Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexic

Children with teething anorexia make parents worry about their children's health being affected. Many parents wonder how long a baby's teething will take and if there is a way to handle the child's anorexia during the teething period.

Usually, babies 5 months to 6 months old will start teething. At this time, the baby will have symptoms such as swollen gums, drooling, itchy gums, fever, diarrhea, anorexia, ... Depending on each child, some children will have this expression, some children will have symptoms. other evidence. However, the state of anorexia and breastfeeding in children when teething is common. It is important for parents to know how to take care of their children so that their bodies stay healthy through this important milestone.

Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexicThe condition of teething children anorexia is very common

Signs when teething babies are anorexic

Anorexia is common in young children, so parents need to know some signs to distinguish anorexia caused by teething or other health problems. When children teething, anorexia will come with symptoms such as:

  • The baby's gums are red and swollen and the mother can completely tell if the baby is teething or not with the naked eye.
  • The salivary glands secrete more drool to cool and soothe your baby's swollen gums, so you'll notice your baby drooling more than usual.
  • The skin around the chin and mouth can cause a rash for some children with sensitive skin.
  • Children have high fever, diarrhea when teething.
  • Babies often unconsciously put their hands to their mouths, especially where the gums are swollen. Or he can suck on anything he holds in his hand.
  • In some babies, there are also atypical signs such as fatigue, fussiness, little sleep, irritability, irritability, etc.

When babies are teething, all sorts of unpleasant things in the body can make them anorexic. And it's even worse if the baby is not properly cared for.

Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexicChildren often unconsciously put their hands in their mouths when teething

How long does it take for a baby to grow teeth and be lazy to eat?

Children with teething anorexia make parents worry because such a prolonged period will affect the health of the child. Therefore, many parents wonder how long their baby will be lazy to eat.

According to experts, how long the baby is teething depends on each child; Some children will be lazy to eat during the time when the teeth erupt until the teeth come in and there are also children who just lose their appetite for a few days. During this period, you will face many difficulties when taking care of your baby, but be patient to understand your baby's condition and you will feel less pressure.

When children enter the teething stage, for the teeth to protrude from the gums, the gums are forced to crack, this time it will create pain for the baby. Gums are swollen, some babies will be inflamed, so it's understandable that babies often cry and don't want to eat. Parents should find ways to reduce the pain when the child is teething and let the situation of the teeth and gums have formed, then the child will return to eating and drinking normally.

Suggestions on how to take care when teething babies are anorexicChildren teething anorexia due to pain in the gums

What should teething babies eat and what should they not eat?

Long-term skipping of food will indeed affect the health of children, making them malnourished and retarded. But the mother can completely intervene in this to return the child's eating rhythm to normal

When children teething anorexia, mothers should note the following:

  • Mothers should cook liquid porridge for babies such as porridge, soup, soup, etc., so that the baby has less to chew and easy to swallow. You can also split and increase the number of meals a day.
  • In the period of teething, children need a lot of calcium, so mothers should pay attention to supplementing foods with high calcium content for children. Foods rich in calcium include fish, shrimp, tofu, etc. or fruits such as yellow kumquats, oranges, strawberries, jackfruit, kiwi, etc.
  • Supplementing with zinc and selenium helps children feel good when eating, improves taste, enhances resistance, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Do not give your child foods that are too hot or too cold, because foods that are too hot or cold will not be good for the development of the baby's teeth.
  • Don't forget to give your baby milk (breast milk, fresh milk or formula) and juices to supplement the necessary vitamins.

Hopefully the above information will give you more good experiences when taking care of an anorexic teething child. Parents should note that whether children have canines , molars or incisors... they can all have anorexia, so mothers should not worry too much about how long the baby will be lazy to eat, but during this period, it is necessary to practice If you focus on nutritional supplements and baby care, this situation will soon pass.

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