Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Heart valve regurgitation is a cardiovascular disease that greatly affects human health. If not treated properly, it can lead to heart failure. In addition to the application of medical measures, the diet also plays a significant role in the treatment of this disease. Therefore, the article will suggest you a diet for people with mitral valve prolapse. Let's refer to offline!


What is mitral regurgitation?

Mitral regurgitation, also known as mitral valve failure, is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases . Normally, the mitral valve will connect the left ventricle and the left atrium, allowing blood to flow. But for people with mitral regurgitation, the valve is open and cannot close tightly.

Thus affecting the movement of blood flow in the heart to other parts of the body. Specifically, the blood that the heart pumps throughout the body is refluxed back through the open heart valve. Symptoms of mitral regurgitation often appear as fatigue, shortness of breath, edema of the lower extremities ...

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Depending on the degree of valve regurgitation, the patient will experience different symptoms, there are 4 levels of mitral regurgitation as follows.

Mitral valve regurgitation

This is the mildest condition of the valve opening, which does not need to be corrected immediately. But if you have symptoms like chest pain, fatigue, you need to see a doctor for treatment.

Mitral valve regurgitation 2/4

At this stage, the valve has begun to become more severe than the 1/4 mitral regurgitation. Therefore, the patient needs to be treated immediately to prevent the disease from getting worse.

Mitral valve regurgitation

People with 3/4 mitral regurgitation means that the valve is severely damaged and needs to be treated immediately. At this level, patients often have symptoms of angina, dry cough, heart palpitations, etc. In particular, they need to be examined regularly and regularly to control the disease. From there, appropriate and timely treatment measures can be taken.

Mitral valve regurgitation 4/4

This is the most severe valve regurgitation that can endanger the patient's life at any time. In this case, the patient needs a heart valve replacement and aggressive treatment.

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Picture of heart disease with mitral valve prolapse

However, in addition to the treatment according to the doctor's instructions, the diet is also very important. A reasonable diet for people with mitral regurgitation will help the disease become easier to treat. Do not skip to the next sections to understand this issue better.

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

What should people with mitral valve prolapse eat?

What to eat with valvular heart disease is probably the question of many of you. Let's refer to the food groups that are good for heart valve disease below.

Nuts and seeds

Add whole grains such as brown rice, brown rice, plain rice, oats, rye, barley. This is the first food group you need to add to your daily meal. Because they contain large amounts of antioxidants, B vitamins and fiber.

These are all nutrients that are good for the heart, helping to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. This helps to prevent atherosclerosis. Many studies have shown that whole grain supplementation reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 22%. The amount of cereal you need to load into the body every day is about 90 grams.

Supplementing with legumes such as peas, red beans, lentils, green beans, soybeans... This is an indispensable food group in the daily meal of patients with valvular heart disease. These beans contain a large amount of resistant starch. This substance helps reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby helping to keep the heart healthy.

Assorted vegetables

Add green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli... These are all vegetables that contain large amounts of vitamin K to help the heart work more efficiently.

In addition, they also contain minerals and antioxidants that are good for the body. According to studies, eating a lot of green vegetables reduces the risk of heart disease by 16%. Nutrition for people with mitral valve prolapse should not lack these foods.

Add healthy berries such as strawberries, avocados, raspberries, bananas, vietnamese... These fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants, especially helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, you should only add fresh fruit and avoid processed foods.

Add a group of heart-healthy nuts such as walnuts and almonds. Nutrients such as fiber, unsaturated fat, magnesium, and manganese are all very good for cardiovascular performance. In fact, people who eat these nuts often have a lower risk of heart disease.

Supplement foods rich in omega-3

Supplement the group of fatty fish containing a lot of omega-3 such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna... Because omega-3 is an extremely good nutrient for cardiovascular activity. In addition to eating fresh fish, you can also supplement this nutrient by using fish oil.

In addition, adding yogurt and skim milk will help you prevent cardiovascular complications.

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Good food for people with mitral valve regurgitation

People with mitral regurgitation should not eat anything?

In addition to the foods that need to be added to your daily diet, you need to limit the following food groups.

Starchy foods

The food group contains refined carbohydrates such as bread, sugar, and sweeteners. These are the foods that patients with valvular heart disease need to limit first. Because these foods have been processed and lost their healthy nutrients. Instead, there are trans fats, chemical sugars that are not good for heart health.

Arouse tight

Group of stimulants such as coffee, beer, alcohol, tobacco... Because stimulants are the leading cause of heart attack and stroke. The use of these substances will increase the risk of atherosclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmia. This will make the valve opening worse, affecting health. You should eliminate these foods from the diet for people with mitral valve prolapse .

Fats from animals

The group of soluble fats such as animal fat, cheese milk, coconut oil, canned foods, processed foods such as sausages, canned fish... These are substances that increase blood cholesterol, increase the risk of atherosclerosis lead to heart failure and stroke. That will make your valve prolapse worse.

Soft drinks and carbonated drinks

Do not use soft drinks or carbonated drinks. These drinks are very easy to cause weight gain, which will put more pressure on the heart.

Limit salty foods

Limit salt intake because eating too much will increase the risk of high blood pressure. This will increase the pressure on the heart's activity, which is not good for patients with mitral valve prolapse. Therefore, patients with valvular heart disease should only eat light meals. According to studies, you should consume 2-4 grams of salt in a day.

Diet for people with mitral valve regurgitation

Patients with mitral regurgitation should not use stimulants

Above are all the things to note about nutrition for people with mitral valve prolapse . Hopefully this information will help you get the right diet. In addition to the diet, you can note that you should combine with the treatment of your doctor to get a healthy heart.