Does iron supplementation cause heat in or taking iron pills to cause acne is a question that many people often ponder when intending to use this ingredient. So what is the answer to this question, please refer to the article below.
Iron is one of the nutrients that plays an important role in the process of creating hemoglobin - the main component involved in the transport of oxygen to the body's cells. However, does iron supplementation cause side effects or abnormalities in the body? Let's find out the answer to the question of whether taking iron pills can cause acne right here.
What is the iron component?
First, to find out if taking iron pills can cause acne, you need to know about this ingredient. Iron is an element commonly found in nature and plays an important role in metabolism. In addition, iron is also a factor that helps control DNA synthesis.
Iron has long been considered a core and indispensable ingredient for human life. This ingredient has an effect on the synthesis of the substance that transports oxygen to the cells - hemoglobin and the substance that stores oxygen for the body - myoglobin.
Not only that, iron also contributes to the composition of redox enzymes such as peroxidase, catalase or cytochromes (biocatalysts in the body). Iron has the ability to affect the production of oxidative energy, mitochondrial respiration, oxygen transport, and inactivation of harmful oxygen radicals to the body.
Iron is abundant in nuts
Does taking iron pills cause acne?
Taking iron pills with acne is not necessarily a question of many people when supplementing with this ingredient. In fact, iron has the ability to cause acne along with a number of other side effects such as constipation, gastritis , hot flashes, ... in case users use iron improperly such as:
- Improper iron composition or wrong way of taking iron: If iron supplements are wrong or the composition of iron is not reasonable as well as incompatible with the body, it can cause acne and hot flashes. The reason is that the content of iron is not completely absorbed, forcing the body to excrete through the digestive tract, thereby putting pressure on the digestive tract, putting the body at risk of disorder symptoms . digestion .
- Drink in the evening: The answer is yes to the question of whether taking iron pills will cause acne if users take iron supplements in the evening or take them before going to bed. When taken too late, iron is not fully absorbed, forming sediment and settling.
- Hormone changes: For pregnant women who need to supplement iron, the hormone changes during pregnancy cause great pressure on the digestive system, making it difficult for the process of eliminating residues from the body.
- Eat less green vegetables and fiber: When you eat less green vegetables and fiber as well as drink less water, your bowel movements will work slower, not enough water for waste to move in the small intestine, thereby causing constipation and acne . endocrine , inflammatory acne, ...
Does taking iron pills cause acne? The answer is yes, depending on the location of each body
How to limit acne when taking iron
After learning the answer to the question of whether taking iron pills can cause acne, here are some common and effective ways that you can apply to limit this condition.
Choose the right type of oral iron
It is necessary to choose a type of oral tablet suitable for the body condition to help the body easily absorb. All types of iron tablets on the market today are improved in terms of ingredients, just enough dosage, providing nutrients, and improving many bad conditions of the body. In particular, for pregnant women's body, in addition to supplementing with enough nutrients, give priority to Folihem iron supplements .
Choosing safe oral iron to limit acne when taking iron
Combination of nutrition
Combining a scientific and appropriate diet is always the core factor when supplementing any oral medication for the body. When using iron tablets, you should eat more green vegetables, drink lots of water, divide meals to limit the situation of hot flashes, acne. Not only that, you also need to have a moderate exercise regimen to promote nutrient metabolism and enhance bowel movements.
Combine nutrition to safely supplement iron, limit side effects such as acne
Drink at the right time
As mentioned, if using iron tablets at an unreasonable time such as at night or before going to bed, it can cause side effects such as acne, hot flashes, ... because it cannot meet the nutritional needs . body nourishment . Therefore, the right time to take iron is after breakfast about 1 to 2 hours, you can drink iron with filtered water or fruit juice. You should not take iron with calcium or some other beverages to avoid affecting the body's absorption of iron.
Iron has many good effects and is a component involved in many important processes in the body. However, taking iron incorrectly can also bring many negative effects. Hopefully, the above article about the answer to taking iron pills for acne has helped you better understand this ingredient and have a reasonable, effective and safe way to use it.