Medical knowledge - Page 2

Where to buy Omron blood pressure monitor?

Where to buy Omron blood pressure monitor?

Measuring your blood pressure every day is an effective way to protect yourself and your family's health. Among the blood pressure monitors on the market, Omron is the most popular and trusted brand of blood pressure monitors from Japan. At the same time, many people wonder where to buy Omron blood pressure monitor is good, we will find the answer in the following article!

Notes that mothers need to know when treating a babys cough with betel leaves

Notes that mothers need to know when treating a babys cough with betel leaves

For a long time, betel leaves are known to be medicinal herbs containing many strong antibacterial substances, preventing the growth of bacteria that cause respiratory infections. The method of treating cough with betel leaves is currently being applied by many people because of its safety and high efficiency. Please refer to the following article on how to cure cough for babies with betel leaves and some important notes about this method.

The benefits of foot massage

The benefits of foot massage

Did you know that the feet are very important to the body's health, because they contain blood vessels and nerves that connect to organs throughout the body. Therefore, taking good care of your feet is a way for you to avoid many dangerous diseases.

If you are allergic to paracetamol, what medicine should you take instead? Manifestations of paracetamol allergy

If you are allergic to paracetamol, what medicine should you take instead? Manifestations of paracetamol allergy

Paracetamol is a pain reliever that is very familiar and is almost always available in every family's medicine cabinet. Although paracetamol is considered a fairly benign drug with few side effects, not everyone can use this medicine. So when you have a paracetamol allergy, what medicine should you take? Let's learn about this with SignsSymptomsList through the article below!

Whats wrong with a squirrel bite? How to deal with a squirrel bite

Whats wrong with a squirrel bite? How to deal with a squirrel bite

Squirrel is a small, cute animal and is kept as a pet by many people. However, it is inevitable to be bitten by a squirrel. That's why many people worry whether squirrel bites have anything?

Sore throat, nausea, what disease? What is the treatment?

Sore throat, nausea, what disease? What is the treatment?

According to doctors, sore throat and nausea often appear in people with respiratory or digestive diseases. To learn more about what is a sore throat and nausea, please follow the article below.

What is Mercury? How dangerous is mercury poisoning?

What is Mercury? How dangerous is mercury poisoning?

In a state of serious environmental pollution, fires continuously occur, causing widespread mercury poisoning. It is essential to learn what mercury is and the harmful effects of mercury poisoning.

Why are children slow to replace baby teeth? What should mom do?

Why are children slow to replace baby teeth? What should mom do?

It can be said that baby teeth are only temporary, but they play a very important role in the digestive system and the baby's facial development later on. The delay in teething or the slow replacement of baby teeth also makes parents quite worried about what disease their baby has. So why do children change milk teeth slowly?

What to do in case of food poisoning?

What to do in case of food poisoning?

Food poisoning is a pathological manifestation that appears after eating or drinking contaminated or contaminated food, or food that has been spoiled or contaminated with preservatives or additives. So what to do when having food poisoning and what to avoid after food poisoning?

What is blood cancer? Current methods of blood cancer screening

What is blood cancer? Current methods of blood cancer screening

Leukemia is classified as a malignancy with a high mortality rate. The disease seriously affects the health and quality of life of patients. Therefore, patients should do tests to screen for blood cancer when there are suspicious signs for timely diagnosis and treatment.

How to cure food poisoning with familiar foods

How to cure food poisoning with familiar foods

Food poisoning is a condition caused by ingesting contaminated or contaminated food or drink, which can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, convulsions, etc. This food poisoning if not treated in time can lead to a serious condition. Do you know how to cure food poisoning? Tell you some ways to cure food poisoning with familiar foods!

Common symptoms and treatments for brain tumors

Common symptoms and treatments for brain tumors

Brain tumor is a dangerous condition for the body's health, yet many people still do not know about the signs and methods of brain tumor treatment. Let's find out that information through the following article to equip more knowledge as well as promptly examine and treat if we detect abnormal symptoms of the body!

What is Melatonin? How much Melatonin is enough?

What is Melatonin? How much Melatonin is enough?

Melatonin is a hormone in the body that plays a role in regulating sleep. The production and release of melatonin in the brain is related to the time of day.

Tips to cure speech delay with snakehead fish is really effective as rumored?

Tips to cure speech delay with snakehead fish is really effective as rumored?

Children who are slow to speak make many parents worry and stand still. In folklore about the trick to cure speech delay by snakehead fish and has been applied by many families. Many people have recognized that this is really a good trick, simple but very effective. So what this is really damaged?

How long does VA go away? How to take care of a child with tonsillitis?

How long does VA go away? How to take care of a child with tonsillitis?

VA or tonsillitis is an upper respiratory tract disease that can occur at any age, most commonly in young children. Although the disease is not life-threatening, it can cause many complications if not treated properly. Parents often wonder how long does it take to heal? Let's find the answers with SignsSymptomsList!

