
Arteriovenous fistula: Understanding for proper handling!

Arteriovenous fistula: Understanding for proper handling!

Dr. Luong Sy Bac's review on arteriovenous fistula is a rare vascular disease that can be silently asymptomatic but also has serious complications.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Article by Dr. Nguyen Van Huan about Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and necessary information. A rare and complex congenital heart defect.

Left ventricular hypertrophy: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Left ventricular hypertrophy: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Article by Doctor Nguyen Lam Giang about left ventricular hypertrophy, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Coarctation of the aorta: Congenital heart disease is easy to miss

Coarctation of the aorta: Congenital heart disease is easy to miss

Article by Doctor Tran Hoang Nhat Linh about coarctation of the aorta. Is this condition dangerous? Let's find out with SignsSymptomsList!

Dressler syndrome: complications after heart damage and what you need to know

Dressler syndrome: complications after heart damage and what you need to know

Dressler is a type of complication after heart damage that complicates the patient's pathology. Let's learn more about this syndrome in the article below!

Costochondritis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Costochondritis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Xuan's article about costochondritis, a condition that causes chest pain, is a symptom that cannot be ignored.

What you need to know about atrial septal defect

What you need to know about atrial septal defect

Article by Doctor Nguyen Van Huan about atrial septal defect. Atrial septal defect is one of the most common congenital heart defects.

How dangerous is an enlarged heart?

How dangerous is an enlarged heart?

An enlarged heart is not a disease, but a sign of another disease. There are many causes of an enlarged heart and identifying...