How are rib fractures treated? How to care and recover?

Rib fracture is a very common condition in everyday life. The most common causes are traffic accidents, falls, sports injuries... Broken ribs can cause damage to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels in the chest. Equipping with basic knowledge on how to treat, care for and restore rib fractures is extremely important. Let's find out with SignsSymptomsList in the following article!


1. Overview of rib fracture treatment

Our body has 12 pairs of ribs. They form a solid rib framework to protect the heart, lungs, blood vessels...

Unlike other fractures, rib fractures cannot be treated with a cast or brace. Rib fractures are usually treated with non-surgical methods. However, some cases require surgery.

In the past, rib fractures were treated by wrapping the upper body tightly. However, experts found this method ineffective. Moreover, it increases the feeling of shortness of breath. Pneumonia or other respiratory complications may also be increased.

Today, rib fracture treatment is particularly focused on a combination of rest, pain management, and breathing exercises.

Indications for surgery are: movable rib array (at least 3 contiguous ribs with multiple broken points) or multiple rib fractures causing difficulty breathing.

>> Learn more:  Rib fracture – Symptoms, causes, treatment methods

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

This is a pretty common accident

2. How do you live when you have a broken rib? Is it possible to have sex?

When you break a rib, one of the things you have to do is rest. Rest not only relieves pain but also speeds up bone healing.

However, that does not mean that you have to lie completely in bed. You also need an appropriate level of activity for the rest of your body and overall health. You can sit up and walk around during the early recovery phase.

Once your doctor has given you permission to move around, you can also return to low-intensity activities, such as:

  • Light housework.
  • Simple chores.
  • Sexual activity.
  • Work, as long as it's not heavy lifting or strenuous.

In addition, you need to avoid lying positions such as lying on your stomach, lying on your side or frequently turning over. Sleeping position should be straight on the back to put less pressure on the ribs or lie with the torso slightly upright and lined with a pillow underneath (applied in the early stages of a fracture).

However, consult your doctor before doing so. 

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

Avoid jobs that have to carry heavy loads

3. Things to avoid

Here are some things you need to avoid during the healing phase:

  • Lift anything heavier than 5 kg.
  • Play interactive sports.
  • Do anything that requires pulling or pushing.
  • High intensity activities, such as running, horse racing, etc.
  • Play golf. Even gentle rocking can cause severe pain if you break a rib.
  • Avoid anxiety and sadness.
  • Avoid referring to the treatment of fractures of unknown origin.

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

Do not play contact sports

4. How to control the pain of a broken rib?

  • The main symptom of a rib fracture is persistent pain. Pain control is essential for bone healing. The pain relief, even a little, helps you breathe and cough easily without too much discomfort.
  • Usually, you will be prescribed pain medication by your doctor for the first few days. Depending on the severity of the pain, your doctor will prescribe the right medication for you.
  • Medicines require a doctor's prescription. In the early days of a fracture, you may feel intense pain. A slight movement is enough to make you ache. If the pain is too severe, your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever, such as oxycodone or hydrocodone. These are pain relievers belonging to the group of opoids, can be addictive, so they should only be taken under the prescription of a doctor. Never self-medicate.
  • You can also apply ice to the broken bone for the first 2 days. This helps relieve pain. Do 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. Note, put ice in a damp towel and apply it to the skin. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
  • If your pain persists or gets worse for more than 3 weeks or longer, you should tell your doctor.

5. Breathing exercises for broken ribs

  • Deep breathing will help the lungs expand and ventilate well. Usually, this is easy for healthy people. However, when a rib is broken, taking a deep breath will cause pain. On the other hand, shallow breathing with reduced activity increases the risk of complications from pneumonia or other respiratory diseases. Therefore, you can be taught some breathing exercises suitable for recovery .
  • In it, you can use the spirometer to practice breathing. This is an instrument that measures the volume of air you inhale or exhale. It helps you know what it feels like to breathe deeply and fully.
  • You can take a pain reliever before you practice breathing. Can hold a pillow gently but firmly against the chest. This helps relieve pain. You just need to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply.

The practice of breathing exercises should be guided by experts before performing.

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

Illustration of spirometer

6. How long does it take to heal?

The healing time of broken bones depends on each person's body. Normally, broken bones take about 6 weeks to heal. This time may be shorter if the fracture is mild.

If internal organs, such as the lungs, are damaged, it takes longer to recover. This is especially true if you have an indication for surgery.

7. Signs and symptoms that need attention 

Occasionally, broken ribs can damage your lungs. Usually, any lung damage will be diagnosed during your first visit. The doctor will diagnose by listening, lung examination, X-ray , CT - scan… But sometimes, lung damage will not be noticed immediately.

As you recover, you'll need to watch for any signs of atelectasis or pneumonia.

Call 911 right away if you have any of the following signs:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Coughing up mucus more often or the amount gradually increases.
  • Hemoptisi.
  • Purple lips.
  • High fever.

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

You may feel short of breath

8. What is the prognosis when I break a rib?

Most rib fractures will be resolved with non-surgical methods. But you still need to make sure that your body gets proper rest, while your lungs are still functioning properly. Do not be afraid of pain but breathe too shallow.

You should be back to most of your daily activities after a month or two.

If you feel too much pain, even while taking prescription medication, don't hesitate to tell your doctor.

9. Diet 

  • When you have a broken rib, you need to eat a full, balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins, not abstain. The body has enough nutrients needed to help the broken bone heal quickly.
  • Meals should ensure a balance between protein, fat and starch. Usually, the ratio of these 3 substances is 1:1:5 respectively.
  • Increase foods that are good for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Dark green vegetables like cruciferous vegetables are rich in calcium and vitamin K that help support bone healing.
  • Fresh citrus fruits, grapefruit contain a lot of vitamin C.
  • Eggs, milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and whey are also rich sources of calcium for the body. Moreover, these products are very easy to use.
  • Legumes, nuts such as almonds, pistachios, cashews, sunflower seeds ... These nuts provide fat, protein, calcium, magnesium for the body. They support bone healing and ensure nutrition for the body.
  • Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines ... contain a lot of vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids .

In addition to foods that need to be supplemented, you should avoid foods that prevent bone healing. That is:

  • Wine.
  • Fast food.
  • Beverage.
  • Smoke. In particular, smoking reduces bone density, increases the risk of osteoporosis, slows down the recovery process of ribs in particular and adversely affects all other skeletal muscles in general.

>> You can learn more about 3 important vitamins for bones and joints

How are rib fractures treated?  How to care and recover?

Milk, eggs and dairy products are good for bone health

10. First aid for broken ribs

The initial first aid for fracture will greatly affect the treatment outcome. So when you meet someone who suspects a broken rib, what should you do?

  • First you need to calm down and look around the victim. Call for help from people around, call 911.
  • While waiting for an ambulance, reassure the person with the broken bone. Free the victim from obstructions such as hats, vehicles, and loose clothing. Place the patient in a comfortable position, avoiding excessive movement.
  • If there is bleeding, stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a clean cloth or towel.
  • Ice can be used, wrapped in a clean, damp towel, and applied to the painful area. This helps the victim reduce pain and swelling.
  • Move the victim to the nearest medical facility by ambulance, car, not by motorbike. It is important to keep the victim's head in line with the body axis during transport.

Rib fracture is a fairly common condition in daily life. Current treatment of rib fractures focuses on rest, pain control, and breathing exercises. The above treatment methods are for reference only. You need to be examined and properly treated by a doctor. We hope this article has provided you with basic information on how to treat, care for, and rehabilitate a rib fracture.