Drink water properly every day: skin is noticeably better

Drinking water properly is one of the things that is necessary and enough for beautiful skin, but not everyone understands. How to fully and correctly understand the "classic" advice to drink eight glasses of water a day. Join SignsSymptomsList to update useful tips for smooth and vibrant skin!


1. Importance of water for skin

Water is a very important "guardian god" for both your body and your skin. If you don't believe it, let's explore 12 benefits of water. From there, you will realize your lack when your skin regularly faces dehydration.

1.1 Moisturizing the skin

Your skin always needs to be adequately hydrated. This will make the skin softer and more supple. Especially to avoid falling into a state of dry, cracked skin. Therefore, you need to drink enough water properly every day to keep the body hydrated.

1.2 Maintain skin elasticity

Water helps to hydrate your skin by keeping it moist. This is important in maintaining its softness and elasticity. Drinking enough water will help keep your skin healthy from within. They also promote collagen production. This ingredient makes the skin elastic, participates in wound healing.

Drink water properly every day: skin is noticeably better

Drinking water helps maintain skin elasticity

1.3 Prevent wrinkles

It must be said that no matter how many good cosmetics you use, water is always the "magic" that is both free and the most effective "divine" on this earth. Why? Because water helps you maintain moisture and elasticity of the skin. It even prevents wrinkles from appearing on your face

1.4 Drink water for beautiful lips

Drinking water properly and enough water is the best method to keep your lips soft and beautiful. It will help maintain the moisture of the lips. Specifically, water acts as a natural moisturizer. Thereby, prevent chapped lips.

1.5 Healthy body means healthy skin

Water makes up about 70% of your body weight, keeping you healthy. From there, your skin will also be healthy and beautiful. So, drink enough water to improve overall health, to maintain healthy skin for a long time.

1.6 Drink water properly to detoxify

Water is the best choice to remove waste and toxins from your system. When you drink a lot of water, toxins in the body will be eliminated through sweat and urine. As a result, helping the body in general and the skin in particular stay healthy and beautiful.

1.7 Improves skin

Drinking enough water can help you fight many skin problems. Includes psoriasis and eczema.

A University of Missouri-Columbia study found that drinking two glasses of water increased blood flow to the skin. This can help even out your skin tone and complexion.

1.8 Reduce eye bags

When you drink too little water, your body will automatically plan to store water for when it needs to be used. The blood vessels underneath the eyes are no exception. When too much water is stored, the eyelids will swell. Thus creating puffiness makes your eyes look a few years older.

Therefore, drinking enough water every day is the first and easy to follow condition to remove ugly eye bags quickly.

1.9 Reduce acne

Adult acne is extremely common.

In fact, it is estimated that about 40-55% of the adult population between the ages of 20-40 suffers from acne. This is a common skin problem that can be helped by drinking enough water. Water can help remove toxins from your skin and shrink your pores. Thus, making them less likely to clog and cause breakouts.

1.10 Slow down aging

In addition to wrinkles, drinking enough water can help keep your skin plumper, which can slow down the aging process. Plump skin also helps to conceal existing signs of aging. As a result, any wrinkles you already have are minimized.

Drinking water helps slow down skin aging

1.11 Pores are smaller

Our pores can become clogged and enlarged throughout the day. The more water you drink, the better the oil and water balance on the skin's surface. This can help reduce the size of your pores, reduce acne, and reduce skin imperfections.

1.12 Relieves itchiness and heals

When you have dry skin, it can crack, peel, and itch.

It is easy to solve this problem by drinking enough water and moisturizing your skin. When you're well-hydrated, your skin is less likely to crack and itch.

If you've ever had a sunburn, you know how painful it can be and how long it lasts. The good news is that drinking plenty of water can help speed up the healing process of your sunburn

See more:

Doctor points out 10 health benefits of water

2. Causes of dehydrated skin

Water is a very important component in the structure of the skin. When the body is not supplied with enough water, the amount of water delivered to the skin will not be enough. As a result, it is difficult to maintain the normal functioning of the skin. However, providing water for the skin is not simply drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Because dehydrated skin is often caused by many different causes:

Drink some water

Every day the human body needs from 1.5 to 2 liters of water (depending on the body of each person). If you drink less water than the body needs, it will lead to dehydration of the skin.

