Concussion: Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Concussions can occur at any age, and are usually caused by a fall. So is concussion dangerous? Post by Master, Doctor Vu Thanh Do
Concussions can occur at any age, and are usually caused by a fall. So is concussion dangerous? Post by Master, Doctor Vu Thanh Do
Article by Doctor Ngo Minh Quan about subdural hematoma. This is a common bleeding condition in the subdural space in traumatic brain injury
Leukodystrophy is a rare genetic disorder. Let's learn more about this disease in the following article!
The article was consulted by medical doctor Dao Thi Thu Huong about absence epilepsy, a disease more common in children than in adults.
Primary lateral sclerosis can affect motor neurons. Causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease will be shared in the article right below.
Shingles is an infection caused by the Varicella virus. Affects skin and nerves with blistering and burning sensation
Doctor Vu Thanh Do's article on Multisystem atrophy - governs blood pressure, breathing, bladder function and muscle control.
Also learn about brain cancer through the article of Dr. Le Hoang Ngoc Tram to understand the symptoms, causes and treatment methods of this disease.
What is a hemifacial convulsion? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease? Let's find out right in the following article!