Should I use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not?

Drunk will cause the body to appear unpleasant symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, uncontrollable behavior, ... thereby causing consequences that we can hardly foresee. As a result, many people have turned to some anti-drunk product. So is Me 21 anti-drunk drug really good or not?

Drunk not only makes us feel uncomfortable but also damages the function of internal organs in the body. Finding anti-drunk products is now considered the optimal solution. Some people are now also wondering if Me 21 is really effective or not? 

What effect does alcohol have on the human body?

Before going into the problem of whether Me 21 is really effective or not, we need to know what effects alcohol will have on human health.

Alcohol is a mixed solution of water and ethanol. Depending on the ingredients to brew wine, they will have different specific flavors.

When drinking alcohol into the body, alcohol will be absorbed by the blood, of which up to 80% is in the small intestine and the remaining 20% ​​will be in the stomach. The rate of absorption also depends on the physical condition of each person.

Alcohol will cause unpleasant symptoms for the body if we drink it in high doses

Next, alcohol will disperse according to cell tissues in many other organs, for example, alcohol can be found in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Therefore, it is very easy for us to determine the alcohol concentration in the breath, blood or urine, ...

The liver is the organ responsible for the elimination of alcohol, the rest will be excreted through sweat and urine. When absorbed into the body, alcohol has the potential to affect the liver and central nervous system. Specifically:

  • For the liver: The liver and the support of the NAD enzyme will participate in the detoxification process and eliminate toxins in alcohol outside the body. If you drink too much alcohol, the body does not have enough time to secrete enough NAD enzyme to take over this role, alcohol will accumulate, directly affecting liver function, leading to hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer . liver .
  • For the central nervous system: Alcohol will inhibit the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum, the spinal cord and the medullary center. This is the reason why when drinking a large amount of alcohol, you often experience dizziness , reduced judgment, and uncontrolled emotions and behaviors.

Should I use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not?

Most of the time, anti-drunk drugs or anti-alcohol drugs when waking up are usually made into many types, most of which are Me-21, Pamin, mewol-21, decolgen, aspirin,... Used to relieve pain and headache after drinking alcohol. 

Many people after drinking too much alcohol will turn to alcohol products to improve the unpleasant symptoms caused, and the anti-drunk drug Me 21 is one of them. However, they are not drugs but are only considered as a functional food to help enhance alcohol metabolism and eliminate toxins in order to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on liver function.

Should I use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not?

We can use Me 21 to limit the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver

When absorbed by the body, alcohol is distributed to the cells inside the body. There, they are gradually converted to acetaldehyde, a substance that causes symptoms of intoxication or even alcohol poisoning

And products like Me 21 work to limit the formation of acetaldehyde, and help filter and eliminate them outside the body through the urine or sweat excretion system.

Therefore, to the question of whether to use anti-drunk medicine Me 21 or not, the answer is: "Yes". However, for those who drink too much alcohol, it will be difficult to remove all the chemicals that have been absorbed into the body, so drinkers still experience drunkenness, dizziness, headaches, ...

Criteria for selection of anti-drunk drugs

Currently, in addition to the anti-drunk drug Me 21, there are many products with similar uses on the market. In which, some types of unknown origin are still circulating. 

Therefore, you need to be very careful and should keep the following criteria in mind when choosing an antidote:

  • Products with clear origin: This is an important factor, deciding whether the use of the product will bring good results or not. Medicines must be manufactured and distributed by reputable brands and licensed by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.
  • Pay attention to the use of the drug: Not only can it reduce the unpleasant symptoms of alcohol, but the products need to have the function of supporting liver protection after drinking alcohol , lowering liver enzymes, ...
  • The ingredients inside must be really benign, extracted from natural herbs.

Currently, Me 21 Asia Alcohol is being trusted and chosen by many people thanks to its fast alcohol support and extremely effective liver protection. 

ME-21 alcohol detox tablets have the effect of supporting metabolism, eliminating aldehydes

Asia ME-21 alcohol detox tablets work to support metabolism, eliminate aldehydes and reduce the feeling of drunkenness, help drunk people quickly return to normal, protect the liver and nerve cells against the harmful effects of beer and alcohol. 

The above content has partly answered the question of whether to use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not of many people today. Hopefully through the content of the article, you will find products that support alcohol detoxification and protect your liver well.

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Should I use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not?

Should I use anti-drunk drug Me 21 or not?

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