10 yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration

The spine plays a very important role in the basic postures and activities of the body. Therefore, spondylolisthesis will cause the stability and balance of the body to be disrupted. The following article by Doctor Doan Minh Thai shares 10 yoga exercises to treat spinal degeneration that will help the body adjust to the best state.


Effects of yoga on the spine

Yoga is a discipline that brings flexibility and flexibility, so it is very useful for people with spinal injuries. One study showed that practicing yoga for more than 6 months, 6 days a week, saw significant improvements. Benefits of yoga for spine problems include:

  • Helps stretch the vertebrae, reducing pressure caused by daily activities.
  • Increases flexibility and suppleness between the vertebrae.
  • Reduce spinal pain.
  • Helps the vertebrae to be in the correct position and corrects misaligned areas.

Practicing yoga exercises to treat scoliosis regularly will help to stretch 20% of the height of the spine compared to when sitting. It also helps to stretch the ligaments and tendons around the vertebrae. This helps to reduce nerve compression and relieve pain.

See more: Spinal spine symptoms and signs to watch out for

10 yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration

Standing posture bent forward

This pose helps you relax the spine, neck and shoulder joints. To perform, stand with your feet touching your heels into a V shape. Then bend forward, hands touching the floor, stretching your back down. You will feel the lumbar vertebrae relax and reduce compression. Hold this position for about 30 seconds to reduce stress and flexibility. You can repeat many times or combine with many other yoga movements.

10 yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration

Standing posture bent forward

Half body sitting posture

Half-body sitting is a very beneficial position for flexibility and flexibility for the joints. This exercise is performed as follows:

Step 1: Sit cross-legged on the floor, hands on hips.

Step 2: Bend the left leg so that the left foot is outside, next to the right hip. At this point, if the knee flexion makes you feel pain, you can straighten your right leg. Simultaneously twist your body, turning your head and face to the left as much as you can. The right elbow rests on the left knee as a hinge, the left hand is placed behind the back, the eyes follow the hand.

Step 3: Feel the decrease in tension in the back and neck vertebrae. Hold the twist for 30 seconds then switch sides.

Note: To avoid back pain, you need to make sure your back is straight, not hunched. This exercise will not be suitable for people with back injuries or pregnant.

Cobra pose

This spondylolisthesis yoga exercise is a strengthening exercise for the back. Cobras help stretch your arms, legs, and spine, back and neck. Easy moves that can be done at home are as follows:

Step 1: Lie face down on the floor, hands placed on the floor, under the shoulders. The legs are naturally stretched out to the back.

Step 2: Using your hands as pillars, press close to the sides, face up. Lift your upper body to stretch your body to its fullest extent. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

10 yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration

Cobra pose yoga exercise

Extended triangle pose

Extended triangle is a great impact pose for the back spine, shoulders, and neck joints. It is done by:

Step 1: Step feet wider than hips.

Step 2: Two arms outstretched to form a straight line.

Step 3: Lower your right hand to touch your right foot so that your arms are still extended and perpendicular to the floor. You can feel the joints stretch, if it's too tight, you may have a slight stretch. Hold this triangle pose for 30 seconds and then do the same with the other side.

Baby Pose

This baby yoga pose is very commonly used and doesn't take much effort. The benefits of this exercise correcting the wrong positions of joints and vertebrae are because it helps the vertebrae to relax. The neck, back, hip, and leg positions are stretched and help relieve back pain, neck and spine pain. As a result, it helps prevent the process of vertebral degeneration effectively. It's very simple to do as follows:

Step 1: Kneel on the floor so that your heels are under your buttocks, and your knees are slightly shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Slowly lower yourself down, your head touching the floor, and at the same time stretch your arms forward. Slowly feel your vertebrae straighten and relax

Hold the position for 30 seconds and raise your body back to the starting position.

10 yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration

Baby pose yoga exercise

Bridge pose

The bridge is one of the simple and effective yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration. It stretches the spine and lower hips and strengthens the neck joints. The bridge exercise is performed as follows:

Step 1: Lie on your back and relax on the floor with your hands down. Bring your legs together so that your feet are in contact with the floor.

Step 2: Squeeze the abdomen, use the force from the hands and abs, the hip muscles lift the body to the highest position forming a straight line from the nape of the neck to the knee. Balance for 30 seconds and return to step 1. Repeat 3-4 times.

Wheel Pose

To do the wheel pose, do the following:

Step 1: Lie on your back on the mat, bend your knees to bring your legs closer to your buttocks. Feet on the floor, feet hip-width apart.

Step 2: Bring your hands above your head, hands in contact with the floor, fingers extended.

Step 3: Use your legs and arms to push your body up into a wheel-shaped curve. Hold this pose for 1 minute, breathing gently.

Step 4: Lower back slowly.

This exercise helps to stretch the back, abdomen and increase the strength of the limbs. As a result, the spine becomes flexible, effectively reducing pain symptoms of degeneration.

Cow Pose

Cat crawling is a very good yoga exercise for spinal degeneration because it bends and expands the flexible dorsal vertebrae. To do this we do the following:

Step 1: Get ready with your hands and knees on the floor.

Step 2: Look up at the ceiling while leaning down, lowering your belly and back.

Step 3: Bend your head down and push your arched back up. These movements are done as gently as possible to maximize joint relaxation. Lift or bow your head for 10 seconds each time.

Rolling pose

This roll-up yoga pose is great for relaxing the lower back and spine. This pose is done by:

Step 1: Lie on your back on the bed, bend your legs close to your body.

Step 2: Use your hands to hug your legs, feel the stretch of the spine for 30 seconds and then release your hands.

See also: What is yoga? Things you should know about yoga

Hand to toe pose

Touching toe yoga is very effective in treating misalignment and compression of the back vertebrae. It also increases the flexibility of skeletal muscles, helping to straighten the spine and legs. You can do the exercise while standing or sitting. Do the following exercises:

Step 1: Prepare with standing or sitting position on the floor.

Step 2: Bend your body and neck so that your legs and back are straight, and your hands touch your toes. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and relax back to the head position. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Above are 10 simple and effective yoga exercises to cure spinal degeneration. The spine plays an important role in all physical activities of the body. So regularly practice these yoga exercises to have a supple, healthy body. However, you should consult a specialist before exercising because depending on the stage and degree of degeneration, there will be an appropriate exercise to avoid aggravating the condition.