Baby sweats a lot and what parents should know

Head sweating is quite common in both adults and children. So is it unusual for a baby to sweat a lot? Why does my baby sweat a lot? Parents, please join SignsSymptomsList to learn about the condition of children sweating a lot in the following article.


Is it unusual for babies to sweat their heads?

In young children, perspiration is a normal phenomenon in the physiological development of children. According to experts, young children are just beginning to know how to adapt to the temperature in the environment. Therefore, children often excrete excess heat from the body through sweat and lead to a condition where children often sweat their heads.

The temperature in the scalp of young children is often higher than in other areas of the body. So it 's understandable that babies sweat a lot . In addition, most of the active sweat glands are concentrated in the head region of young children. This is the reason parents often find sweat localized on the baby's head or nearby areas such as the nape of the neck.

Sweating in some children is normal. But sometimes there are children who sweat too much and can't control it. Therefore, understanding more about the common causes of this condition can help parents with appropriate management.

Baby sweats a lot and what parents should know

Babies sweat a lot, most of them are normal

Why does my baby sweat a lot?

Sometimes, a child's head sweats more than other children. However, this is not an issue that parents immediately panic. Usually, a baby's sweaty head is a sign that the baby's body temperature is rising. And your baby can't do anything but release heat through sweat. This phenomenon usually occurs in response to:

  • Environment temperature.
  • Physical activity
  • Many layers of clothing or clothing that is too tight or too thick.

In some cases, excessive sweating can be caused by an underlying medical condition. If your baby is still sweating profusely for no apparent reason, it's best to seek advice from your pediatrician so that your child's condition can be properly assessed and treated.

Some medical conditions can cause excessive sweating in the baby's head

Parents can consider a number of medical conditions that cause a baby to have excessive head sweats.

Hyperhidrosis causes babies to sweat a lot

This condition can cause profuse sweating both day and night. Not related to ambient temperature.

Hyperhidrosis causes sweating in certain areas such as the head, palms, and soles of the feet. But it can also affect other areas of the body.

Infants and young children with this condition may go away on their own as they get older. However, some cases continue to increase sweating. At this point, parents can consider taking their child to a doctor for treatment.


Viral infections such as the flu or other bacterial infections can cause a fever. A child's body can sweat when the temperature rises suddenly.

Congenital heart disease

Babies with congenital heart disease always sweat as a way to compensate for the heart's need to pump more blood to the body. The disease is relatively rare, affecting only about 1% of newborns. Children with congenital heart disease will have difficulty eating, so they will often sweat when they start to eat or suckle. This symptom is often accompanied by bluish skin and difficulty breathing.

Baby sweats a lot and what parents should know

Congenital heart disease can make your baby sweat a lot

Sleep apnea

In sleep apnea, your baby will pause to breathe during sleep. This phenomenon may last for at least 20 seconds. If your baby's night sweats are accompanied by snoring, panting, and opening his mouth while sleeping, you should suspect your child has sleep apnea. Although this condition is common in infants. Especially for premature babies. But it's best to discuss this with your pediatrician for advice.


Hyperthyroidism increases metabolic activity. That causes a lot of sweating. This condition needs to be treated promptly.

What should parents do when their baby sweats a lot?

Enhance vitamin D supplementation for children

Vitamin D is known to be an essential nutrient in the development of children. Especially the process of developing bones and teeth. Adequate vitamin D supplementation helps children avoid rickets.

In addition, vitamin D is also said to be an effective nutrient that helps reduce sweating. An inexpensive but effective source of vitamin D is the sun. Parents can let their baby sunbathe to supplement vitamin D in the morning.

Build a reasonable daily diet

Babies under 6 months of age should be exclusively breastfed to help strengthen their resistance. Babies from 6 months old can start solids. From this stage, parents should build a suitable nutrition for their children. Increase the addition of many types of vegetables with cool properties such as: squash, broccoli, oranges, tangerines, centella asiatica, etc. to reduce sweating.

Baby sweats a lot and what parents should know

Parents should build a reasonable diet for children to reduce excessive sweating

Find and solve the cause

If your baby is fussy and sweaty, take the time to find out what they want and meet their needs. At the same time, parents also need to consider whether the baby will stop sweating when the need is met. Your baby's fussiness may be because she's hot, hungry, needs a diaper change, or simply wants her mother to hold her.

Take your baby to the doctor

If you've taken steps to regulate the temperature and remove layers of clothing and your child is still drenched in sweat, he or she may have a fever. Take your child to the doctor if:

  • Babies under 3 months of age have a fever with a rectal temperature of 38°C.
  • Your baby is over 3 months old with a fever of 38°C or higher.
  • Your baby is more than 3 months old and has a fever that lasts for more than 2 days.

Or your child has any of the following signs:

  • Panting or wheezing while sleeping.
  • Long pauses between breaths during sleep.
  • The child is not gaining weight normally.
  • Children anorexia, anorexia.
  • Baby snoring, or grinding teeth

Hopefully, through this article, parents have better understand the condition of their baby sweating a lot . However, the above article is for informational purposes only. It is therefore not a substitute for medical advice. So bring your child to the doctor when there is any concern about his sweating.