Condensed semen and information men need to pay attention to

For men, understanding their own reproductive health is essential. Especially when it comes to sperm health. Because healthy sperm is not only necessary in having children but also reflects the health status of men. One of the most common conditions related to sperm abnormalities is concentrated semen. What is this phenomenon? What is the cause and treatment of this condition? We invite you to explore this topic through the following article. 


What is condensed semen?

Normal semen after being ejaculated will be viscous and milky in color. Semen will liquefy after 10-30 minutes in the air. If semen does not liquefy, it is called condensed semen .

However, with the naked eye, it is difficult for us to tell whether the semen is thick or not. Only a semen analysis test can answer this question.

Semen analysis is performed to identify factors associated with sperm health. Such as:

  • The number of sperms present in 1 ml of semen.
  • Sperm shape.
  • Sperm motility in semen.

A person may need a semen test if the semen:

  • Seems to be much thicker than usual.
  • When you ejaculate, you see semen in the form of thick fibers instead of drops.
  • Semen is very solid or in the form of a mass.

Thick semen can be a sign of a number of medical conditions. Eg:

  • Prostatitis.
  • Inflammation of the seminal vesicles.
  • Other gynecological diseases.

Condensed sperm affects psychology, making men less interested in sex. In addition, this condition also greatly affects the ability to conceive. Because semen is thick, it is difficult for sperm to move to fertilize an egg.

Condensed semen and information men need to pay attention to

Condensed semen is semen that does not liquefy or partially liquefies after 60 minutes in the air

Distinguish between "condensed semen" and "clumped semen"

Some people may confuse lumpy semen with thick semen. Although both have some symptoms in common, they are two different diseases. Some of the differences between these two conditions are:


Clumped semen

Condensed semen

Basic telltale signs
  • In semen there are many white particles, as small as rice grains, smooth.
  • Normal semen consistency.
  • Semen does not liquefy or only partially liquefies after 60 minutes.
  • High viscosity
Danger of the disease Sperm motility decreases or even sperm death. Thereby reducing the possibility of conception  Sperm have difficulty moving into the uterus to fertilize an egg.
About sex life
  • Men still have desire and excitement during sex. 
  • Normal ejaculation.
  • Reduced sex drive.
  • Ejaculation is often painful.

When you detect any of the above abnormal signs, you need to see a doctor to be examined and do the necessary tests to accurately diagnose the disease.

Causes of thick semen


Semen is composed mainly of water. Not enough water can reduce the amount of fluid so that semen has a characteristic viscous texture.

Drinking enough water will help regulate the pH level of the body. This is the relative balance of the body in the balance of acidic and alkaline substances.

When dehydrated, the pH level becomes abnormal. This causes the semen to become thicker.

Other signs and symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Extreme thirst.
  • Exhausted.
  • Dizzy.
  • Dark urine.
  • Dark or bloody stools.

Hormonal imbalance

Semen also contains many hormones. Hormonal imbalances can lead to thick semen and abnormally shaped sperm. Abnormal sperm shape can also contribute to the texture of your semen.

Other symptoms of a hormonal imbalance in the body are:

  • Reduced sex drive.
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection.
  • Loss of body or facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Unusual weight loss.
  • Increase body fat.


Genital tract infections, especially bacterial infections, can cause semen to become thicker. This is because they increase the number of white blood cells that reach the area of ​​infection. And this can reduce the amount of semen produced. It can also reduce sperm concentration in semen and affect sperm shape.

A 2003 study found that the presence of infectious bacteria in the genital tract can cause white blood cells to attack sperm. Thereby reducing sperm quality and affecting the ability to conceive.

Other signs and symptoms of an infection include:

  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Painful or burning urination.
  • Bloody urine.
  • Unusual clear or cloudy discharge.
  • Swollen testicles.

How to treat thick semen?

One of the most common ways to treat concentrated semen today uses drugs. There are also some methods such as surgery, or home treatments.

Using drugs

The drug is an effective treatment for semen that is easy for patients to use. Drug treatment requires a doctor's prescription. Therefore, when there are signs of solid sperm, men need to see a doctor for appropriate treatment.

There are many drugs in use today. Depending on the cause of the disease, the doctor may prescribe different drugs suitable for each person.

For example, for the condition of thick semen due to prostatitis, the doctor will prescribe the following:

  • Terazosin: alpha 1 receptor blocker.
  • Cyproterone: antiandrogen.
  • Prazosin: An antibiotic with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Finasteride: Has the effect of eliminating malformed sperm, improving sperm quality.

All of the above drugs are prescription drugs. Therefore, patients should not self-medicate without a doctor's prescription. Because these drugs also have side effects and long-term use can be life-threatening.

Condensed semen and information men need to pay attention to

Treatment of concentrated semen with drugs


Surgery is the treatment of concentrated semen aimed at treating the cause of the disease.

Male inflammatory diseases are also one of the causes of thick semen . If the damage caused by the disease is severe, you will have an indication for surgery to treat it. In cases where surgery is indicated:

  • Prostate cancer.
  • Inflammation of the seminal vesicles.
  • Tubal infection.

Treatment at home

Change your diet

Diet greatly affects sperm quality. Foods that people with solid sperm should supplement are foods rich in zinc, iron, essential vitamins and minerals.

Patients should increase zinc and selenium supplements through foods such as:

  • Yogurt.
  • Egg.
  • Tomato.
  • Oysters.
  • Broccoli.
  • Seafood.
  • Poultry…

At the same time, it is necessary to add foods rich in fatty acids and folic acid such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, avocados, etc.

Condensed semen and information men need to pay attention to

Men should supplement with zinc-rich foods to improve sperm quality

Do not abuse masturbation

Men should not masturbate with too much frequency. Because it can lead to prostate congestion. This causes the sperm to thicken.

Instead, men should participate in healthy and rewarding physical and sports activities to enhance their overall health, including sperm health.

Reduce stress

Men should limit working too hard because it can cause fatigue and stress. Research shows that prolonged stress has an adverse effect on the physiological functions and sexual needs of men.

Condensed semen not only affects reproductive health but also affects family happiness. Therefore, when there are abnormal signs, men need to quickly go to a reputable medical facility for examination and treatment. Note that the methods of curing concentrated semen require the right approach and patience from the patient. This is an important factor affecting the effectiveness of treatment.