Should people with stomach pain eat bananas?

Banana is a very healthy fruit, providing many essential nutrients for the body. However, people with stomach pain should eat bananas and why? The answer will be in the article below.

People with stomach pain need to pay a lot of attention to their nutrition, avoid eating some foods that are harmful to the disease. So, should you eat bananas if you have a stomachache? Are bananas harmful or beneficial for people with stomach pain? 

Benefits of bananas

Before looking for an answer to the question of whether you should eat bananas for stomach pain, you also need to understand more about the uses and nutrients that this fruit brings, specifically: 

Bananas have the right amount of carbs

Like most fruits, bananas also contain carbs, but at a healthy level. This amount of carbs is suitable for both people with diabetes (½ fruit for snacks) and those who abstain from carbs to lose weight can also eat bananas regularly. 

Should people with stomach pain eat bananas?

Banana - "Superfood" with many health benefits

Abundant potassium

Stomach pain should eat bananas? Bananas contain quite a lot of potassium, almost much more than other fruits, so they have a stable blood pressure control effect, which is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Besides, eating bananas also prevents the risk of stroke , keeps bones and teeth strong, and enhances muscle activity. 

Rich in vitamins

Bananas are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin B6, which supports the body's natural metabolism and enhances development for fetuses and children. This is also the reason why bananas are always recommended to be used in baby's dishes. The content of vitamin C in bananas is also very high, capable of preventing free radicals, anti-oxidants for cells, increasing resistance, ...

Beneficial for the digestive system

Bananas have a large amount of prebiotic active ingredients, which are very good for beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, preventing diarrhea , constipation , bloating, indigestion, bloating, etc. People with irritable bowel syndrome are recommended. It is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas a day to reduce symptoms of the disease. 

If you have stomach pain, should you eat bananas? Why?

Patients with stomach pain should eat bananas or not is a question that receives a lot of attention. In fact, stomach pain with recurrence of pain does not depend much on eating and daily living. Therefore, the issue of what to eat and what to avoid is very important. 

Many people think that bananas are not suitable for people with stomach pain because of the risk of making the condition worse or worse, but the reality is quite the opposite. Bananas are even very good for the digestive system, contain many beneficial nutrients and taste very delicious, easy to eat too. 

Nutritionists encourage stomach pain patients to eat bananas for the following reasons: 

  • The abundant potassium content in bananas helps the digestive system, increases laxative properties, prevents indigestion and minimizes unwanted stomach pain. Besides, potassium also stimulates the production of mucus to protect the stomach lining. 
  • Pectin in bananas also enhances pain relief, stimulates smooth, healthy digestion, improves digestive problems and stomach pain. 
  • Diverse antioxidants make bananas a fruit that stomach pain patients should eat, support to prevent the formation and development of stomach tumors, prevent stomach cancer .
  • Bananas also strengthen the stomach's protection from HP bacteria - an extremely dangerous bacteria, the main cause of stomach diseases. 

Stomach pain should eat bananas? Should eat 1-2 fruits / day is very good for the digestive system

In short, the question of whether stomach pain should eat bananas has an answer. Patients with stomach pain should add bananas to their daily meals to promote health. Some notes when eating bananas such as: 

  • Should only eat ripe bananas, should not eat green bananas or unripe bananas, it will create conditions for the plastic in bananas to hurt the stomach, stimulate contractions, cause gnawing, discomfort. 
  • It is best to eat bananas 20-30 minutes after a meal. 
  • Do not eat bananas when too hungry or too full. 
  • Choosing the right type of banana with personal preferences will stimulate more appetite. 
  • Should eat 1-2 bananas per day, avoid overdoing it. 

Patients with stomach pain should eat what is good for health? 

Eating habits such as eating too fast, not chewing well or eating a lot of fat, sugar, stimulants, alcohol, ... cause a lot of harm to the stomach, especially for patients with stomach pain. You should change to a healthy, scientific diet with the following foods to support the treatment of diseases and prevent unpleasant pain. 

Fruit: Stomach pain should eat bananas? Bananas in particular and fruits in general, are very good for people with stomach pain. The fruits you should add such as apples, avocados, berries, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapes, watermelons, prunes, papayas, pears, mangoes, oranges, peaches, kiwis, etc.

Green vegetables:  In addition to fruits, green vegetables also bring many benefits for stomach pain such as stimulating digestion, reducing constipation, increasing fiber, beneficial for the intestinal tract, ... Green vegetables such as asparagus , tomatoes, broccoli/white, cabbage, purple cabbage, carrots, corn, kohlrabi, mushrooms, onions, spinach, jute, spinach, bell peppers, zucchini, squash, ... should be varied in daily meals, change many ways of processing to make the dish more attractive. 

Protein from meat:  People with stomach pain do not need to abstain from protein, but you should choose high-quality, low-fat protein sources such as beans, tofu, mushrooms, peas, salmon, lentils, peanut butter, lean beef, sprouts, ... to supplement the body with essential nutrients that are still good for health. 

Should people with stomach pain eat bananas?

Patients with stomach pain should have a variety of protein sources and avoid fatty foods

Starch: Bread, cereals, nuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, pumpkin, biscuits, rice, noodles, etc. are all rich sources of starch. Patients with stomach pain should cook soft, avoid eating rice, foods that are too dry and hard, causing stomach irritation and recurrence of uncomfortable pain. 

So the question of whether you should eat bananas with stomach pain has just been answered by SignsSymptomsList through the information in the above article, hoping to help readers build a healthy, healthy eating menu. Although bananas are good, it is best to avoid overeating, only eating 1-2 fruits/day is best. 

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