Cure sudden deafness with acupuncture effective?
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Acute torticollis is a disease that causes a lot of discomfort and inconvenience to the patient. It makes the patient unable to move the neck, a small movement also makes the patient extremely painful. Therefore, early intervention is very beneficial for patients. One of the effective treatment interventions is acupuncture for acute torticollis.
Here we invite everyone to learn some information about this treatment with SignsSymptomsList.
What is acute torticollis?
Acute torticollis is a painful curvature of the neck. The top of the head is usually tilted to one side while the chin is tilted to the other. The disease usually appears after a hard work, fatigue, stress, cold, pain appears in the back of the neck, one side spreads to the occipital region, the head is tilted to one side, unable to turn. The disease is very easy to relapse.
In Oriental medicine, acute torticollis belongs to the range of Lac occipital or Seven occipital syndromes. Before knowing the acupuncture treatments for acute torticollis , let's take a look at the causes and symptoms of this disease.
Acute torticollis often causes difficulties for patients
According to Modern Medicine
According to Traditional Medicine
Therefore, acupuncture treatment for acute torticollis is also considered based on these causes.
According to Modern Medicine
The patient presents with sudden, severe pain in the neck and shoulders, and stiff neck muscles. There is a situation where the head is crooked to one side, limited or unable to turn, when turning the head, it is necessary to turn the whole body ...
In severe cases, the patient may feel pain spreading to the shoulder blade, numbness of the arm on the same side.
This disease occurs immediately after waking up, turning and bending the neck suddenly, carrying heavy loads or experiencing cold ....
According to Traditional Medicine
The patient suddenly presents with painful stiff neck and shoulders, difficult neck movement, pressing on the trapezius muscle, pain in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the muscle is stiffer than the healthy side. The patient's systemic manifestations are fear of cold, white tongue moss, edematous pulse.
The patient suddenly presented with pain, limited movement of the shoulder and neck, looked at the cervical spine and surrounding soft tissue, swelling, hot to the touch. The patient's systemic manifestations include fever, edematous pulse.
Local symptoms appear as if due to cold. This pathology often occurs after carrying heavy loads or after lying on the knee too high, the pulse is urgent.
The effect of acupuncture in the treatment of acute torticollis
Acupuncture for acute torticollis has the effect of circulating the inner meridians, pushing the evil spirits to the outside. It regulates the activity of the meridian system so that the qi and blood inside can circulate easily. The neck muscles are well nourished, so the patient's symptoms are improved, from which neck movement is no longer painful.
Acupuncture treatment for acute torticollis
There are many ways acupuncture can cure this disease
After examining and diagnosing, the doctor proceeds to devise a treatment plan for the patient. Depending on the patient's condition, the acupuncture point regimen for acute torticollis is flexible to suit the individual patient.
Note when choosing acupuncture to treat acute torticollis
Patients who need treatment according to traditional medicine and acupuncture should choose reputable hospitals or facilities for examination and treatment.
During acupuncture, patients see phenomena such as:
It is necessary to immediately notify the doctor or medical staff for timely treatment measures.
Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension... need to inform the doctor in advance to consider before performing the technique. Patients can also treat acute torticollis with acupuncture combined with the following methods:
Combined with medical treatment
Combined with the set of rehabilitation-VLTL
What other methods of Oriental medicine help treat acute torticollis?
In addition to acupuncture to treat acute torticollis, there are other methods in oriental medicine such as:
Patients can also apply other oriental medicine methods to treat acute torticollis
Acupuncture is an extremely effective method and is frequently used clinically to treat patients diagnosed with acute torticollis. It helps to improve pain, limit movement on patients.
Patients diagnosed with acute torticollis, if they want to choose this treatment method, can go to traditional medicine hospitals or reputable facilities for examination and treatment. Hopefully, the above article will bring you useful information about acupuncture for treating acute torticollis .
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