How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

Old experiences pass on chickenpox (chickenpox) only once in a lifetime. Everyone has to go through it. Is that correct? Do they all leave bad scars after being infected? Follow the article below.

How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

Indented scars caused by chickenpox


I. Chickenpox Overview

  • Chickenpox is an infection caused by the Varicella Zoster virus.
  • The disease is not too dangerous, most will recover without leaving complications.
  • However, it is easy to see that during the course of the disease, the skin appears blisters for about the first 3 days. From the 4th to 7th day, the chickenpox nodule will scab, darken, and gradually fall off.
  • Usually these blisters will not leave a scar. However, if the chickenpox blister is broken and superinfected, there is a high chance that it will cause scarring. 

II. Why is chickenpox infection (left) so common?

Now chickenpox is common again.

Once infected with the Varicella Zoster virus, two conditions occur: acute infection and chronic infection.

  • For acute infection, the patient will have chickenpox - which is called chickenpox in folklore. That is, the succulent blisters all over the body.
  • Once chickenpox has occurred, the patient will have lifelong immunity. However, the problem is not that simple. Viruses do not disappear, but some will hide into the central nervous system of the spinal cord. If the body is immunocompromised, the disease will recur, which is called chronic infection. 
  • Chronic infection will have two disease forms: 2nd, 3rd chickenpox... or will progress to peripheral neuritis in the case of shingles (winter or shingles).

Both acute and chronic infections produce bullous lesions on the skin, potentially superinfection. It then easily progresses to scarring.

Common problems of the disease are caused by:

  • The problem of anti-vaccine in the community. This is not a new problem. Many anti-vaccine groups with the policy of not vaccinating have made this virus more contagious in the community.
  • Reliance on health. Adults infected or infected with shingles unknowingly spread the infection in the community.

How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

Shingles infection pictures

III. How to take care of your skin when you are infected?

  • Both adults and children are equally at risk of scarring. However, in children, scars will heal faster because young skin regenerates quickly. 
  • It should be known that the blisters caused by the disease are sterile blisters. They will not cause scarring unless superinfected from the outside.
  • Principles to prevent skin scarring when infected with Varicella Zoster virus:

Do not scratch, touch and do not touch the chickenpox affected areas

  • This rule is known by almost everyone, but implementing it is not easy.
  • Especially if the patient is infected during the sunny season in Vietnam, the weather is hot and humid. The mild fever and the reason of the weather make the body uncomfortable and itchy. Skin healing also releases factors that trigger itching in the healing area. 
  • When scratching, the stains from the nails contain many germs. In addition to creating scratches on the skin caused by nails, bacteria from the nails will cause superinfection of blisters. 

Let the blisters fall off on their own

  • After the chickenpox spots shrink, they will scab over.
  • At this time, the skin scar healing process is recovering. Restoring the skin will cause itching. The patient will tend to raise his hand to scratch. Or even use your hands, remove scratching, peel off the scales. Thereby, the young skin underneath has not healed, will be infected and scarred. 
  • In milder cases, if the scabs fall off too soon, if there is no superinfection, exposure to sunlight and heat will make the scar infiltrated. The reason is that these factors stimulate the increased production of melanin in the regenerating epidermis. 

How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

The blisters infected with chickenpox alone do not cause scarring. If the blister turns cloudy and turns pus, it is because of an infection

Clean the body regularly

  • Many points of view: chickenpox abstains from wind and water. 
  • The truth is that during chickenpox, if the weather is not hot and makes the patient sweat a lot, it is possible to wipe the body. Otherwise, bathe with neutral soap (with mild detergent) or diluted salt water.
  • It is not recommended to bathe in leaf water
  • This step requires great care and attention to detail. Bathing helps to wash away the bacteria that resides on the skin. In particular, if you take a bath with warm water, it will reduce the itching sensation caused by skin regeneration.

The period after scabbing

  • At this point, you face the whole body full of pale pink dots of the growing skin.
  • The application of medicines or bathing with leaves if not cleaned can make the young skin allergic. Even skin ulcers and infections are the main causes of bad scarring.

Foods to avoid

  • Folk beliefs say that when you are sick, you must abstain. Chicken, dog meat, seafood, pickles, water spinach, sticky rice, etc. are considered "poisonous" foods that cause itching, keloid scars or pus production.
  • This is not really true. It is important to eat a full range of food groups, fruits, etc. If you are healthy, your recovery will be faster. 
  • If causing itching is the food that contains the allergenic factors before the illness. You just need to remember those dishes to avoid only.