What is laryngeal edema? Appropriate treatment

What is laryngeal edema? Appropriate treatment

Laryngeal edema is a fairly common respiratory problem that has many different causes. The disease may or may not be accompanied by infection, finding the root cause of the disease is very important to choose the appropriate treatment.

Mild food poisoning and how to handle food poisoning

Mild food poisoning and how to handle food poisoning

Food poisoning is a condition that occurs after eating or drinking contaminated food. Consequences of food poisoning affect your life and body. Everyone needs to have knowledge about mild food poisoning and how to handle food poisoning to solve their own problems as well as help those around them who unfortunately have food poisoning.

Diet for patients with coronary heart disease helps prevent recurrence and disease progression

Diet for patients with coronary heart disease helps prevent recurrence and disease progression

When caring for patients, diet for patients with coronary heart disease is an important factor in helping patients recover quickly and maintain quality of life. With a suitable diet menu and proper patient care, patients will reduce symptoms, prevent the development of atheroma as well as limit disease complications. Let's learn about this topic with SignsSymptomsList!

What causes middle back pain and how is it treated?

What causes middle back pain and how is it treated?

Middle back pain occurs in the thoracic spine, usually due to irritation or damage to nerves involving bones, muscles, ligaments, and discs. What is the cause of middle back pain?

What are steroids? Learn about the uses and side effects of steroids

What are steroids? Learn about the uses and side effects of steroids

Many people still do not really understand what steroids are and how they work. However, to use steroids safely and effectively, it is extremely important to learn about these drugs.

What is end stage stomach cancer? Signs of end stage stomach cancer

What is end stage stomach cancer? Signs of end stage stomach cancer

End stage gastric cancer has a poor prognosis, patients are difficult to respond to treatment methods. Therefore, palliative care is considered the main method to help patients improve their quality of life. Along with that, recognizing the signs of end-stage stomach cancer for appropriate treatment also helps patients prolong life.

White radish effectively treats cough after only a few days

White radish effectively treats cough after only a few days

White radish is not only an ingredient used in cooking but also a very good cough medicine. The following article will guide you through some simple but effective remedies using white radish.

Not taking a nap is harmful – did you know?

Not taking a nap is harmful – did you know?

In addition to the main sleep in the evening, the afternoon nap is also something you need to pay attention to. Afternoon nap brings a lot of benefits to human health. So do you know that not taking a nap in the afternoon is harmful?

Which cancers are the hardest to treat? How long do you live with cancer?

Which cancers are the hardest to treat? How long do you live with cancer?

Despite the great advances in medicine, the mortality rate of patients with malignant cancer is still very high. Do you know which cancers are the hardest to treat? If you are interested in this topic, please refer to the following article of SignsSymptomsList!

What is lung metastatic thyroid cancer? Effective treatment and prevention

What is lung metastatic thyroid cancer? Effective treatment and prevention

Although thyroid cancer is not a common disease, it can cause serious consequences if not detected early and treated promptly. Among them, one of the most dangerous complications is thyroid cancer with lung metastasis. Many people wonder, what are the symptoms of thyroid cancer with lung metastases?

How long does chickenpox take to heal? Typical symptoms of chickenpox recovery

How long does chickenpox take to heal? Typical symptoms of chickenpox recovery

Chickenpox is a common illness that can occur at any age. Therefore, learning about chickenpox as well as ways to prevent it is extremely necessary. So how long will chickenpox go away? What are the typical signs of chickenpox recovery? Let's find out now!

Comparison of two methods of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis

Comparison of two methods of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis

People with chronic kidney disease often wonder about treatments. Peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis should choose which way, what advantages and disadvantages do these two methods have? Let's find out with SignsSymptomsList now.

What is laryngeal cancer? How long do people with laryngeal cancer live?

What is laryngeal cancer? How long do people with laryngeal cancer live?

Laryngeal cancer is a malignant disease and very dangerous to human health. However, thanks to advances in treatment and health care, many patients with laryngeal cancer have been able to prolong their survival. So how long do people with laryngeal cancer live?

Does tooth extraction 7 have sunken cheeks? How long does it take to heal?

Does tooth extraction 7 have sunken cheeks? How long does it take to heal?

Not all cases can be extracted 7 teeth, but they need to be treated as prescribed by a specialist. So when should tooth number 7 be extracted? Does tooth extraction 7 have sunken cheeks? How long does it take to heal?

Causes and symptoms when tearing the foreskin? Is tearing the foreskin dangerous?

Causes and symptoms when tearing the foreskin? Is tearing the foreskin dangerous?

Foreskin tear is not uncommon in men and is of great concern. So what causes a foreskin tear? What are the symptoms of a foreskin tear? To learn more about this topic, please read and refer to the following article of SignsSymptomsList!

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