Oral sex with HIV? What to watch out for and how to avoid it?

We all know that having sex carries a risk of HIV transmission. However, not everyone knows whether Oral sex has HIV or not. Therefore, the following article will cover this problem as well as inform you on how to avoid it and what to keep in mind. Follow along to know how to best protect your health.


What is oral sex?

Oral sex is sex that uses the mouth and tongue to stimulate a partner's penis, vagina, or anus. This way of relationship brings a different feeling, excitement and increased pleasure for couples.

However, Oral sex still has many risks about the risk of infection with many diseases. Those are sexually transmitted diseases such as: gonorrhea, syphilis, warts, genital herpes… So does oral sex have HIV? Please find out more information below.

Oral sex with HIV?

In theory, HIV is transmitted when blood or fluid from an infected person gets into the blood of a sexual partner. The process of contact and penetration will take place when there is an open wound or cut on the partner's body.

The infection process is also through the tissues of the vagina, rectum, and foreskin when the penis opens to ejaculate. Accordingly, whether oral sex has HIV will still depend on many factors such as position of sex, viral load, ejaculation, sores... However, the reality shows that oral sex carries a risk of infection. HIV is very low compared to vaginal or anal sex.

Risk factors for HIV transmission during oral sex

Relationship position

An HIV carrier in the position of a donor or a stimulant will affect whether Oral sex will have HIV. If an HIV-infected person receives oral delivery, the risk of infecting their sexual partner is high. This case occurs when the oral cavity has an open wound.

Although enzymes in saliva have the ability to neutralize viruses. But the oral cavity with an open wound will come into direct contact with the virus and the possibility of infection is possible.

Oral sex with HIV?  What to watch out for and how to avoid it?

Sex position is a factor affecting the possibility of HIV transmission during oral sex

HIV load in the body

Oral sex with HIV or not is determined by the viral load in the body. Accordingly, the greater the viral load, the stronger the ability to infect sexual partners.


As mentioned, ejaculation during oral sex will cause a very high HIV infection. Specifically, the risk of infection occurs when semen is released into the mouth. This amount of semen can penetrate the oral cavity wall and enter the bloodstream.

Cuts or sores

Oral sex with HIV or not is still determined by the existence of sores, cuts. Specifically, if the oral cavity, tongue, vagina and anus have ulcers, it will be the main culprit causing HIV infection.

These cuts and ulcers can be caused by damage from an infection, a fungal infection, or other conditions in the body. Accordingly, any tear or injury of tissues that come in contact with the blood and fluids of an infected person will lead to HIV infection.

Oral sex with HIV?  What to watch out for and how to avoid it?

Oral sex has HIV or not is determined by the existence of sores, cuts 


During menstruation, HIV-carrying cells can be shed from the uterus. At that time, if the mouth comes into contact with fluids or blood containing these cells, there is a very high risk of HIV infection.

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Urethritis will increase the risk of HIV infection when performing Oral sex. Therefore, people with this disease need to be careful when having oral sex.

How to prevent the risk of HIV infection during Oral sex

For HIV-positive people

Take medicine every day: People with HIV should take medicine every day as prescribed by their doctor. This will help reduce the amount of virus present in the blood to the lowest level. Thus, the risk of oral sex with HIV transmission to sexual partners will be minimized. In addition, compliance with prescribed medication also helps patients maintain health and improve resistance.

Limit ejaculation into your partner's mouth: If you know you are HIV-positive, you should absolutely avoid ejaculating into your partner's mouth. This is to limit the risk of infection. Because you will not be able to know if there is an open wound in your partner's oral cavity. Therefore, when Oral sex is about to reach the threshold of ejaculation, you need to notify your partner to quickly withdraw your mouth from the penis.

For negative people

Before having sex with an HIV-positive partner, you can take pre-exposure prophylaxis ( PrEP ). Taking this medicine correctly and on a daily basis will help protect you from getting HIV from Oral sex.

Oral sex with HIV?  What to watch out for and how to avoid it?

You need to take safety precautions to prevent HIV infection

You can also use condoms, diaphragms to best prevent infection.

Alternatively, if you don't know your partner's health and don't take any precautions, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can be used. You can take this medicine within a few days of sex to prevent infection.

Things to keep in mind during oral sex

Through the information above, you must have also got the answer to the question of whether Oral sex has HIV. Although the chances are very low, the risk of infection is still possible. Therefore, in order to best protect your health, you need to pay attention to the following things after Oral sex.

Use lubricant during sex

You and your partner should use lubricant during sex. Lubricant will reduce friction and avoid causing tears and scratches. However, you need to pay attention to choose a specialized and quality lubricant. You should stay away from oil-based lubricants such as baby oil, vaseline.

Oral sex with HIV?  What to watch out for and how to avoid it?

You and your partner should use lubricants to reduce friction during Oral sex

Use safe protection method

In order not to worry about HIV during Oral sex, you should use safe methods of protection. Specifically, you should use a condom or a diaphragm during oral sex. In particular, the diaphragm is a small square product of rubber or silicone.

This device is used to put in the mouth, vagina or anus during sex. However, you should note that only one shield is used for each part to keep it clean and safe for both.

Do not perform Oral sex when the oral cavity and tongue have ulcers

If your tongue or oral cavity has any lacerations or ulcers, you should not have oral sex. Besides, during sex, you should avoid using your teeth to cause open wounds for your partner. Because lacerations and ulcers increase the risk of infection.

The above article has shared with you the answer to the question of whether Oral sex has HIV . At the same time, preventive measures and things to note to reduce the risk of infection are also what the article wants to share with you. Hope through this information. You have had a more specific view and taken measures to protect yourself safely when Oral sex.