Constantly sitting in an air-conditioned room

The air-conditioned environment will make the skin evaporate water quickly.


As we age, the amount of collagen in the dermis of the skin decreases. As a result, the water retention process is affected, causing the skin to lose water.


The effects of climate such as: too much sun, cold, dry or windy can all cause skin dehydration.

Life style

Irregular lifestyle: Staying up late, working stress, stress, smoking, etc. can all make your skin dehydrated.

Drink water properly every day: skin is noticeably better

Stress is also a cause of dehydration


Daily meals lack nutrition, have no or very few green vegetables, drink a lot of alcohol, coffee, don't eat a lot of fruit, ... all make the skin dehydrated, lose vitality.

In addition, using the wrong types of skin care products, using the wrong product or the type of product being used causes irritation to the skin. Do not cover, protect the skin when going out in hot, dusty, polluted environments, etc., the skin is "thirsty" for water.

3. Expression of dehydrated skin

In the structure of the skin, water accounts for 70%. Of which, about 20-30% of water is concentrated in the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). The epidermis is composed of water and lipids (fats), also known as hydrolipid membranes. This membrane is involved in regulating sweat and sebum secretion. The role of moisturizing the skin is by providing water to the skin, making the skin smooth and resistant to the penetration of environmental agents (dirt, bacteria, fungi, ...).

However, if for some reason this membrane is lacking or dehydrated, the functioning of the skin will become disordered. The skin cannot maintain its normal healthy state. Then, some of the following symptoms will appear:

  • Big pores. Especially in the cheekbones and forehead areas.
  • The T-zone produces a lot of oil. The cheek area is at risk of drying out.
  • When the weather turns cold or sitting in an air-conditioned room, the skin is often shiny due to the secretion of oil.
  • The surface of the skin is uneven, dull, prone to acne, lifeless skin.
  • When going out in the sun, the skin is easily caught in the sun, leading to darkening and pigmentation.
  • When touching with hands, the skin feels rough, less smooth.
  • The skin may be peeling in some places such as between the nose, chin, and corners of the mouth.

4. Drink water properly for healthy and beautiful skin

4.1 Drinking water properly is how much water to drink per day?

We often hear the rule that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is for good health. However, this does not apply to everyone. Everyone has different water needs. Drinking too little or too much can be bad for your health.

If you are sedentary, work in an air-conditioned environment, do not sweat, you should only drink at most 2 liters of water / day. If you drink a lot, water can accumulate in the kidneys and cause edema.

For those who participate in physical activity, who sweat a lot, they can drink more water to ensure a healthy body.

Drink water properly every day: skin is noticeably better

Drink water according to your body's needs

4.2 Don't just drink water, let's "eat" water

At the thought of having to drink up to 2 liters of bland plain water a day, many people feel unmotivated. But we inherently have a lot of rich options, from herbal teas, fruit juices, unsweetened skim milk to vegetable soups, bone broths are rich sources of nutrients to help you absorb well. , improve health and hydrate the body in a delicious way.

Instead of using high-sugar drinks like milk tea, carbonated water, try refreshing your snacking with succulent fruits like watermelon, oranges, tangerines, ... And of course, you can't. Forget the secret to losing weight with a glass of warm honey lemon water every morning, or a glass of antioxidant green tea, to cool off on a hot summer afternoon.

4.3 Time to drink water


After waking up, the first thing you should do is drink a glass of warm water, to remove toxins and clean the stomach before breakfast. This will be very good for the stomach and help us eat more delicious.


Before lunch, should drink 1 cup of warm filtered water to lining the stomach, this will help increase metabolism in food.

Drink water properly every day: skin is noticeably better

Time to drink water every day


We can drink filtered water or ionic supplements to help the body fight fatigue.


To provide water for a long night, we should drink a lot of vegetable broth, drink a glass of fruit juice or water so it will be good for the body. In addition, drinking a lot of water in the evening also helps us feel full for a long time, which is very effective for those who want to lose weight.

>> See more



Hopefully with the above information, you will know how important water is for your skin. From there, maintain the habit of drinking enough water every day, which not only helps the body stay healthy but also owns the most natural beautiful skin. Do not be indifferent to water, friends!