Can mothers eat oats after giving birth? Benefits of oats for nursing mothers

Can I eat oats after giving birth? Many postpartum women ask this question because oats are known to be a food containing many healthy nutrients. In addition, when adding this seed to the menu, it also helps women lose weight. So let's go to SignsSymptomsList to learn the article below to get the correct answer!

Oats are of plant origin. This type of food contains high levels of fiber, especially soluble fiber. Therefore, this seed has the effect of helping to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. However, are oats good for everyone? Can mothers eat oats after giving birth? 

Can mothers eat oats after giving birth?

Many mothers wonder if it is okay to eat oats after giving birth? The answer is to have a mother! Oatmeal is a cereal that has a lot of essential nutrients that are good for mother and baby. The nutrients present in these nuts play a role in the production of breast milk. 

In addition, oats also have the effect of increasing energy, helping to improve mood, fighting fatigue and anxiety for postpartum mothers. This is because this food contains essential minerals such as zinc, manganese, calcium , soluble fiber and large amounts of B vitamins.

In particular, oats also stimulate the body to release two hormones oxytocin and relaxin, which work to help the mother stay calm and stimulate breast milk

Can mothers eat oats after giving birth?  Benefits of oats for nursing mothers

Can mothers after giving birth eat oats? 

Benefits of eating oats

It can be seen in oats that there are many nutrients that are beneficial for health. The nutrient content in these foods can provide a number of benefits, such as:  

Help lose weight 

Oats are a food that helps mothers lose weight, improve their physique, and prevent overweight and obesity after giving birth, which is recommended by experts. Because oats contain a lot of fiber. Fiber when absorbed into the body will make the mother feel full for a long time and easily control the daily food intake. From there, the mother will avoid snacking on other unhealthy foods that cause weight gain. 

In addition, oats also support the intestinal tract to help the metabolism take place quickly, limiting the accumulation of excess fat that causes weight gain. 

Helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevent cardiovascular disease 

Eating oats helps mothers reduce cholesterol, helps regulate blood pressure along with preventing cardiovascular diseases. Specifically: 

  • Cardiovascular disease: Oats are a high-fiber food to be used as part of a low-fat and cholesterol diet. In addition, oat products provide large amounts of soluble fiber, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in postpartum mothers. 
  • Lower cholesterol: When consuming oat products helps to reduce total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol). 

Can mothers eat oats after giving birth?  Benefits of oats for nursing mothers

The fiber in oats helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases 

Help mothers after giving birth to milk 

According to nutritionists, oats can be considered as one of the foods that are both beneficial for milk and safe for nursing mothers. 

The nutritional composition of oats is very diverse. The saponins present in oats stimulate the production of the hormone prolactin. This hormone stimulates the secretion of breast milk. At the same time, oats contain plant estrogens, which play a role in increasing the secretion of milk glands. Therefore, oats are very beneficial for breastfeeding women to help mothers have more milk and thereby supplement many nutrients for their babies.  

Skin beauty 

In addition, oats also have an extremely effective beauty effect for women. Because this is also one of the ingredients found in many moisturizers and shower gel products, it helps to soothe itchy, uncomfortable skin. Some of the benefits of oats for mother's skin are as follows:  

  • Acne treatment: When there is too much oil on the skin, it will clog the pores and cause acne. Oats contain nutrients that help remove oil on the face, significantly improving acne.
  • Treatment of skin allergies: Oats contain avenanthramide, which has the ability to heal wounds and treat inflammation. Therefore, eating oats is very beneficial for mothers giving birth by cesarean section, helping the incision heal faster, avoiding inflammation and festering.
  • Skin lightening: Oats contain saponins that are great for cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliating. Therefore, the mother can combine using oats with some ingredients such as honey, fresh milk without sugar, yogurt without sugar, etc. In addition, when combining these ingredients together, it also works to help make skin lightening. 

Some delicious dishes made from oats 

Once you know the answer to the question: "Can I eat oats after giving birth?", are you looking for a way to prepare some dishes from oats without getting bored? Below SignsSymptomsList would like to suggest some dishes made from food and the value it brings!  

Pumpkin Oatmeal Porridge

This dish is extremely simple and easy to make, many mothers say their milk has increased significantly when eating oats every day. In particular, this dish helps the mother to digest more easily and has the effect of losing weight. 

  • Preparation: Rolled oats, pumpkin puree, coconut milk, vanilla, honey, grated coconut, chia seeds. 
  • Cooking method: Boil 350ml of water and oats until the mixture is foamy. Add in the grated pumpkin and coconut milk and stir to dissolve. Close the lid until it boils, then turn down the heat, then continue to cover the lid. After boiling 5-7 minutes, add a little vanilla to make the porridge more fragrant. Continue to boil until the porridge becomes thick, then turn off the heat. Close the lid, wait for it to cool and enjoy. In addition, you can add honey, grated coconut, and chia seeds after you have put the porridge into the bowl. Because when adding this seasoning later, it will help you easily adjust the sweetness according to your taste.

Delicious and attractive pumpkin oat porridge for mothers after giving birth

Nutritious cereal cake 

This is a very good dish for postpartum mothers and can be used as a snack. Because this dish both helps mothers feel delicious and has the effect of helping to lose weight. What you need is: 

  • Preparation: Oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate, white protein powder, honey. 
  • Cooking method: Heat chocolate in microwave, stir until melted. Then stir in the peanut butter into the chocolate mixture. Add honey to the mixture to make it sticky. Mix 2 tablespoons of white protein powder with 1 cup of oatmeal, then mix into the original mixture and stir well. Mix until combined so that it feels sticky in the hand. Press the mixture into the mold to flatten, then place in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Then you can take out the cake to cut and enjoy. 

Some notes for mothers after giving birth when eating oats 

Although oats are very good for health because they contain a lot of ingredients that are nutrients. But mothers should not use too much and excessively because this food cannot completely meet the nutritional needs of the body. Here are some things to keep in mind when using oats: 

  • Combine with other nutritious foods : Oats are considered one of the most nutritious foods. But it is not able to completely provide the nutrients that match the body's needs. So in addition to eating oats, mothers should combine supplements with other foods such as salmon, beef, eggs, ... to help the mother's body balance nutrients. 
  • If you want to lose weight after giving birth, you need to combine it with exercise: The combination of a scientific diet and hard exercise can help you lose weight quickly, bringing a more beautiful figure.
  • Should eat whole oats: Although oats are a product that helps milk, but with some types of processed oats often contain gluten which is not good for health. According to nutritionists, in whole oats are hypoallergenic, gluten-free and especially safe for health.

Can mothers eat oats after giving birth?  Benefits of oats for nursing mothers

Need to combine hard exercise and scientific diet with oats

Hopefully, the article on SignsSymptomsList has answered the mother's question on the topic: " Can you eat oats after giving birth ?". In addition, it also helps mothers understand the benefits that oats bring to the mother's body as well as some notes to know when eating oats. Thank you for taking the time to follow the above article and do not forget to accompany SignsSymptomsList for more useful information!

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