What is a jaw cyst? Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Jaw cysts are rare as well as little known disorders of the oral cavity. So are these cysts benign or malignant? And how does it manifest? How is it diagnosed and what is the treatment? Please read the article below for more useful information.


1. Overview of Jaw Cysts

Tumors and cysts in the jaw are relatively rare tumors or lesions. These tumors or cysts develop from the jawbone or the soft tissues in the mouth and face. Jaw problems can vary greatly in size and severity. These tumors are usually not cancerous, but are benign. But they can invade surrounding bone and tissue and can displace teeth.

The treatment options for this mandibular cyst are varied. Depending on the type of cyst or cyst, the stage of development and your symptoms. Orthodontists can treat tumors, cysts of the jaw by surgical methods. However, in some cases, a combination of surgical and medical treatment is required.

What is a jaw cyst?  Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

What to do if the tooth is cystic?

2. Causes of Jaw Cysts 

Tumors and cysts of the jaw originate from cells and tissues of the oral cavity. These tissues are involved in the normal development of teeth. Other tumors affecting the jaw may not be dental tumours. This means they can develop from other tissues in the jaw that are not related to the teeth.

In general, the cause of tumors and cysts of the jaw remains poorly defined. However, some are linked to genetic syndromes.

People with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, also known as Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, lack tumor suppressor genes.

The gene mutation that causes this syndrome is inherited. This syndrome leads to the growth of many keratinocytes in the jaw, many basal cell skin cancers, and other symptoms.

3. Jaw cyst symptoms

A tooth tumor is a manifestation of an abnormality in tissue proliferation. A cyst is a fluid-filled or semi-solid structure. Here are some common examples of cysts and cysts, including:


  • This is a relatively common, slow-growing tumor that is usually not cancerous (benign).
  • It develops most often near the molars. And can invade surrounding structures such as bone and soft tissue.
  • This tumor may recur after treatment. However, aggressive surgical treatments will often reduce the risk of recurrence.

Central giant cell granuloma.

  • Central giant cell granulomas are benign lesions that usually occur in the anterior part of the mandible.
  • Some of these tumors can grow quickly, which can cause pain and destroy bone. And there is a particular tendency to relapse after surgical treatment.
  • Others are less active and may have no symptoms.
  • Rarely, a tumor may shrink or go away on its own. But usually these tumors require surgical treatment.

False cyst.

  • This cyst originates in the tissue that surrounds the tooth before it grows into the mouth.
  • This is the most common form of cyst affecting the jaw.
  • Usually, these cysts will occur around wisdom teeth that have not fully erupted. But they can also appear in other locations.


  • Tumors tend to recur after surgical treatment. However, this cyst is usually this benign and slow growing.
  • This type of tumor can destroy surrounding structures. Usually cysts develop in the lower jaw near the third molar.
  • These cysts can also be found in people with an inherited condition called nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.

Odontoma – Tumor of teeth.

  • This benign tumor is the most common cause of disease.
  • This form of the disease is usually asymptomatic, but can interfere with growth or teething.
  • Tumors are formed from tooth tissue that grows around a tooth in the jaw. They can look like an oddly shaped tooth or a mass of calcifications.
  • These tumors can be one of the symptoms of a number of genetic syndromes.

>> Find out more Instructions for medical examination and treatment at the National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology

Other types of cysts and tumors.

4. Diagnosis of Jaw Cysts

To get enough information to diagnose a tumor or jaw cyst, your doctor may recommend tests before starting treatment. These tests may include:

  • Imaging test. Such as X-ray, CT or MRI
  • Biopsy. Your doctor will take a sample of tissue from the tumor or cyst for laboratory analysis.

Your doctor needs this information to come up with the best treatment plan for you and choose the most effective option to treat the tumor or cyst.

5. Treatment

Treatment options for tumors and cysts of the jaw are varied. Depends on the type of cyst, the cyst, the stage of development of the lesion, and your symptoms. Doctors also consider your treatment goals and personal wishes when making treatment recommendations.

Treatment of jaw and cystic tumors often requires surgical intervention. In some cases, treatment can be medical therapy or combine surgery with medical treatment.

During surgery, your doctor will remove a tumor or jaw cyst, which may include removing nearby teeth, tissue, and jaw bone. It will then be sent to a lab for testing. The pathologist examines the tissue that is sent and returns the diagnostic results during surgery so the surgeon can process this information immediately.

Other treatments may include:

  • Reconstruction of the jawbone or other structures.
  • Medical treatment for some types of tumors and cysts of the jaw.
  • Supportive care to help maintain your quality of life. Includes support with nutrition, speech and swallowing, and replacement of lost teeth.

Lifelong follow-up examinations after treatment can resolve any recurrence of the tumor and jaw cyst early.

What is a jaw cyst?  Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Regular dental check-ups can help you identify potential diseases

When seeing abnormal signs in the maxillofacial region, the patient needs to see a doctor promptly to detect the maxillofacial tumor early. Avoid allowing jaw cysts to grow, causing severe symptoms and causing facial disfigurement. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. Or contact the dentist directly for a thorough answer.

Doctor Vu Thanh Do