Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes need to eat and drink carefully. Many foods are good for health, but eating them incorrectly can be harmful to pregnant women. So can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

Pregnant women often tell each other that eating duck eggs can help the fetus develop better. As a food with many nutrients, mothers are not afraid to add duck eggs to the daily menu. But what about pregnant women with diabetes? Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

What is gestational diabetes?

Food is converted into glucose by the body. Glucose is converted into energy for the cells and for the body's vital activities. However, in order to transport glucose into the blood into cells, the body needs the hormone insulin - a hormone produced in the pancreas. 

Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy, thereby controlling blood sugar levels. When the body produces enough insulin, blood sugar stays in balance. But when the body doesn't produce enough insulin, blood sugar gets out of balance and causes diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is a disorder of blood sugar metabolism that develops during pregnancy. At this time, the mother's body with increased energy needs, hormonal changes and the influence of placental hormones will not produce enough insulin (usually 2-3 times higher than normal). So, about 10% of pregnant women have gestational diabetes. 

When finding out that she has this disease, pregnant women should immediately adjust their nutritional menu. Without learning what gestational diabetes should abstain from and in time, both the mother and the fetus may face dangerous complications. This is also the reason why many pregnant women wonder if gestational diabetes can eat duck eggs. 

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes need nutritional advice from a doctor

Benefits of duck eggs with pregnant women

Duck eggs have long been considered a unique dish of Vietnam that is loved by many people. In addition, there is a "legend" circulated by pregnant mothers that eating duck eggs is very good for the development of the fetus. Therefore, every pregnant mother wants to add this dish to her menu. 

In Eastern medicine, duck eggs have the effect of nourishing blood, cultivating yin, benefiting intelligence, and supporting the growth of the body. According to modern medicine, duck eggs provide essential nutrients such as: 

  • Protein makes up about 20% of the body, necessary for the comprehensive development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the mother. 
  • Vitamin A is important for the development of your baby's vision, bones and teeth.
  • Potassium helps balance blood sugar, prevent gestational hypertension and protect heart health for the mother. This element also works to reduce cramps during pregnancy that are common in pregnant women. At the same time, khaki is also important for the formation of muscles and the nervous system of the fetus. 
  • Vitamin H (biotin) participates in the body's metabolism along with insulin. Biotin works with other enzymes to burn sugar for energy. From there, it helps control blood sugar for pregnant women. 
  • Calcium is extremely necessary for both mother and baby. For mothers, calcium helps prevent pregnancy osteoporosis. For babies, calcium is an important element in the development of bones and teeth. 
  • Lutein greatly affects the formation of the face and can determine a child's lifelong vision later in life.
  • Choline is good for fetal cell formation, reducing the risk of neural tube defects. 

Duck eggs deserve to be a nutritional supplement for pregnant women

Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

Diabetes in general and gestational diabetes in particular require a strict diet. Women with gestational diabetes learn that gestational diabetes is not necessary to eat duck eggs. 

Doctors said that women with gestational diabetes can completely eat duck eggs. The reason is: The ingredient in foods that diabetics need to limit their consumption is carbs. Duck eggs have very little of this ingredient, in 1.5 duck eggs only contain about 1g of carbs. Therefore, after eating this food, blood sugar can still be stable at an acceptable level. 

However, the amount of food for people with gestational diabetes should be limited. Each duck egg can contain about 600mg of cholesterol. Meanwhile, the recommended cholesterol intake should not exceed 200mg/day. People with diabetes, especially those with additional cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure eat duck eggs regularly will increase the risk of heart attack , stroke and other complications. 

A duck egg can provide 911 mcg of vitamin A. While the body's need is about 600 mcg / day. Adding a source of vitamin A from other foods, if you eat duck eggs regularly, pregnant women are prone to excess vitamin A. Accompanying symptoms are often fatigue, jaundice, headache, hair loss, bone pain...

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should eat duck eggs in a reasonable amount

What should gestational diabetes pay attention to when eating duck eggs?

Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs? The answer is yes. But what is reasonable and healthy eating?

  • To control blood cholesterol, pregnant women with gestational diabetes should not eat duck eggs more than twice a month. 
  • It is best for pregnant women to eat duck eggs in the morning. This is a nutrient-rich food, if eaten in the evening or before going to bed, it can cause indigestion and bloating.
  • Duck eggs are often served with ginger and laksa leaves to increase flavor and fight cold. But laksa leaves have a stimulant that causes uterine contractions, so pregnant women need to abstain in the first months of pregnancy. If eating duck eggs at this stage, pregnant women should give up laksa leaves, can eat with ginger to avoid cold stomach. 

What should gestational diabetes eat ? That's what pregnant women should learn as soon as they know they have gestational diabetes. When it is known that gestational diabetes can eat duck eggs , pregnant women can rest assured to use this nutritious food properly. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and a well-developed baby waiting for the day of birth!

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