain in the testicles. Inflammation can also cause flu-like symptoms, chills, or fever. The testicles are initially abnormally large due to swelling, then gradually shrink if left untreated. Orchitis is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria or the mumps virus.

Twisted testicles

Testicular torsion is a condition when one testicle automatically rotates, causing the spermatic cord to twist. The twisting of the spermatic cord impedes blood flow to the testicle, causing pain and swelling of the testicle. Testicular torsion can cause permanent testicular atrophy if not treated right away.

Can testicular atrophy be cured?  Causes and treatments

The testicles rotate automatically, causing the spermatic cord to twist, obstructing blood flow to the testicle

Varicose veins

The veins through the scrotum become enlarged and dilated, called varicocele. Varicose veins often develop silently and only when the disease affects the testicle size to change, the disease is detected.


Mumps is also a cause of testicular atrophy because this disease has the potential to affect reproductive and physiological problems in patients.

Abuse of alcohol 

Another high rate cause of testicular atrophy in men is alcohol use (alcohol addiction). The reason for this is that alcohol reduces testosterone, which in turn damages testicular tissue.

What are the characteristics of testicular atrophy?

Testicular atrophy is a sign of shrinkage of one or both testicles. However, depending on many factors such as age, body condition, impact of the external environment, the patient may experience different symptoms. The signs of testicular atrophy are most evident in two cases:

Before puberty

In case the patient is a patient who has not yet reached puberty, testicular atrophy has specific symptoms such as:

  • Beards do not grow or grow very little, almost none. 
  • No pubic hair growth.
  • Penis is larger than normal.

After puberty

In patients past puberty or adulthood, signs include:

  • Muscle mass gradually decreases.
  • Decreased or absent sex drive.
  • Hair or beard grows slowly.
  • Testicles show signs of softening.

Methods to diagnose testicular atrophy in men

To better understand the cause of the disease, the doctor will explore the patient's medical history and sexual habits. Then, depending on the different cases, the doctor will give the patient a few tests such as: 

  • Blood tests;
  • Urine test;
  • Testicular ultrasound;
  • Check testosterone hormone levels.

Besides, the doctor can also directly examine the patient's testicles. Signs of testicular size, hardness, structure, abnormal changes in testicles will help doctors diagnose the disease more accurately. 

Can testicular atrophy be cured? 

Can testicular atrophy be cured? The answer is "yes" if the patient is detected and treated early. Some of the common methods used in the treatment of testicular atrophy include: 

  • In case of testicular atrophy due to bacterial infection, it can be treated with antibiotics. 
  • Supplement hormone for the patient if the cause is lower than normal testosterone hormone. 
  • Using drugs to increase testicle size, drugs to support sperm production to increase fertility.
  • If the disease is caused by testicular torsion, the patient will be prescribed surgical treatment by the doctor. 

Is testicular atrophy curable is a question many people have

In addition to the above-mentioned treatment methods, patients need to coordinate a number of activities such as:

  • Change your lifestyle, build a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat and rest properly, limit the use of stimulants such as beer, alcohol ...
  • Exercise regularly to improve health, increase blood circulation to the genital area.
  • Do not stand or sit for too long in one place.
  • Thorough treatment of diseases related to the genitals such as: testicular torsion, orchitis, testicular varicose veins.
  • Vaccinate to prevent mumps. 
  • Check the testicles regularly to detect abnormalities early.

Testicular atrophy has many causes, it can also be treated, but in many cases testicles cannot fully recover, even there is a risk of permanent damage. Therefore, early detection and timely treatment are the best measures to increase the recovery of the testicles. 

Above is information about the article " Can testicular atrophy be cured ? Causes and treatment” that SignsSymptomsList shares for you. Have a good health and don't forget to follow SignsSymptomsList's website for more useful health information!

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