Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Cough during pregnancy is one of the problems that pregnant women feel anxious about. Coughing not only affects the mother but also the fetus in the womb. There are many causes of cough in pregnant women. So what are the causes? What treatment measures are safe for both mother and baby? All will be answered by SignsSymptomsList through the following article.


1. What are the causes of cough during pregnancy?

Coughing during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms experienced by pregnant women. Cough symptoms can be an itchy throat that causes a common dry cough. There may also be more severe symptoms. These include coughing up phlegm, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and even coughing up blood.

Cough during pregnancy can result from the following causes:

  • Pneumonia caused by bacteria pneumococcal, staphylococcus, streptococcus, respiratory syncytial virus.
  • Cold or flu.
  • Whooping cough disease.
  • Pharyngitis caused by bacteria or viruses. This usually causes a dry cough.
  • Asthma. Asthma can get worse during pregnancy.
  • Heart failure.
  • Allergy to respiratory allergens.
  • Acute or chronic bronchitis.
  • Gas perforation.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Less common are pulmonary tuberculosis, lung cancer, and bronchial cancer.
  • Pneumonia caused by chemical and heavy metal contamination.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease may be accompanied by a cough.

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Flu is a common cause of cough during pregnancy

2. Why are women prone to cough during pregnancy?

Women are very susceptible to cough during pregnancy because:

  • The first is because the resistance of pregnant women is often reduced. Parallel to that condition is the change of hormones in the body during pregnancy. All create favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to enter the body. That causes diseases in pregnant women.
  • Second: Because pregnant women are very sensitive to the changes of the weather. Pregnancy at the time of change of season. Especially autumn and winter. It is the sudden change of temperature, rain and wind that also causes cough symptoms.
  • Third: During pregnancy, the uterus will put pressure on the abdomen. That condition causes gastroesophageal reflux. This can also be a cause of cough in pregnant women.

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Reflux disease during pregnancy

  • Wednesday: Pregnant women often go to antenatal care clinics and hospitals. Those are crowded places, so it is easy to catch respiratory diseases from other people.
  • Fifth: Because the respiratory tract of women during pregnancy is very sensitive. Therefore, it is very susceptible to irritation by a number of factors from the external environment. For example, cigarette smoke, dirt, strange scents, dog and cat hair, etc.

3. Is it dangerous for a pregnant mother to have a cough?

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the common cough symptoms of pregnant women do not have much effect on the fetus in the womb. In case the cough is persistent and strong and cannot be controlled, pregnant women should use their hands to support them under the abdomen. This will limit the impact on the fetus.

However, if the cough persists, the cough is caused by an infection, it needs to be treated. Because if you don't take the medicine, the disease will get worse and worse. The disease affects not only the mother but also the baby in the womb.

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Persistent cough during pregnancy requires treatment

Pregnant women who have a lot of cough accompanied by poor diet and lack of nutrients will be even more dangerous. Because not only does not provide enough energy for the mother's body but also affects the development of the fetus.

Some of the serious complications that can arise from a cough during pregnancy include:

  • Uterine contractions increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Pneumonia and bronchitis will get worse if left untreated.
  • The risk of hemorrhoids is higher.
  • Infection from mother to fetus. Leads to underdevelopment of the fetus, birth defects, stillbirth, etc.

Therefore, doctors advise: If the cough symptoms persist for more than 2 days without relief, pregnant women should go to the doctor for timely treatment.

>> See more articles on the same topic: 10 important questions that pregnant women should ask when going to the antenatal clinic

4. How to treat cough during pregnancy?

4.1. Non-drug measures

First, pregnant women should apply non-drug measures. Those are folk remedies. This method is applied in cases of colds and coughs due to sensitivity to the weather. Consists of:

  • Drink honey.
  • Use warm ginger tea .
  • Drink warm water instead of ice or cold water.
  • Steamed pears with rock sugar.
  • Suck on Strepsils tablets, Eugica tablets .
  • Sauna relieves colds with leaves containing essential oils. For example: Grapefruit, lemongrass, orange, tangerine, tamarind, guava, ...

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Ginger tea helps relieve cough

4.2. Measures to take medicine

Once the cough has worsened, persists. Pregnant women who have applied folk methods are still not relieved. At this time, pregnant women should visit a specialist. Doctors will prescribe drugs that are safe for pregnant women and babies. Remember that you should not buy drugs on your own. Some safe cough medicines for pregnant women that you can refer to include:

  • Eugica cough oil pills.
  • Paracetamol (or Acetaminophen ) for fever, headache, body aches.
  • Low-dose codeine and Dextromethorphan can often be used to suppress a cough.
  • Some antibiotics for pneumonia such as: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Macrolide group, Cephalosporin group.
  • Antihistamines relieve allergy symptoms. For example: Loratadin, Cetirizine.

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Cephalosporin antibiotics are safe for pregnant women

5. Preventive measures

As the article provides, coughing during pregnancy can range from mild to severe. The level of risk is also variable and unpredictable. Therefore, it is best for pregnant women to prevent disease rather than cure it.

Preventive measures include:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have a reasonable work and rest regime during pregnancy.
  • Avoid overwork. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Limit staying up late.
  • Fortified with vitamin C to improve resistance. For example, eat oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, guava, grapes, pears, papaya, etc. Or drink fruit juice.
  • Exercise lightly and regularly every day.
  • Supplement with oral tablets such as iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, etc. under the guidance of a specialist.
  • Wash your hands often with antibacterial soap.
  • Avoid going to crowded places unless absolutely necessary.
  • Diet rich in nutrients such as: lean meat, fresh milk, eggs, cereals, vegetables, ...
  • Keep your body warm when the wind turns against the sky like at the change of seasons, in the rainy season.

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Fortified with vitamin C to improve resistance

6. Vaccination problem

Causes of cough during pregnancy can include whooping cough, pneumonia, and flu. Therefore, to prevent disease during pregnancy, pregnant women should get vaccinated.

Vaccines that women should get if they plan to become pregnant include:

  • Diphtheria – Pertussis – Tetanus (Adacel or Boostrix – Pre-pregnancy shot).
  • Chickenpox vaccine (Varivax, Varilrix, Varicella – Vaccinated at least 3 months before pregnancy).
  • Measles – Mumps – Rubella (MMR II or MMR vaccine – Vaccinated at least 3 months before pregnancy).
  • Vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia ( Prevenar 13 ).
  • Prevention of hepatitis B (Engerix, Euvax, Hepavax).
  • Vaccine against flu. Includes vaccines that can be given during pregnancy such as Vaxigrip, Influvac. Vaccines given before pregnancy such as: GC Flu, Ivacflu S.
  • Tetanus prevention (VAT vaccine – 2 shots, 1st dose in the middle 3 months. 2nd dose at least 4 weeks apart from 1st shot and at least 4 weeks before the due date).

Cough during pregnancy to be treated like?

Measles - Mumps - Rubella vaccine

Vaccinations before pregnancy and during pregnancy are very beneficial for women:

  • Prevention of some common infections in pregnant women, including cough during pregnancy.
  • Do not transmit the disease to the fetus.
  • Limit the risk of fetal malformations, miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight.

Hopefully with the information that the article has provided, readers will have a better understanding of cough during pregnancy . From there, you will have the most appropriate preventive measures as well as treatment. At the same time limit certain risks to yourself and the development of the fetus.

>> Refer to more articles on the same topic: What you need to know about vaccinations during pregnancy