Acupuncture in the treatment of vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorder is a disease that causes many troubles for patients. Not only causing uncomfortable dizziness but also severely reducing quality of life. Acupuncture for vestibular disorders is being used by many people. Learn about this drug-free treatment with SignsSymptomsList through the article below.


Overview of vestibular disorders

The vestibule is a part of the nervous system located behind the cochlea. The vestibule has a role in maintaining balance in body activities. Such activities as: moving, standing, lying down, bending over.

In other words, the vestibule helps maintain posture and posture, in coordinating eye, head, and trunk movements, and in maintaining a fixed gaze on an object.

Vestibular disorder is a manifestation of a disorder in the transmission and reception of information in the vestibule. It can also be caused by a blockage of the 8th nerve or an artery that feeds the brain. Or other lesions located in the inner ear area and brain.

Symptoms of vestibular disorders

Vestibular system disorder leads to loss of balance, causing symptoms such as:

  • The body wobbles.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dizziness, spinning.
  • Tinnitus, nausea…

These symptoms repeat many times, appearing suddenly, making the patient uncomfortable. They greatly affect the patient's life and ability to work.

See also: How to distinguish low blood pressure and vestibular disorders

Acupuncture in the treatment of vestibular disorders

Dizziness is one of the common symptoms in patients with vestibular disorders

Classification of vestibular disorders

The vestibular system includes peripheral vestibular receptors, vestibular nerve (VIII), vestibular nucleus, and associated pathways.

Vestibular disorders of peripheral origin

Due to damage to the inner ear, vestibular nerve or vascular occlusion in the back of the neck. A common symptom is a change in position that causes dizziness. The majority of patients belong to this group.

Vestibular disorders of central origin

Due to damage to the vestibular nucleus or the connection of the vestibular nucleus in the brain stem and cerebellum. When the injury often causes some symptoms such as: Difficulty walking, dizziness when changing positions, fainting ...

Causes of vestibular disorders

Peripheral vestibular disorders

  • Vestibular neuritis: Due to shingles virus, chickenpox, mumps...
  • Metabolic disorders such as diabetes, uremia, hypothyroidism...
  • Meniere's syndrome.
  • Acute and chronic otitis media.
  • Inner ear deformity.
  • Injury to the inner ear.
  • Neuroma VIII.
  • Ear stones.
  • Some unwanted effects of the drug (streptomycin, gentamycin...); alcohol, drugs.
  • Travel sickness.

Central vestibular disorder

  • Vascular insufficiency of the basilar artery.
  • Postural hypotension .
  • Wallenberg's syndrome.
  • Cerebellar infarction.
  • Disseminated sclerosis.
  • Cerebellar tumor.
  • Migraine headache.
  • Parkinson's disease .

Effects of acupuncture on vestibular disorders

According to Modern Medicine

Acupuncture has the effect of stimulating the nervous system, releasing neurotransmitters. Thereby, helping to balance the body's homeostasis, promoting physical and mental health. Stimulating acupuncture points helps reduce sensitivity to pain and stress.

Acupuncture for vestibular disorders helps relieve dizziness by:

  • Activation of left ascending frontal gyrus, superior cingulate gyrus, dorsal nucleus of thalamus, release of neural substrates in cerebellum.
  • Increased blood flow in the basilar arteries thus improves dizziness.
  • Increased levels of endorphins and neuropeptides Y help fight negative emotions.
  • Stimulates nerves in muscles and other tissues, leading to the release of endorphins and other neurotrophic factors. Thereby, helping to change the process of pain processing in the brain and spinal cord.
  • In addition, acupuncture helps reduce inflammation by promoting the release of immunoregulatory factors and blood vessels.
  • Increased local circulation.

According to traditional medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine describes the symptom of vertigo in "Paranormal". Vestibular disorders of any kind arise through three mechanisms:

  • The first is bad qi, bad blood, and damaged qi and blood.
  • Second due to problems in the Liver and Kidney organs.
  • Thirdly, due to the fire, it rises up and causes disease.

Acupuncture helps stimulate acupuncture points, helps regulate yin and yang, meridians, viscera, and endocrine. In addition, it helps restore motor function for people with vestibular disorders. From there, help reduce symptoms such as dizziness.

Acupuncture in the treatment of vestibular disorders

Acupuncture is one of the non-drug methods to treat vestibular disorders

How acupuncture treats vestibular disorders


All patients with symptoms of vestibular disorders such as:

  • Dizziness.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Headache, poor sleep, daydreaming.

Contraindications to acupuncture for vestibular disorders

  • Pregnant.
  • The patient has a surgical emergency.
  • Patients with heart failure , arrhythmia.
  • Avoid pricking areas with inflammation or skin sores.

Acupressure regimen used in acupuncture to treat vestibular disorders

Bach Hoi Ascendant Sun
Pupils Lieu Enlightenment Central city
Tam Ly Tritone intersection Blood Sea
Upper Colossus Introspect Thai pulse
Journey can go Sorcery
Coke Labor bow  

How acupuncture treats vestibular disorders

To perform acupuncture, it is necessary to have standard acupuncture tools:

  • Needle needles, antibacterial cotton.
  • Other devices, depending on the method of implementation, such as: electric pulse machine, eardrum, etc.
  • Stainless steel needle. Needles are autoclaved or sterile disposable needles used.

Each patient will be pricked with the number of acupuncture points depending on the disease. Needle manipulation requires the skill of the doctor. When acupuncture, the doctor uses the thumb and index finger to press and stretch the skin of the acupoint. With the other hand, quickly insert the needle through the skin of the acupuncture point, slowly push the needle, stimulate the needle until the patient feels a tight, tight, moderate weight, no pain in the acupuncture point. The doctor feels the needle sucking tightly at the acupuncture point. Before the needle is inserted and after the needle is removed, the patient is disinfected the skin to prevent infection.

Other traditional methods of treating vestibular disorders

Ear acupuncture

The most commonly used acupoints are Dom, Gan, Giao Giao, Than Mon, and Shen.

Thread implant

Using self-dissolving cagut thread implanted into acupoints according to the above acupressure protocol to create a prolonged stimulating effect.

Massage, acupressure

Acupressure treatment for vestibular disorders is one of the most popular oriental medicine methods.

  • Rubbing, clawing, squeezing, pooping, matching, pinching, rubbing, squeezing, knocking, chopping off the head, face and neck area
  • Press the acupoints according to the acupressure protocol above.

Acupressure massage can also be used to treat vestibular disorders

There are also other methods such as magnet array, electromagnetism, electromagnetism .

Note when choosing acupuncture to treat vestibular disorders

During the acupuncture treatment of vestibular disorders, if the patient sees phenomena such as:

  • Lots of flowers.
  • Dizziness more than initially.
  • Sweating.
  • Tired and uncomfortable.

Immediately notify a doctor or medical staff for timely treatment.

Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension , arrhythmia... need to inform the doctor in advance before performing the procedure.

Patients with blood clotting disorders or taking anticoagulants should not have acupuncture.

Do not let your stomach be too hungry or full before acupuncture.

Acupuncture for vestibular disorders is an effective and safe method of treatment if there are no contraindications. However, when performing this method, patients should go to reputable facilities to ensure diagnosis and treatment.

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