What are the uses of Anlene milk? Drinking milk Anlene has diarrhea?

Drinking milk Anlene has diarrhea? Answering this question is very important for those who are learning and intending to supplement this milk for the body.
Drinking milk Anlene has diarrhea? Answering this question is very important for those who are learning and intending to supplement this milk for the body.
We all know that yogurt is a food that contains many beneficial bacteria and essential nutritional values for the health of the digestive system. However, people with diarrhea should eat yogurt? Let's find out in the article below!
Orange juice is always a favorite drink of many pregnant women because of the benefits it brings to the body. Not only delicious, orange juice also provides many essential vitamins and minerals, beautifies the skin, supports weight loss, enhances resistance health for both mother and baby. But should pregnant women with diarrhea drink orange juice?
Tanagel is considered a fairly common drug in the treatment of diarrhea caused by intestinal bacteria in children and infants. With the main ingredient is gelatin tannate which is not dissociated by stomach acid, thus effectively helping to treat diarrhea.