What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is also known as the herpes virus. This is a very common virus that can spread from person to person. Women are more likely to be of concern because HPV can cause cervical cancer. But men can also get infected and get the disease. So what can HPV virus cause in men? Please see the article below.


1. What disease does the HPV virus cause in men?

Most HPV infections in men rarely or never show symptoms. Currently, scientists still do not understand why. Compared with women, when infected with HPV in men, they are more likely to show symptoms.

This makes men a potential source of infection in the community (ie, because they do not know if they are infected with HPV because if they are infected, there are few or no symptoms in men so they have to go to the hospital. examine both).

So what is HPV? What does the HPV virus cause in men? Often these diseases only manifest when the patient has an HPV infection and is accompanied by other health problems. If you belong to these groups of people, when treating HPV, it is necessary to notify the treating doctor to have a good and reasonable treatment direction.

Other common health problems include:

  • Immunodeficiency (acquired – due to HIV) or autoimmune diseases, taking immunosuppressive drugs, organ transplantation.
  • Severe malnutrition.
  • After a severe illness. For example, you have had a serious injury, or after surgery, after a severe infection (necrotizing cholecystitis, staphylococcal encephalitis, etc.).
  • Old people, weak health.
  • Smoking, alcohol, liver failure, kidney failure, diabetes with uncontrolled blood sugar. People with severe asthma, taking high-dose anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time.
  • People with many sexual partners, people who are sexually active, and use little or no protection during sex.

At that time, the HPV virus causes disease in men as described below:

1.1 Genital warts

This is probably the most "famous" injury and the most propagated by the media. In part, these lesions are more common. Patients think this is a "secret" and important part, so when detecting changes in this area, the patient will have a more urgent attitude when the disease is in other areas.

Genital warts appear on the penis and perineum. Most have the form of a lump, which looks like a mass of broccoli (cauliflower). These lesions are called Codyloma. These genital warts will be described in more detail in the sections below.

1.2 Anal cancer

Wart-like lesions may appear in the skin at the anal margin, in the anus or deep in the rectal mucosa. Infection by people who have anal sex activities.

Fortunately, these warts rarely cause cancer in men. But it causes guilt about the disease and has a heavy mental and psychological impact on the patient. The treatment is quite simple: it is using physical agents to remove the warts and possibly some antiviral drugs in some severe cases. However, warts deep in the rectum are difficult to treat thoroughly.

A small number of cases have recorded metaplasia or cellular dysplasia, which turned into anal cancer. These cases are quite rare.

What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

Injury to warts in the rectum through rectal endoscopy

1.3 Penile cancer

In men, lesions range from mild to severe. From small spots to bumps that look like chicken crests or broccoli. Perhaps because of such characteristics, it has a very impressive and easy-to-remember name such as genital warts or broccoli warts or penile codyloma.

Wart-like lesions appear on the skin around the penis, around the margin of the glans, glans, scrotum or both sides of the groin. Lesions at first appear will be pink, red. If inflamed, there will be superinfection, pus discharge and swelling. They are usually painless (if there is no other infection), but can cause bleeding if scratched or touched.

But the most dangerous manifestation of HPV is penile cancer. HPV can cause metaplasia of penile cells, causing them to become cancerous.

See more: Can you get the HPV vaccine if you have genital warts?

1.4 Warts on the skin.

Skin warts are caused by a strain of HPV. The disease causes discomfort because it can float in some unwanted or "sensitive" locations. Some areas of the body have warts, which are exposed when wearing clothes such as fingers, hands or face, affecting the appearance of the infected person. Some warts grow on the soles of the feet, causing pain after each step.

The disease may have a single nodule or multiple nodules or a large papule on the skin. There are many measures to treat this problem, however, when not treated properly, the disease is easy to spread to the surrounding skin. The best way is to go to a reputable medical facility for examination and treatment to remove the lesion.

Do not self-treat. Self-treatment can spread these warts or cause infection, necrosis of the skin.

What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

Leg warts often cause pain and discomfort to the patient with every step

1.5. Brown spots on face

Some strains of HPV prefer a certain area of ​​the body to show the disease. There are more than 10 strains that cause skin lesions in the face area.

Worryingly, strains in the facial skin area spread quickly and easily spread into tiny, very unsightly spots.

Laser therapy can help patients with this problem. However, the discomfort usually doesn't stop there. These strains also often recur as your health declines. After an illness, HIV infection, immunodeficiency, organ transplant, allergies, etc. can all cause them to recur and spread.

HPV infection in men with this strain will feel more fortunate than women. Most men have darker skin. However, the inconvenience and aesthetics they bring are annoying.

What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

The strain of HPV causes skin disease in the face area

1.6 Moles around the mouth

This strain is usually spread among people who are sexually active, the oral patterns of sexual arousal. Sometimes simply kissing or sharing razors is a risk of infection.

Their characteristic is: easy to spread. Grows in solitary nodules or clusters (usually less than 6 lesions). Appears around the mouth and mucous membranes of the lips. The wound can swell or ulcerate, causing infection and pain for the patient.

There is no specific treatment for this area. Usually the lesions will disappear on their own after 2-4 weeks.

Medications or treatments are usually supportive and relieve symptoms. Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, swelling and sometimes antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent and treat superinfections.

What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

The strain of HPV causes skin disease in the face area

1.7 Sores in the palate, oral mucosa, pharynx and nasopharyngeal cancer

The disease is usually transmitted by oral sex activities or sharing oropharyngeal tools such as tongue scrapers, toothbrushes, etc. Strains that cause oropharyngeal disease are often classified as high-risk groups.

Medical reports suggest that they are linked to nasopharyngeal cancer. However, more time and evidence is needed to future-proof it.

Symptoms are often obvious and overwhelming: Difficulty swallowing, persistent ear pain, coughing up blood, unexplained weight loss, enlarged oropharyngeal lymph nodes, pain, persistent sore throat, lump on cheek growing or lump on neck, hoarse voice.

What disease can HPV virus cause in men?

HPV lesions in the form of cauliflower in the oropharynx

2. How to reduce the risk of HPV infection in men

2.1 HPV testing in men

An HPV test is one way to find out if you have an HPV infection. However, HPV testing in men is not recommended (according to the US CDC).

When we know we have HPV, we will be more proactive in preventing transmission to others.

2.2 Safe sex

Safe sex is a way to reduce your risk of contracting the disease. Having sex with multiple partners increases the risk of HPV infection. Using a condom does not completely protect you from the virus during sex.

The reason is that secretions and lesions in the process of skin-to-skin rubbing will cause HPV infection. Although condoms can protect the penis or vulva well. However, if the nodules at the edges of the skin around them become irritated, they can become infected.

2.3 Lifestyle changes

Limit regular alcohol and tobacco use. Drinking alcohol or smoking does not spread HPV infection. But alcohol and tobacco burn the lining of the mouth. When damaged, they are more easily infected by the source of HPV through contact than usual. Besides, alcohol consumption also weakens the immune system. That, along with HPV, increases the risk of developing oropharyngeal cancer in people already infected with HPV.

Exercise regularly, control weight, improve resistance. Manage stress in your life. Eat a full range of nutrients and vitamins.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that causes disease in humans. There are many different strains of HPV, each strain has its own manifestations in different areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The most well-known lesions of HPV are genital warts. There are special groups that can initiate cancer when infected with HPV. These groups of patients need to report to the doctor for the best treatment and monitoring.