Whats wrong with bleeding after having sex?

Many women have bleeding during sex even though it may have just ended their menstrual cycle. So what's wrong with bleeding after having sex? The following article will help you get the answer.

According to specialists, in fact, many women suffer from abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as vaginal bleeding between menstrual cycles or bleeding after sex . This is very concerning, because any unusual changes indicate that you have a problem. Read the full article to answer if you have just finished your period, what's wrong with bleeding and how to deal with it.

The reason for having just stopped bleeding during intercourse

Bleeding during sex can be due to many different reasons. If you determine the right cause, you will no longer worry about bleeding after sex.

What's wrong with bleeding after having sex? Bleeding during sex can have many causes.

Physiological causes

Bleeding after sex can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

Due to residual menstrual blood

After sex, if you see bleeding but do not have any other abnormal symptoms, it is most likely just residual menstrual blood. Because sex will cause the uterine muscles to contract, this will push the remaining blood out. 

If the cause is due to residual menstrual blood, you do not need to worry if you have just stopped bleeding during intercourse .

Due to hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the lining of the cervical canal to descend into the main body of the cervix. At this time, if the couple has sex, it can affect this mucosa and cause bleeding.

Due to diseases

If you have just finished your period and have bleeding from physiological causes, you are not too worried, but if it is due to a medical condition, you should pay attention to monitor and take timely treatment measures.

Due to gynecological infection

What's wrong with bleeding after having sex? Bleeding after sex can be a warning of sexually transmitted diseases.

Bleeding after sex can warn women about sexually transmitted infections in women, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc. The consequences of gynecological infections are causing the cervix to become swollen. Inflammation, the blood vessels in this area swell, thereby increasing the risk of bleeding during sex. Women need to see a doctor early to be treated with the right antibiotic.

Bleeding after sex can also be caused by other infections, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). 

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Cervical polyps

Women with cervical polyps may also experience bleeding after sex, experts say. Cervical polyps are small, long growths on the cervix that often cause bleeding that worries patients. But the good news is that most cervical polyps do not develop into cancer, and doctors can remove them easily. Women need to examine and perform minor surgery to improve the situation as prescribed by the doctor if necessary.

Due to cervical gland

Cervical ectropion (or cervical erosion) is quite common in women of reproductive age. Then, the soft cells (glandular cells) lining the inside of the cervical canal spread to the outside of the cervix, where the hard cells (epithelial cells) are usually present. Hormonal changes, taking birth control pills or being pregnant,... are some of the causes of this condition.

Cervical ectropion can cause you to bleed after sex, but it is not dangerous to your health and women do not need treatment (unless the symptoms are too severe, affecting daily activities). .

Due to endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells in the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus. Although rare, it is possible for a woman to bleed after sex even during her period if these cells develop on the cervix or in the vagina. 

One of the most common symptoms of endometriosis is pelvic pain during menstruation and during sex. If you suspect you have bleeding after sex even though your period has stopped due to this condition, you need to see a doctor for advice on appropriate treatment.

Due to cervical cancer

Although not a common cause, cervical cancer can also cause women to bleed after sex. Therefore, going to the doctor early when detecting abnormal signs is a way for you to protect your body and health. If you wonder if you have just finished your period, what's wrong with bleeding and notice many signs similar to uterine cancer, go to the hospital to check it out right away!

What's wrong with bleeding after having sex? Cervical cancer can also cause bleeding in women after sex.

Other causes

In addition to physiological and pathological causes, bleeding during intercourse can also be caused by:

Side effects of birth control pills

Women who use birth control pills are very likely to experience vaginal bleeding even if they are not on their period. Even abnormal bleeding due to birth control pills can occur during sex. 

To deal with it, try taking birth control pills at the same time every day to see if this improves. Besides, you can consult your doctor for advice on using another drug, avoiding the worry of having to worry about bleeding after having sex.

What's wrong with bleeding after having sex? Using birth control pills is very easy to experience vaginal bleeding even if you are not in your period.

Due to damage to the vagina

During sex, if the vagina is too dry plus too much friction, it can also cause the private area to be damaged and bleed after sex. If this is really the cause, couples just need to choose softer positions when having sex. If you find the vagina dry and obstructed, use more lubricant to reduce dryness and make sex more comfortable.

What should I do if my period has just stopped bleeding?

Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that women go to the doctor early to determine the exact cause of the condition that has just stopped bleeding, and has a timely remedy:

  • Bleeding after sex due to physiological factors, this condition will stop after a short time.
  • In case the cause is due to pathological factors, the specialist will have appropriate indications for each specific disease.
  • Other causes: If it is caused by birth control pills, you should consult your doctor about switching to another type of birth control pill. If it is due to damage to the private area, simply prioritize a gentle posture, combined with the use of lubricants.

Women just need to pay attention, pay attention to the unusual symptoms of the body, proactively find out the cause and have timely treatment, then you will no longer worry about wondering if the bleeding is okay when the period is over. .

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