What is hickey sign? Is hickey dangerous?

Hickey is a youth term that has emerged recently. What is hickey sign? Let's learn about this hickey term with SignsSymptomsList!

Hickey, also known as love bite, makes love more passionate. However, the love bite leaves some red bruises that many people worry about not knowing what the hickey sign is? Hickey dangerous or not? Let's go deeper with SignsSymptomsList on this issue!

What is hickey sign?

Hickey is the term used to refer to bites, kisses, or sucking marks that create bruises on the surface of the lover's skin. Usually, hickey marks will appear on sensitive skin such as on the neck, collarbone during intimacy or during foreplay. Hickey will help stimulate and cause excitement during sex, this is also a way to mark sovereignty in couples.

 What is Hickey? This is  a bite mark, kiss, or love sucker

Similar to other bruises, hickey marks should fade in about 2 weeks. When a lover bites or kisses a delicate area of ​​skin such as the neck or chest, the force of the bite will break the small blood vessels under the surface of the skin in this area. Bruises on the skin will change color over time from dark red or purple to yellow and fading.

Is hickey dangerous?

After knowing what hickey marks are , whether they are dangerous is also a problem that many people wonder. Generally hickeys are harmless. However, there are some rare cases or many rumors about the harmful effects of bites. So is hickey dangerous? Is it harmful to health?

Can Hickeys transmit oral herpes?

According to WHO statistics, there are 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 have HSV-1 (oral herpes). This is the strain of herpes that can cause sores and affects 67% of the world's population. This herpes is highly contagious even without oral contact.

If your partner is suffering from oral herpes, you are at a very high risk of contracting this disease when your partner hickeys during sex. The pressure of the kiss increases the likelihood of transmission. Furthermore, the herpes virus can also be active outside the mouth, such as the neck or face.

Does Hickey Cause a Stroke?

The incidence of hickey stroke during sex is very low. However, there is still a rare case recorded in 2011 when a 44-year-old woman in New Zealand suffered a stroke due to hickey's sign. The hickey left her half paralyzed. From that, it can be seen that, although hickeys do not have a major impact on health, you should still be careful in the process of biting your partner because they can still have the potential to cause a stroke later.

Hickey marks are actually bruises caused by broken blood vessels

Love bites that can't dissolve instantly?

As mentioned above, hickey bites like other bruises cannot be treated or made to disappear immediately. You can only use some treatment measures such as when treating a common bruise like applying ice or applying a cold spoon to the hickeys area to reduce swelling and dissolve the bruise on the surface of the skin.

You can only make the hickey sign less red. Then you can use concealer to apply on this part to blur them. Most hickey marks will not fade quickly within 1 to 2 weeks.

What are some tips for fading hickey stains?

There is no way to instantly fade or treat hickeys quickly. This can make you shy around other people. Here are some tips that can help you hide a hickey bite:

  • You can use makeup powder, foundation, skin color cushion to apply on hickey to cover bruises.
  • Use a medical bandage to cover the mark.
  • Wear an extra scarf if in cold weather.
  • A closed-neck or turtleneck top can be worn to naturally hide the hickey.

What is hickey sign?  Is hickey dangerous?

You can use makeup products to hide hickey marks

In addition, you can also apply some of the following ways to speed up bruising and fade hickey such as:

  • Apply ice for the first few days.
  • Apply warm on the third day.
  • Massage gently at the hickey mark.
  • Apply ointments and vitamins.

A safe hickey way to spice up every love affair

You and your partner can communicate clearly and openly about bed issues. The harmony of both souls is very important in any romantic and sexual relationship. You can confide this hickey problem with your lover:

  • If the hickey lover is too much in one area, offer to change in another location.
  • Ask your partner to be gentler if you feel unsettled or in pain.
  • Hickey should be in safe areas, avoiding areas with too many blood vessels and nerves.

When should I see a doctor?

You should see a doctor if the hickey sign gives you some trouble such as:

  • Love bites show no signs of fading or disappearing after a few weeks.
  • The bruise is more painful than usual.
  • You see other bruises appearing on your body.
  • There is a tumor appearing on the bruise.

Hickey is a spice that helps increase feelings of excitement during sex or during intimacy if you know how to kiss properly and safely. Hopefully, through the above article, readers know what hickey signs are and have an objective view of them to help increase the flavor of each love.

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What is hickey sign? Is hickey dangerous?

What is hickey sign? Is hickey dangerous?

Hickey is a youth term that has emerged recently. What is hickey sign? Let's learn about this hickey term with SignsSymptomsList!

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