Limit sun exposure

  • This is almost a no-no for newly restored skin care. The young skin layer contains many nutrients and the horny layer is thin. When exposed to sunlight or high temperature, this part of the epidermis will increase melanin production. That will darken the skin.
  • The darkening will be almost permanent.

How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

If you have chickenpox, you need to cover up and wear a mask when going out

Keloid scars or concave scars?

  • It will often create a concave scar if there is a skin superinfection during the disease.
  • If the genetic basis is keloid scars, you will have keloids. Keloids are caused by genetic factors, not by food.

Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables

  • When infected with a virus, a fever will occur. Usually the patient will have a fever of 38-38.5 degrees Celsius. Rarely, the fever will be higher.
  • Drinking plenty of water will help limit dehydration and make it easier to have a fever. At the same time, adequate water supply will help smooth skin.
  • Consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits will provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. Especially old vegetables with dark, bold colors will contain more vitamins.
  • Oranges, dragon fruits, watermelons, plums, bananas... are all wonderful products bestowed by nature for summer. The use of these products and health supplements, both help the body recover faster.

IV. What to do if you have a scar?

If you already have a scar, what should you do? Fortunately, there are modern methods to treat this problem.

Treatment of concave scars caused by chickenpox with CO2 laser technology combined with PRP stem cells

  • By drawing blood, put it in a PRP centrifuge, filter it and collect platelets. Then inject directly into the scarred skin area. Collagen molecules under the skin will be stimulated to grow.
  • Co2 Laser technology emits infrared light with a wavelength of 10600nm that will penetrate deep into the dermis layer of the skin. Thereby dissecting, promoting the formation of new cells. Concave scars will quickly be filled, the same color as the natural skin color.

Skin care with P'cell stem cell technology combined with microneedling

  • P'cell stem cells extracted from the oral mucosa of swiftlets will promote the repair and regeneration of new skin cells.
  • The skin with concave scars quickly heals and becomes smoother.
  • In order for this stem cell product to penetrate the skin best and bring out the best results, a microneedle device is needed. The microneedle device will create fake micro-injury on the skin, when applying nutrients, it will penetrate deep into the epidermis and dermis of the skin and regenerate the damaged skin.

Micro-point skin transplant technology – How to treat concave scars in no time

  • Microdermabrasion is a new and highly effective treatment for concave scars today.
  • Based on the body's ability to heal itself, microdermabrasion technology supports the growth of collagen and elastin cells. At the same time, a source of nutrients is extracted from the customer's own body, completely compatible and safe for the body as well as the concave scar area.
  • The injury process promotes fibroblast hyperplasia and the collagen network deep below the skin's surface. This is also the foundation of all current multi-layered rejuvenation and skin-beautifying technologies.
  • In addition to the treatment of concave scars, microdermabrasion is capable of supporting the restructuring of the entire skin surface, improving elasticity.

Effective scar treatment with vitamin E

  • Many places immediately use vitamin E tablets to take oil and apply to the face. It's a bit misleading because the preparations in the capsules are specially formulated for oral use. Using it for the wrong purpose will not bring the desired effect.
  • The part of the skin that receives vitamins and minerals through absorption from the blood vessels. Therefore, the method of applying and applying will be effective. Should use special methods for topical application, for external use, the new effect is good.

How to avoid scarring after chickenpox?

The vitamin E tablets are usually prepared for oral use. Should take the right medicine and use the right way to be effective

V. Chickenpox Prevention

  • Once again, it is necessary to mention the cause of the disease. Infection with the Varicella Zoster virus is not something everyone has to go through in their lifetime.
  • Immunization from a young age, according to the vaccination regimen will help prevent infection. If there is no infection, there will be no disease and there will be no scarring.
  • If you are sick, you should isolate yourself, wear long-sleeved shirts and should self-isolate. Wearing a mask and limiting contact will reduce the spread of disease in the community. 
  • Pregnant women also need to be vaccinated to ensure they do not get chickenpox during pregnancy, to avoid complications in the fetus. 

If you are not already infected with Varicella Zoster, it is best to review the issue of vaccination. If you have been infected and are sick, hopefully the article will provide you with knowledge to prevent scarring. If you already have scars, advanced methods will help improve your skin and beauty.