Cure speech delay with acupuncture, revealing secrets

Speech delay is one of the symptoms of psychomotor retardation syndrome in children. So is it really effective to cure speech delay with acupuncture? Through this article of SignsSymptomsList will help you learn more about the effects of acupuncture in treating speech delay.


Overview of speech delay in children

Speech is a form of communication, expressed through sound. Speech has three components: voice, pronunciation, and fluency. Speech and language disorders are developmental abnormalities of language. This condition is most common in childhood developmental delays. Speech delay is a condition where a child's language develops in the correct sequence, but at a slower rate.

Cure speech delay with acupuncture, revealing secrets

Parents who spend less time with their children can slow down their children's speech

Recognizing signs

Depending on the age, the symptoms of speech delay in children will be different. Eg:

  • By the time your baby is 4 months old, your baby won't respond to loud noises, won't make a "growl" sound, or won't be able to imitate other sounds.
  • When a baby is 12 months old, but can't say a single word, including "dad" and "mom", doesn't babble.
  • By 16 months, does not respond to words, and does not point at objects to ask questions.
  • When your baby is 24 months old, but still can't say 15 words in total...

Manifestations of this condition are diverse, and parents need to pay attention to their baby's activities and activities, and take them to a specialist facility for early recognition and treatment.



Speech delay accompanied by hearing loss, other ENT disease, or damage to the language area of ​​the brain (birth defects, cerebral palsy, sequelae in cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis, ..).


The baby is neglected or spoiled too much. Or there is an event that seriously affects the child's psyche.


Speech delay is a common symptom of autism spectrum disorder.

Cure speech delay with acupuncture, revealing secrets

Children 3-4 years of age with normal development can speak complex sentences

Should I treat speech delay with acupuncture for children?

In a study that treated 20 children with autism, acupuncture was combined with speech therapy. The scientists divided 20 children into two groups, both performing speech therapy twice a week. Particularly for group 2, the combination of Bach Hoi, Nhan Trung, Brain Protector, Brain Score and Aphasia using the Yamamoto method was combined. After 6 months, measuring language ability again, it was found that the combined method of acupuncture had a significant effect on the child's language development.

Another study, using laser acupuncture to treat speech delay in children with autism also improved children's language ability. And scientists also clearly show that acupuncture is not a stand-alone treatment. It should be combined with other treatment methods: such as speech therapy, music therapy, traditional medicine, or massage, etc.

How to cure speech delay with acupuncture


Indicated in cases of speech delay due to psychomotor retardation, autism, psychological causes, etc.


In cases of speech delay due to brain diseases: meningitis, birth defects, brain hemorrhage, the causes of speech delay should be treated.

Weak body, not enough strength to acupuncture.

Acupoints used to treat speech delay with acupuncture

Bach Hoi

Location: The intersection of the line connecting the two tops of the pinna and the vertical line between the head. It is the convergence of the yang meridians.


Location: Located in the median groove, is the point dividing the upper third and lower 2/3 of the core.

Brain for

Location: the depression on the outer humerus, which is the gateway to the brain, from the point of Phong Phu measured up to 1.5 cun.

Language area 1 (according to the tip)

According to the tip, the language area is located above the lower 2/5 on the motor cortex.

Cure speech delay with acupuncture, revealing secrets

Language zone location 1: 2/5 below the stadium

How to prick

The scalp area is thin, so needles are often skewed, using small, short needles.

Can combine laser acupuncture, electroacupuncture or warm acupuncture and infrared light.

Possible risks when treating speech delay with acupuncture

  • Children are small and thin skin, so it can cause a lot of pain for the baby, the baby will cry a lot.
  • Hematoma, bleeding under the skin.
  • Often babies have never received acupuncture, so they need to have their parents around so that they won't be afraid of the doctor.

Note when treating speech delay with acupuncture

  • When treating speech delay for children with acupuncture should pay attention.
  • Identify the cause of speech delay: pathological, psychological, or autistic syndrome. And choose a treating doctor with the right treatment method.
  • If it is the first time giving acupuncture to a child, parents should prepare questions to ask the doctor about the pathology as well as acupuncture methods. Such as acupuncture treatment time, acupuncture course, combination treatments.
  • When the needle is inserted, it can make the baby hurt and cry, so parents should bring a towel for the baby. And always there to comfort.
  • Do not scold the child during treatment. Because one of the causes of speech delay is psychological.
  • Regularly praise, encourage and cheer the child. When your baby says new words, actively praise her.
  • Spend time caring, talking and interacting with your baby for a better recovery.
  • After acupuncture, the baby should stay in the acupuncture facility for 15-30 minutes to monitor the reaction. When you come back, let the baby rest.
  • If you see that your baby has symptoms of sweating, difficulty breathing, breathing up, immediately notify the doctor for treatment for timely treatment.

Other methods combined with acupuncture to cure speech delay

Listening to music

Listening to music is an effective way, because melody, and words can stimulate the language area of ​​the brain better.

Massage the acupoints

Besides curing speech delay with acupuncture , parents at home can also regularly massage the language motor area on the baby's head. This measure not only helps the baby feel comfortable, but also good for the treatment process.

Speech therapy

This is a method commonly used by therapists. Practice talking to your baby, teach your baby every word, practice pronunciation, etc.

Create a friendly environment

Family is a home, a place where children feel safe to develop language. Avoid yelling, hitting, or arguing between parents in raising children. That will scare the baby, and not cooperate.

Cure speech delay with acupuncture, revealing secrets

Being close and letting children listen to music are also effective ways to cure speech delay

Hopefully, through this article, parents can better understand their children's condition and have good treatment support methods. Thank you readers for accompanying SignsSymptomsList.

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