Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

Normally, it is not possible to urinate on sperm. Simply because the male penis will tighten the urethra when the man ejaculates. Or won't ejaculate while urinating. Therefore, it is completely abnormal for sperm to be in the urine. Let's find out the problem: Mechanism for sperm will not be in the urine? What causes break this mechanism? What effect does this have on men? Finally, there are effective treatments. 


Mechanism of preventing sperm from mixing with urine

The location at the bladder neck and urethra has a door-like structure. And of course, this door has the ability to open and close very flexibly. During intercourse, this door closes, preventing urine from escaping. This ability will be accompanied by contraction of the seminal vesicles. The sperm sac creates a strong push to push the sperm through the urethra (stoma) rather than back into the bladder.

Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

Mechanism of action to prevent sperm from entering the urine

Signs to recognize the condition of urinating sperm

Usually, doctors will divide them into 2 groups:

  • General: There is a relatively large amount of sperm and semen in the urine, so it can be seen that the urine changes color. At this time, the urine will be white in color.
  • Microscopic: Small amount of sperm and semen. Of course, the urine will not change color. The detection of sperm in the urine is based on microscopic examination.

In addition, when the manifestation of this becomes severe, the amount of semen when ejaculated will be less. A woman may feel "dry" after intercourse.

What causes men to urinate?

The dysfunction of the "door" of the bladder - urethra is the main mechanism causing this phenomenon.

Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

The dysfunctional image of the "door" of the bladder - urethra

There are 3 groups of causes for this phenomenon:

  • Damage to the nerve that controls the "door".
  • The effect of the "door" itself.
  • Combination of the above two groups.

1. Nerve damage


This is a common cause group, up to one-third of men with diabetes experience sexual problems caused by diabetes. Corresponding to whether blood sugar control is good or not, if it is poorly controlled, it is more likely to experience sexual disorders. Therefore, patients with diabetes should follow the doctor's treatment not only to protect their health but also to help protect family happiness.

After pelvic surgery or colorectal cancer

This is also one of the main causes of sperm in the urine. The main cause of this is damage to nearby nerves. This is relatively difficult to control because often the surgery in this group is major surgery, difficult to avoid minor complications. 

Spinal and disc surgery

The nerves that control the process of erection and ejaculation in men come from nerves in the lumbar spine, so surgery or trauma here can disrupt the sexual function of the disease. core. This leads to spermatogenesis in men. 

2. Injury to the "door" of the bladder - urethra

Due to injury

This cause is relatively easy to understand, direct trauma affecting the door will disturb the ability to "close - open". In addition to external trauma, surgery, prostate tumor removal, is also likely to cause this.

Side effects of alpha blockers

  • This is a group of drugs used to treat high blood pressure.
  • Treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
  • Support the treatment of ureteral stones.
  • Of these types, Silodosin is more likely to cause sperm to appear in the urine than other types.

Other side effects of alpha blockers:

  • Dizziness when changing positions from lying to sitting or sitting to standing.
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Stomachache.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Nasopharyngitis, sinusitis.

Side effects after using SSRI drugs, psychiatric drugs in general

SSRIs are one of the most common medications used to treat psychiatric disorders. Mainly depressive disorders. In addition to the side effects that cause sexual disorders, SSRIs also have a number of side effects that can be mentioned as:

  • Headache.
  • Dizzy.
  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Weight loss.
  • Insomnia.

What is retrograde ejaculation?

This is a commonly known syndrome where a large amount of sperm is found inside the bladder after ejaculation. Called a syndrome because of the fact that there are many possible causes of retrograde ejaculation.

Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

Retrograde ejaculation syndrome worries many men

This disease is actually very rare. However, in the group of men with infertility, this is the main cause. In most cases, the diagnosis will be made by a fertility doctor or urologist.

Your doctor will ask you questions about:

  • Your medical history.
  • Prior surgery.
  • Status of previous sexual intercourse.
  • Current medications.

Your doctor will then recommend that you perform a thorough physical exam. The diagnosis is usually confirmed if multiple spermatozoa are found in the first urine sample after the patient ejaculates.

Long duration of illness

How long this problem lasts depends on the causative agent. If your retrograde ejaculation is a side effect of the medication, the problem may go away when your doctor switches you to a different medication. On the other hand, if retrograde ejaculation is caused by severe nerve or muscle damage, the condition may be permanent.

Measures to prevent retrograde ejaculation?

There are now innovative, minimally invasive forms of surgery for the prostate (non-cancerous). These therapies may cause less retrograde ejaculation than standard procedures that have been around for a long time. 

These new tricks include:

  • Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate gland (TUNA).
  • Transurethral microwave heat therapy (TUMT).

Procedures – This surgery causes fewer cases of retrograde ejaculation. However, they may not be suitable for all patients. Therefore, carefully ask your doctor about possible complications during surgery to choose the right treatment for you.

How to treat retrograde ejaculation?

Most men with retrograde ejaculation do not need specific treatment. If spermuria is a side effect of a medication, your doctor may switch you to a different medication that won't cause this side effect.

A relative, wife or girlfriend can advise you that this is not a serious illness. At the same time, the release of stress will help the treatment to be highly effective. 

Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

In a small number of men, retrograde ejaculation needs to be treated because it reduces fertility (infertility).

This treatment varies depending on the cause

  • If your retrograde ejaculation is a side effect of medication, your doctor will likely switch you to a drug that won't affect ejaculation.
  • If your retrograde ejaculation seems to be related to a mild nerve or "door" problem. Your doctor will then treat you with a medication — such as pseudoephedrine (sold under many brand names) or imipramine (Tofranil) — that improves the opening and closing of the door at the entrance to the bladder.
  • If your retrograde ejaculation is the result of severe damage to the nerves or the "door" of your bladder, it may be difficult to restore normal ejaculation.

In the case of a man suffering from this syndrome and infertile but wishing to become a father

In this case, the patient will need support from a fertility specialist. A fertility specialist will collect sperm from your urine and use the "washed" sperm to prepare for an assisted reproductive procedure.

In cases of retrograde ejaculation, 3 common assisted reproductive methods are:

  • Intrauterine insemination (using a small catheter to place washed sperm inside your partner's uterus at the time of ovulation). May be accompanied by stimulation of ovulation in women.
  • In vitro fertilization (incubating eggs and sperm together in a laboratory to induce fertilization).
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (injecting a sperm into a partner's egg for fertilization).

Why do men experience urinary incontinence?

Method of artificial insemination

Some things to know

1. Not all cases of women being "dry" after sex are due to their partner ejaculating retrograde

The problem may be due to a problem with the male's sperm production. It can also be due to nearby conditions that prevent sperm from entering the male urethra.

2. Change in orgasm is associated with poorer emotional satisfaction

Of course this can lead to stress for you and your partner. Retrograde ejaculation can become especially difficult if you and your partner want to conceive when one of you is under stress.

3. Patients should understand all specific treatments 

When you want to treat the condition of blood in the urine , the patient needs to go to a reputable and specialized medical facility. At the same time, men should also bring their partners to the doctor to check for dangerous diseases. 

You should also discuss carefully with your doctor about your treatments and your condition; From there, choose the right treatment method for yourself. 


Sperm urination is an abnormal phenomenon with many causes. The presence of sperm in the urine can be very small, not affecting anything. But conversely, it can also appear in abundance, discoloring the urine. This syndrome is called “retrograde ejaculation.” Because there are many specific causes, depending on the cause, there will be different treatment methods.

When the medical condition is too severe and irreversible, a man who wants to have a baby needs to see a fertility specialist for advice and treatment.