What causes calf pain during pregnancy? Measures to prevent calf pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women with calf pain is a very common phenomenon and has almost become a part of pregnancy. This brings a lot of trouble as well as causes fatigue and discomfort for pregnant women. So what are the causes of calf pain during pregnancy? What should pregnant women do to prevent this situation?

During pregnancy, almost all pregnant women experience calf pain. However, the cause of calf pain in pregnant women is not well known. Let's find out with SignsSymptomsList about the causes and prevention of calf pain in pregnant women in the article below!

When do pregnant women have leg pain?

Calf pain begins to appear from the end of the 2nd trimester (from the 13th to the 27th week of pregnancy) until the beginning of the 3rd trimester (from the 28th to the 40th week of pregnancy). ). Moreover, the phenomenon of pregnant women with leg pain becomes even more obvious in the last 3 months of pregnancy. Due to this stage, the fetus has grown and the baby's pressure is pressing on the pregnant woman's legs, making the mother more susceptible to pain and fatigue. This calf pain phenomenon occurs more often at night than during the day.

When pregnant women have calf pain, the most common signs are leg edema , swollen feet. In addition, the pain can radiate to both the back of the leg and the hip, and areas such as ankles or feet are the most susceptible to swelling. These manifestations make it difficult for pregnant women to move, making pregnant women tend to be lazy to exercise, instead sitting and lying a lot.

After giving birth, calf pain may go away, it may be mild, or it may get worse. Therefore, during pregnancy, taking care of the health of pregnant women is extremely important and necessary.

What causes calf pain during pregnancy?  Measures to prevent calf pain during pregnancy

Calf pain is evident in the last 3 months of pregnancy

Causes of calf pain during pregnancy 

When the calf pain, especially in the last 3 months, makes pregnant women feel uncomfortable, tired, causes stress, insomnia, negatively affects health. So what causes calf pain during pregnancy? 

Pregnant women have calf pain due to weight gain

The day-by-day growth of the fetus makes pregnant women gain weight rapidly, which increases in weight will put a great deal of pressure on the ligaments of the pregnant woman. And staying for a long time when these strings are stretched, will cause low arch condition. This occurs when the tendons of the foot become flattened. At that time, this phenomenon can stretch the plantar fascia, which is the ligament system that holds the arch of the foot, thereby causing pain in the foot.

The rapid increase in body weight during pregnancy is a cause of calf pain in pregnant women

Due to hormonal changes

During the last 3 months of pregnancy, hormone levels increase, the mother's body increases production of a hormone that is Relaxin. This hormone takes on the role of relaxing the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis, which prepares the mother for labor. This also leads to stretching of the muscles and ligaments in the leg area, causing inflammation and pain in the legs.

Changes in blood circulation

Pregnancy causes blood circulation to the legs to change, which leads to fluid retention in the legs as well as around the ankles. Besides, when the uterus enlarges and compresses the blood vessels, the blood does not circulate and is trapped, leading to edema in the legs.

Calf pain due to cramps

This phenomenon occurs very common in pregnant women, the cause is due to the lack of calcium or excess phosphorus in pregnant women . Cramps often occur at night after the foot has been walking and active during the day. Besides, the weight gain during pregnancy is also the reason why pregnant women are more prone to cramps.

Varicose vein

One of the causes of calf pain in pregnant women is varicose veins, this condition accounts for nearly 20% of pregnant women. This may be due to the body producing extra blood in the circulatory system, which increases pressure on the vein walls causing the veins to dilate. That causes calf pain in pregnant women.

Wrong posture of movement 

Towards the end of pregnancy, the fetus grows more and more, causing the center of gravity of the pregnant woman's body to be deflected. Since then, the mobility of pregnant women is affected. When exercising less, the inappropriate sitting, sleeping or standing posture can compress the blood vessels in the legs, reducing blood flow to the legs, and at the same time reducing the oxygen supply. Thereby, causing pain and fatigue in the limbs.

Calf pain due to lack of water 

Water is an indispensable ingredient for humans, especially for pregnant women. When there is a lack of water or dehydration , the metabolism of the mother's body is slowed down, leading to stagnation of lactic acid, causing pain in the skeletal muscles.

Lack of water is one of the reasons pregnant women have calf pain

Measures to prevent calf pain in pregnant women

Most calf pain is not dangerous, but it brings fatigue and discomfort to pregnant women, especially at night. This situation happens often, causing pregnant women to lose sleep, cause fatigue, loss of appetite, and greatly affect health. Therefore, pregnant women need to take measures to prevent this situation. As follows:

  • Build a reasonable diet: Pregnant women with leg pain are due to a lack of nutrients, calcium deficiency. Please add and balance calcium-rich foods into your daily diet such as fish, eggs, seafood... In addition, pregnant women should also eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains. , beans, nuts and seeds... Besides, pregnant women can take calcium and magnesium supplements, but need to consult a doctor before use.
  • Drink a lot of water: It is best for pregnant women to drink a lot of water every day or drink milk for pregnant women, drink fruit juices to strengthen the body's nutrients. Besides, pregnant women should drink water at any time instead of waiting until they are thirsty to drink.
  • Raise your legs as much as possible: Pregnant women practice raising their legs 15 - 30cm from the heart for about 15-20 minutes with pillows, blankets, etc. This is very effective in supporting blood circulation.
  • Lying on your side at rest: This is a way to relieve weight pressure on the inferior vena cava of the leg, making the leg feel more comfortable and relaxed.
  • Leg rotation exercise helps blood circulation in the ankle: That is, pregnant women sit with one leg lifted. Rotate the ankle to the right 10 times, then to the left. Then switch legs and repeat 10 times. This method helps pregnant women treat leg pain quite effectively, pregnant mothers should try it.
  • Hot or heavy compress: This is a way to reduce swelling and pain in the feet quickly. In addition, a simple remedy that can relieve pain is a warm bath.
  • Foot massage: When massaging your feet, you should combine them with carrier oils mixed with essential oils such as chamomile, lavender or mint. This method not only brings comfort and relaxation, but also treats fatigue and pain of pregnant women.
  • Foot bath: Before going to bed, apply the method of foot bath for pregnant women with ingredients such as salt, wormwood leaves, guise leaves, lemon, salt, lemongrass. This way can improve blood circulation because under the influence of heat, the blood vessels in the feet will be dilated, then blood will circulate more easily. Besides, it also helps pregnant women sleep soundly. 

What causes calf pain during pregnancy?  Measures to prevent calf pain during pregnancy

Foot bath can improve blood circulation and help pregnant women sleep better

Thus, it can be seen that calf pain is not dangerous, but it makes pregnant women feel uncomfortable and tired. Hopefully, the above article can help readers understand the causes of calf pain during pregnancy and know preventive measures to help pregnant women have a healthy pregnancy before giving birth.

What causes calf pain during pregnancy? Measures to prevent calf pain during pregnancy

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