Nipple pain after sex: What is the cause?

The nipple is also known as the nipple. It is the protruding part of the breast. Nipple pain is one of the secret feelings that many women have to face, especially breast pain after sex. Treatment of breast pain will be based on the cause of the disease. So what causes nipple pain? Please follow the article below of MSc Tran Quoc Phong to find out the causes of this symptom.


Causes of nipple pain

Nipple pain is a condition that occurs in the breast mass, not related to the chest as most people think. The pain is usually moderate enough to cause only discomfort. But it doesn't affect daily life much. So what is the cause of nipple pain?

1. Menstruation

Ovulation occurs once a month, usually on days 14-16 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. However, in reality, each person will have a completely different menstrual cycle and not everyone has a 28-day menstrual cycle. Therefore, determining the exact time of ovulation is quite difficult. However, we can tell if we are ovulating or not based on a number of body signals. Among them, nipple pain is one of the most recognizable signs. This can happen on one or both sides of the chest.

The reason is because when entering the menstrual period, a large amount of water stagnates in the nipple or nipple. This phenomenon will last throughout the red light days. At this time, your girlfriend should add food groups such as vegetable oils, spinach or cereals to ease the symptoms of breast stiffness.

See also: 10 signs of coming period that you should know

2. Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes huge changes in the breasts. Swollen, painful nipples are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. During pregnancy, high estrogen levels stimulate an increase in the amount of breast tissue, causing breast enlargement. Meanwhile, high levels of progesterone cause the breasts to fill with water. The changes you take to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding will also make your nipples sore.

Besides, in the early stages of breastfeeding can cause nipple pain. The cause of sore nipples while breastfeeding can be due to:

  • Incorrect breastfeeding position.
  • The way the baby latches on the nipple is not correct.
  • The nipple is inverted.
  • Milk clogging .

Nipple pain after sex: What is the cause?

Breastfeeding can also cause breast pain in women

3. Inflammation of the skin

Nipple pain can be a sign of skin diseases. For example, eczema or some other skin problem. Dermatological diseases can cause the skin to become dry, easily irritated. That leads to sore nipples.

4. Breast Cancer

Although rare, breast cancer can cause nipple pain . See your doctor as soon as possible if your nipple pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Detect a lump in the breast or armpit area.
  • Swelling of all or part of the breast.
  • Abnormal nipple discharge.
  • The skin around the nipple becomes red or thickened or receded.
  • The nipple is inverted.

Nipple pain after sex: What is the cause?

Breast pain could be a warning sign of breast cancer

Why do I have nipple pain after sex?

After sex, nipple pain is also common. The cause may be because during sex, your partner has had an impact that causes the muscles around the chest to hurt.1 Or it may be because you are close to your menstrual cycle, so your breasts are tight. If these are the reasons, then rest assured. However, to be sure, you should monitor the status of your nipples in the following days to see if there are any abnormalities.

Nipple pain after sex: What is the cause?

Breast pain after sex makes women's breasts tight and uncomfortable

Breast pain after sex can be one of the signs of pregnancy . However, this is not confirmed with certainty. Moreover, if pregnant, symptoms may not manifest immediately after such intercourse. Therefore, nipple pain can be due to other causes.

Is nipple pain after sex dangerous?

When women have arousal of sexual desire or desire for sex, the nipples will be erect. During sex, if it is stimulated for a long time, it will cause a woman to have a little pain in the nipple due to the concentration of many sensory nerve fibers. This phenomenon will disappear when you no longer stimulate it. Therefore, nipple pain after sex is not dangerous.

To limit this situation, men should stimulate the nipple more gently, do not bite, do not stimulate for too long because it is a sensitive area. However, girlfriends should regularly monitor breast changes in the following days to see if there are any abnormalities.

See also: Signs of breast cancer that every woman needs to know

Hopefully, the above article has provided you with useful information about breast pain after sex . There are many causes of your nipple pain. If it's for normal reasons, you don't need to worry. If the cause is abnormal, the girlfriend should see a doctor for examination and treatment as soon as possible.